Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Is it Thursday yet??? :D
And I'm surprised to hear that I made that promise too, Hottie. You must have me confused with somebody else :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Hey thats tomorrow! ugh dreaded AS exam reslts day :( but at least ill have something to cheer me up now :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I love that scene in Room service where Gil visits Cath at her crime scene via the phone :lol:, it was just soo damn cute :)

Rissa, no worries, I'll see you back at Princeton ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I've seen the clip for this scene and loved it too! He was just within walking distance from her and yet he still called her. Admit it, he likes buzzing her :D

Oh yay! Something to look forward to after school. My happier two months start tomorrow :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Did someone call Room Service? Here's your order.

* --It's just what he does (and he does it so well)--
GRISSOM: Thanks.
MTB REP: Why's he leaving?
SARA: Well, that's kind of what he does.

It's interesting how just reading that line now reminded me of a Trick Pony song - "it's just what I do when I can't get no lovin"

* --the phone call--
Hottie already posted the convo above. Cath's expression was so cute - and Gil's little wave and smirk with the phone = priceless.

* --finding the apartment door--
GRISSOM: We got blood drops.
CATH: Gil. This looks fresh.
GRISSOM: Hey, Brass?

For some reason this scene just sticks in my head. Maybe it has to do with the fact that we've finally got C&G really working together and so comfortable again. I like their expressions when they realize they both could be in danger up there. Gil's call to Brass was cute too.

* --working up a theory--
CATH: 00 buck. Standard shot is nine pellets.
GRISSOM: That would account for all the hits.
CATH: So you're saying that a single shotgun blast, through a security door, took out two separate victims in two separate locations?
GRISSOM: Weird, huh?
GRISSOM: (v.o.) The cab drops Samay Thao in front of this building...... And the position of the blood drops gives us a pretty good idea of where Samay was standing when he was shot. He was a little shorter than me.
CATH: Shots were centered on his chest, about there.
GRISSOM: My guess is, the cab was parked down there. The driver peeled out when he got shot.
CATH: Vertical deflection down to the cab is roughly 60 degrees. Standard shot won't spread that far.
GRISSOM: The pellets must have come through the screen. The old billiard ball effect.
CATH: The cab driver was collateral damage

Again, we finally have another great CG scene - even though they're just working a theory. It's been such a long time since we've seen this dynamic between them. *sigh* those were the days.

* --she always gets the throw-away line!--
ROBBINS: Sounds like your double's becoming a triple.
CATH: Unless you got any more in your drawers?

I always think it's cute that in Cath/Doc convos, TMTB almost always give Cath the punchline!

* --Hodges get a clue--
HODGES: (yawning) Sorry. I just started seeing someone. Had a bit of a late night. Let me ask you something. How do you know when it's gone from just friends to more than?
CATH: Well, if you have to ask, it's just friends.
HODGES: She is making dinner for me this weekend.
CATH: Are you the only guest?
HODGES: Do her roommates count?

hodges asking Cath for relationship advice. *chuckle*

* --processing the car--
more wonderful CG. Their minds seem to be on the same track in this episode. You don't have Cath doing her standard "what the heck is he up to?" expressions.

* --life is cheap--
CATH: I don't buy it. Keo shot him from the other side of a locked door. He was waiting to blow the guy away.
GRISSOM: Which indicates that Keo knew Samay was coming.
SARA: Maybe he hired Samay to kill his brother, and then he decided to cut him out of the deal. Noy had a life insurance policy issued through his union, worth ten grand.
CATH: Life's getting cheaper. Who's the beneficiary?
SARA: Keo was the primary, but check this out. Half the payout goes to Joe

Life definitely is cheap there. These days, ten grand won't even buy much gasoline for your vehicle.

* --what's the word?--
CATH: I got the serial number rundown from Keo's shotgun. He bought it last week, two days before he shot Samay.
GRISSOM: The guy's barely scraping by, and he spends $250 on a brand-new Mossberg?
CATH: There's a word for that. "Premeditation."

So, I have no clue what Nick & Warrick's case was really about - other than some famous guy was dead in his hotel room from kinky sex, his friend Blinky was "pitching a tent" while Sofia & Warrick were interrogating him (which was hilarious), and then there's Doc Robbins' scrapbook of dead celebrity photos!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks, Kaylyne .

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Another great job, Kay. Thanks a lot! This isn't anywhere close to my favorite episode, but I do like a few scene from it. That dorky wave Gil did was...dorky. LOL. I so wanted to hit him when I saw his smirk. And Cath's face when she saw him just a few steps from her was priceless (see the pic Catherine aka bobo posted above). :D I also like the scene where Cath and Gil were searching the apartment. Do you guys remember when Cath was looking at the shotgun? Do you remember how the camera focus on her boys...I mean the shotgun? RAAAAAWWWWRRRRR. :devil:

I like the comparison between the two deaths. They were so different when they were alive. One of them was a rising star with a bright future and a wealthy life; the other one had to work so hard just to satisfy the basic needs of his life without knowing whether his ideal life would really come true. But after they had died, they were really no difference between them.

BTW, the cousins from this episode were from Laos, weren't they? But the newspaper on the table in the dead one's apartment was written in Chinese. xD

And here, is Cath and the boys...I mean the shotgun. :D

Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

EricaSJ said:
BTW, the cousins from this episode were from Laos, weren't they? But the newspaper on the table in the dead one's apartment was written in Chinese. xD

Might they have been Laotian Chinese? I mean, there are Vietnamese of Chinese descent, and Cambodians too. On the other hand, it may have been just another Hollywood slip-up :rolleyes:

EricaSJ said:
And here, is Cath and the boys...I mean the shotgun. :D

My! I hadn't noticed this! :lol:

What someone else pointed out shortly after this episode aired was Catherine extending her hand to reach for Gil's hand or arm to pull him to safety against the wall just before Gil called for Brass. A subtle, very natural gesture that so characterises Cath and Gil, always looking out for each other.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ I totally agree, especially on the natural part. It was like she did it by instinct. :) I also loved how Gil moved to the front of her after they found out the hole on the door and that he went into the apartment before Catherine. Lookig out for each other again? ;)

Hehe ren. That one is one of my favorite caps of all time. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I guess that's the reason I was drawn to all of the CG scenes in this episode - even if they were just processing a scene. Their natural chemistry shows through in even the smallest parts of this episode. Something we lose as S6 goes on, to where even them in the same scene doesn't generate any emotion.

E- that pic should be in the PureJoy Hall of Fame. That's something we can start on when we finish the episode reviews.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

PureJoy Hall of Fame, huh? Sounds like a great idea. I think we really should do it after we finish the episode reviews since we're already in season 6 and there really isn't very much to talk about from this season. LOL. Hey, we can even create categories for the Hall of Fame, like pics, moments, lines, etc. It's going to be a lot of fun. :lol:

Since it's August 17th my time, happy birthday Gil! Can't wait for the fics that are going to pop up on Graveyard Shift Home today, although I really don't know what I'm doing wishing a fictional character a happy birthday. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

omg! the phone call. that was so gil to call her from 20 ft in front of her. really such a partner thing to do, don't you think?

and outside the motel room she did push him back to protect him. and gil going first inside to protect her. that is something i really missed in the later eps. we used to see them doing this sort of thing all the time.

the gun shot! i swear marg fans everywhere went *THUD* on that one, lol!

and finally someone remembered cath's specialty was blood spatter and brought it back in an ep. that, along with the fact that she has always been the one who has been compassionate and involved in kid cases seemed to have been lost somewhere in s5.

and it's almost happy birthday for gil grissom. turning the big 50 very soon. makes me think of one of the books cath looks at in his condo/townhouse in strip strangler "single and 50." i guess we could say he's hit male menopause and we will find out how that differs from the female version with night sweats, hot flashes and increased sex drive.

and 50 for 50 day is tomorrow!!!!!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
and outside the motel room she did push him back to protect him. and gil going first inside to protect her. that is something i really missed in the later eps. we used to see them doing this sort of thing all the time.
Yeah. *sighs* Where has all the natural chemistry gone?

coolcatz said:
the gun shot! i swear marg fans everywhere went *THUD* on that one, lol!
You bet. :D When I saw that, I was like "OMG the camera man just can't help it. Everyone must be smirking in front of that small screen of the camera while they were filming the scene!" :lol: *thud*

coolcatz said:
and finally someone remembered cath's specialty was blood spatter and brought it back in an ep. that, along with the fact that she has always been the one who has been compassionate and involved in kid cases seemed to have been lost somewhere in s5.
Anyone can do anything now. LOL. Investigators can run DNA, DNAs can do Trace's job and so on. *rolls eyes*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

ah! the days when continuity mattered. but anyways. you know the season did end with a companion shot in the motel room with cath. nice of the cameraman to notice again, lol!

room service gave us what makes gil and cath so great. the banter, the caring, the protection, the looks, the views (of both). i do love that gil left his scene to go find cath. he so had to see her.

and i do remember a great animation someone here (kiragrissom) made.
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