Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

kaylyne, I love your long reviews, though I don't reply or comment much, please keep the spirit of PureJoy. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

For season finales: Strip Strangler is still my favorite. The team is all together, having a good time "off the clock" - something we rarely see at all anymore. ITB would probably come in #2. As I said in my last review - how they ended with Nick/Kelly Gordon in GD was just WRONG! - same with this past season finale (you know my feelings on THAT fiasco). What were the other two? Let's see: The hunger artist for season 2. Just a regular episode, nothing special about having it a season finale. Season 4 - Bloodlines - again, nothing special about it. There's no sense of anything special about it for closing out a season other than the team was wrong to begin with, and their error eventually caused a woman to be killed.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

holy s#&$ I just realized that Marg is going to be 50 in two years after this years bday...that's insane...there's no way she looks that old...

oh and bodys in motion funny title for a not so funny ep...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^ Marg does look absolutely fabulous for her age, but 50 isn't really THAT old IMO. ;) Guess that's probably because I'm one of the older people here. LOL. Anyway, I believe it's better to talk about this in the Marg/Catherine thread since it doesn't involve either C/G or Billy.

I think BIM was an okay episode. The reunion of the team made me squee, but yeah, nothing else too memorable except Catherine's little talk with Warrick. But that belongs to the Cath/Warrick thread. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^lmfao!!! you're older? too funny cuz technically i could almost be your mother. and in the warped mind of cm i definately could be.

but yeah, 50 isn't old at all. and personally i think most women hit their most beautiful in their 40s anyway. there's a difference between young beauty and beauty. lucky marg has both.

now billy, ummmm fine specimen there.

bim? uh, did it have a plot? *that will be my answer for most of s6*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Yeah the reunion was good, but then they kinda split them again as Cath said "you get the team back together only to break us apart again. What kind of a perverse game are you playing here, Gil?" the look she gave seemed to me that she was kinda upset that she was being split up from the team but mostly from him, cos her words were quite harsh to him :) (ok that didnt really make sense)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

nope, made perfect sense. i want to know what he told her/promised her if she'd come back.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

hey i never said it was old! and i have to agree...did it have a plot..and no you can't call warricks marriage a much as i wished they'd put personal stuff on there...lets just put it this way i don't want a whole stick of butter in my 1 cup of potatoes
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

coolcatz said:
nope, made perfect sense. i want to know what he told her/promised her if she'd come back.
Well, I know what I wish the answer to that was, but I'm guessing it was more about Cath having a bit more time with Lindsey. The swing shift hours were the worst possible ones for Cath/Lindsey. At least her being back on grave gave her a few more available hours to spend with her.

Bodies in motion:
love the part at the beginning where the whole team comes walking up - kind of in a "united we stand" type of deal. I remember Jorja saying that scene made her feel like she was part of something important.

* I thought it was very interesting how Cath was the first one to speak, and basically giving out the assignments - or at least taking the assignment that she wanted. Gil didn't say a thing.

* "I'm not a pervert" - one of the greatest lines of Season 6. So which came first - his line in BIM or the shirt?

* Cath in glasses *thud*breathe*thud*

* Gil in the backwards cap *thud*

* Cath's "fantasy" - awwwwwww.

* Vartann distracted when he sees the strippers working out (typical guy!!) It's cute how Cath seems interested in watching them too. Ya think she still does a workout like that at home?

* Tough Cat (meow!)
GISELLE: She wanted it.
VARTANN: Come on ...
GISELLE: No, really. She loved the attention. Loved the fantasy. She wanted to try it for real. See how she stacked up against some real talent.
CATH: And you let her.
GISELLE: Do I look like her mother?
CATH: You were teaching her a lesson.
GISELLE: If I'd wanted to do that, I would've sent her to Stripperama, fed her to the wolves.
CATH: And drunk CEOs aren't wolves? They're worse. You know that. That's why you kept calling her. So you could hear all about it, right?

* Poor Greg
SARA: Drain plug's probably under the carpet.
GREG: I think I found it.
(Greg pulls the plug back. The soupy goop splashes on his face.) Ahh ...
SARA: Technically, that makes you a cannibal.... Grissom would be proud.
GREG: Grissom would've tasted it on purpose.

* a safe car?
SARA: Area is uncontrolled. Evidence can be contaminated or lost. We need to get this back to the lab.
GRISSOM: Car condom.

You know, if Cath would have been there at the time, she would have had a witty reply to that.

* Smartass Sara
Sara: (to Sofia) You're the detective. Go detect!

* breakfast invitations
Gil accepts, Cath declines in order to take Lindsey to school. I like that they still show her as being a good, responsible parent.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

LMAO I can't believe I forgot to mention the phone call. There, Cath had another great punchline haha. Reminds me of the shirt I posted yesterday ("I'm not a perv!"). :lol: But seriously, not the best season beginner, I say...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

honestly, i think there are times when cath misses her old life. in the ep with jimmy you see her face light up as she watches the dancers and her old boss talks about her dancing.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

^^Well your past is a part of your life so there are times I think that Cath wants to reminisce those times of her life, specially since she met her bestfriend during her dancing days. Uhm I like the scene in Bodies in Motion where Nick was holding a lingerie--the look on his face was priceless! :lol: and also in BiM, My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas was playing in the background while Cath and Vartann were interrogating the suspect. That's her song alright, lol.
The thing I love most about BIM is that the team got back together, and we got a little ditty perverse scene of Gil and Cath (uh we forgot to nominate that on the best virtual performance!!)


Best Male, Best Female Performance Winners
Best Villain, Best Comedic, Best GC song winners

1. Best Kiss -

Sept 22, 2005 ET episode-- Heeeeyy they were wearing their CSI gears on that one!!! :lol:

2. Best Action Sequence -

1st- S1--Gil throwing off Eddie in Too Tough to Die (Rooowwrrr!)
2nd- S4--'Pinned Down without Asking' from Grissom VS. the Volcano

3. Best Fight -

1st - S1--Pledging Mr. Johnson- what personal stuff?
2nd - S5--Weeping Willows (He hit you?!?!?)

For Gil's birthday, GraveshiftCSI has the 50 for 50 fics challenge so register there if you haven't yet.. its gonna be fun to read 50 SMUT i mean fics on Gil's birthday!! Yay! :D
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