Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I heard my name :lol: What's up? Sorry I haven't been here in a while. I've been busy. Hottie, what's that about a TV Guide?

ren, I totally agree with you when you said that Gil and Catherine need to do what Billy and Marg are doing in the promo pics. I would be satisfied for life, I think. :lol: Billy and Marg are my relief for lack of GC in season 6. :p

EDIT: Nesting Dolls..I think that's my choice of the most angst-filled episode. Perhaps No More Bets. Loved it. Watched it yesterday for the billionth time. :lol:
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

rebec said:
And he broke her evidence and split! The expressions on both their faces were priceless :lol:
Ah yeah that was the best. :D

Knowing about Cath's schedule and her cases I think is Gil's way of looking out for Cath.

GraveyardIntern said:
I heard my name :lol: What's up? Sorry I haven't been here in a while. I've been busy. Hottie, what's that about a TV Guide?
Oh yeah Gravy, Marg is in the cover of the August 5-11 issue of Canadian TV Guide and we were wondering if you have the article? :D

EDIT: Nesting Dolls..I think that's my choice of the most angst-filled episode. Perhaps No More Bets. Loved it. Watched it yesterday for the billionth time. :lol:
Ha, I knew it! I knew you would love Nesting Dolls.. now do tell us what you love about the ep, because I only remember the looks they were exchanging at the end scene *sighs at your banner* but I can't remember the convo they had. Yikes.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Wow, you guys are fast, you went to page one to all the way page 8. I hope I see more of Grissom and Catherine this season.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

To Nesting Dolls already?

* --she's so cute when she's in charge--
CATH: Okay. (to the drivers) Gentlemen! Start your shovels!

* --PureJoy at its finest--
GRISSOM: Hey! They told me you dug up two bodies covered in tar? .............. So. How you going to separate them?
CATH: I'm not sure yet. Obviously I can't saw through without potentially destroying evidence, so ... if the tar were harder, I could chisel it. If it were softer, we could peel it off.
GRISSOM: I have an idea.
CATH: Of course you do, but last I checked, the backlog on grave was about ... mmm ... a hundred cases?
GRISSOM: You've been spending too much time with Ecklie. I'm off the clock. I came in early for this.
- - -
She knows that since she's not around to help him, that he's extremely backlogged!!

* --Gil did a boo boo--
GRISSOM: Huh...... Oh, boy. I gotta get my shift started. Good luck with the case.
CATH: No, no, no. You're not going to just destroy this skull and split.
GRISSOM: You can make a nice mold from the impression.
CATH: I'm short-handed as it is.
GRISSOM: I think Sara just wrapped a case. If you need her, she's yours.

*sigh* sorry, I was drooling at the PureJoy memory.

* --presentable Greg?--
SARA: Wow. Look at you, Mr. Straightedge. I did not know that your hair could do that.
GREG: I look like a dork.
SARA: No, no. No, you look like a pro, which is what you are. Let me guess - a prelim for Sherlock?
GREG: Yep.
SARA: Uh-huh. Who's your judge?
GREG: Uh ... Dudley ... Anderson?
SARA: Yeah. Well, not the sharpest tool in the shed.... Speak slowly. Use simple terms. You're gonna nail it.
CATH: Sara. You're mine tonight.

* -- Sara/Cath interrogating the husband--
too long to post the convo, but I'm really surprised that Cath let the interview continue the way it did and not interrupt the way she normally does.

* --the blowup--
SARA: Look, all I am asking is to have a black-and-white do regular welfare checks.
CATH: Did the wife ask for help?
SARA: Well, that's kind of hard to do when you don't speak English and you're a sex slave. I'm sure she doesn't know her rights.
CATH: You can't arrest someone for marrying the wrong person.
SARA: You would know.
CATH: If the guy's an abuser, if he killed his first wife, we will build a case and we will nail him.
SARA: And in the meantime, he can just keep using her as a punching bag.
CATH: Sara, I was there -- there wasn't a mark on her.
SARA: Not that we could see, Catherine.
CATH: You know ... every time we get a case with a hint of domestic violence or abuse, you go off the deep end. What is your problem?
SARA: Yeah, I probably do, and you let your sexuality cloud your judgment about men, and I'm gonna go over your head.
ECKLIE: Sidle....Get in my office. Now.

I like the way they did this. For Cath's part of the conversation, she was keeping her voice low and conversational, trying for a meaningful discussion. Sara was the one who started yelling, ultimately causing the scene to come to Ecklie's attention.

Also liked the beginning of the next scene, where Warrick asks Cath what's going on. Cath could have said something derogatory about Sara, but chose to keep the incident to herself.

* --Sara's apartment--
I liked this scene where Sara opens up. I know there's no way they could have done it because of the storyline they wanted, but I kind of wish it had been Catherine that went to Sara's and they could have sat down & calmly discussed things and had a friendship bonding type of scene. I always hate it when the girls fight. Plus, we never do see Cath/Sara ever come to terms with the "incident". Maybe it's just the "thong" shipper in me wanting some resolve.

* --dating is simple?--
WARRICK: Find anything you like, buddy?
CATHERINE: So, you can't sell your kids, but you can buy their mother.
NICK: "I looking for kindest, noble man." Well, I got news for you, sugar pants. Buying women ain't that noble.
WARRICK: Well, life is short. Dating's complicated. This makes it much simpler, doesn't it?
CATH: It's not supposed to be simple. Complicated is the whole point.
CATH: Yeah.
NICK: Hey, wait a minute. You're not telling me you're into this stuff?
WARRICK: Me? No. But you know, for a guy who's over 40, lonely, tired of the bar scene, got a little cash, wants to buy himself a sweet honey, be his companion ...
NICK: He needs a translator, 'cause you're not even speaking the same language.
WARRICK: That's the best part.
CATHERINE: (groans) Ugh ... !
NICK: Best part of what?

Ah! Clueless Nick is so cute!

* --Sara was right?--
CATH: Do you believe this?
WARRICK: What, that the guy locks up his food?
CATH: Locks his wife out.
WARRICK: You think he's trying to protect his investment? Weight goes up. Value goes down.
CATH: Control her food, control her destiny, I don't know.
WARRICK: Look at this.....She can't even call out for pizza.
CATH: Or help.

As I said...Sara was right! (shhhhh! you didn't hear me say that!)

* --taking "her" side Gil?--
CATH: (to Ecklie) Okay, here's what I wanted to show you. The facts just don't match up.
GRISSOM: You wanted to talk to me about Sara?
CONRAD: I haven't received her disciplinary action. What's the holdup?
GRISSOM: Well, I'm not firing her.
CATH: What action are you taking?
GRISSOM: I've taken it.
CONRAD: I thought I was clear.
GRISSOM: You were. Now let me be clear. Sara's behavior is a direct result of my management.
CONRAD: So I should fire you.
GRISSOM: But you won't.
CONRAD: Look, Gil ... I've been there. We're human. We get attached to people, we try to fix their problems. It doesn't work.
GRISSOM: She's a great criminalist, Conrad. And I need her.
CONRAD: I'm sure you do. You know what? She's a loose
cannon with a gun. And she's all yours.

I know Catherine didn't expect Gil to actually fire Sara, just let her have some time off. Her comment seemed a bit puzzling to me.

* --the looks--
Oh, somebody PLEASE bring the pictures!
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I actually liked Ecklie in that last scene, especially his last line :D Ooo, I'm so bad

The looks still kind of puzzle me. Gil and cath seemed to be seem to be saying so much in those few seconds of eye contact they had me thinking of so many possiblities I end not knowing which is which. Who's expecting who to have their back and is disappointed? Now even I'm babbling :confused:
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Okay, I'm baaack, I stayed until they wrapped. And I know I do need to hang around here more often because I enjoy your posts so much and the positive G/C spirit :) Thank you for the kind words. I do have a few tidbits from what I saw, nothing major but I did ask for my friend's permission on what I could share because I didn't want to overstep.

Marg is so gorgeous and glowy and teeny - and really, really nice. Not to mention she had some hilarious one liners she'd throw in between takes and what not. I had never seen her in person before and was just as impressed as I thought I'd be. I may go back later this week to watch some more, I like having the week off from work! Spoilers...

Marg and George were the two cast members there. John Mayer was also there. Oh and so was Marg's son, Hughie, and two girls whom I heard introduce themselves as Marg's nieces. They got to be extras in the scene. Cath gets to look very pretty in a black dress that had flower trim. The gist is - Catherine and Nick walk into the club and sit at the bar. Nick asks if she thinks Grissom will show up and Catherine says something like "No, not if he thinks he has to dance." John Mayer is announced, they watch and dance. Nick spots a blonde he likes and Catherine tells him to dance with her. He does and he leaves the bar with her. The bartender tells Catherine a guy wants to buy her a drink. She looks but doesn't see anyone and drinks up. She starts to feel sick and they did some out of focus shots.

That's that and whether I go back this week or not I hope to drop by here lots more. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H


Woohoo! We get to see Cath in a black dress! Man, how I wish Gil could see that, too. :lol: But then again, he must have seen it a hell lot of times, hehe. And, and we get to see her dancing with Nicky! Must be a very cute scene. :) You know I don't like the spoilers regarding Lindsey and Sam, but I'm absolutely looking forward to these two episodes just for this one scene...okay, and the one where Gil and Warrick rush to her side when they arrive at the car accident scene. :D Oh we also get to see Marg's nieces in the same scene? That's interesting. I wonder whether we'll be able to recognize them when the episodes air. I heard one of them has Marg's strawberry blonde hair. ;)
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, MargCathfan, I'm glad to learn about the little things you mentioned about Marg. She's really down-to-earth, isn't she? I hope you'll get to go back and tell us more about the filming. Even if you don't go back, you'll still need to drop by here more often. ;)
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

* --the looks--
Oh, somebody PLEASE bring the pictures!
These were the looks they gave each other on the end scene of Nesting Dolls (or you could just look at Gravy's signature banner. its there. :D )

I really don't know what TMTB wanted to convey in this scene and I don't think the episode has a commentary. Ah I really don't like Nesting Dolls (except for the fun GC scene of course).

Oh welcome back MargCathfan1! :) Im so glad to hear you enjoyed your behind the scenes moment with Marg. And Im so happy for you, you were able to see her and the other guys and gals in person! *squee*

Squee! John Mayer!!! :D So it confirmed the initial spoilers-- they were planning to get John Mayer. Glad to know they really did. Im such a John Mayer fangirl. GCers you should listen to his songs, its kind of a pop-blues-acoustic-whatever and he is the best. :D "Cath gets to look very pretty in a black dress that had flower trim." *Thud* I am so excited to see this. :eek: The scene you gave pretty much confirmed what the initial spoilers said that would happen. "No, not if he thinks he has to dance." Aww Cath knows Gil so much. :( I wonder what Gil's reaction will be once he learns about Cath's ordeal.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks for the spoilers MargCathfan1 they're great! :D

Yeay that spoiler was great - question who is John Mayer and who is he playing? Anyway Margs dress sounds v pretty I wonder if it means theyd all been out to dinner or something cos they both seem quite dressed up. Also did the bartender spike her drink cos it seems that he was the only one to hold it? Aww I hope Gil makes an impromptu appearance and saves her :) Yeay for optimism!
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

CSIangel17 said:
Thanks for the spoilers MargCathfan1 they're great! :D

Yeay that spoiler was great - question who is John Mayer and who is he playing? Anyway Margs dress sounds v pretty I wonder if it means theyd all been out to dinner or something cos they both seem quite dressed up. Also did the bartender spike her drink cos it seems that he was the only one to hold it? Aww I hope Gil makes an impromptu appearance and saves her :) Yeay for optimism!

John Mayer is a singer and he will play as himself. :D Here's his website: website click here! . He will be the performer at the bar. Catherine and Nick (and apparently they also invited Grissom) will be hanging out in the bar for some drinks. And yay for your optimism! The Sandles positivity cookies works huh? :D
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks Hottie_Cath

Thanks for the link - his music actually sounds quite good. Oh we need some G/C positivity cookies here *goes off to bake some*
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thank you, MargCathfan1, for sharing about your visit on the set... and that bit of spoiler. :D Hope you get to go back to watch some more.

Nick asks if she thinks Grissom will show up and Catherine says something like "No, not if he thinks he has to dance."
:lol: Made me think of all the GC fanfic where Gil refuses to show up at parties where he might have to dance! Either GC writers are tops at reading Gil, or TMTB have been feeding on GC fanfic. Either way it's all good. Wish they would read more and steal ideas from them though.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

CSIangel17 said:
Thanks Hottie_Cath

Thanks for the link - his music actually sounds quite good. Oh we need some G/C positivity cookies here *goes off to back some*
Yes we do need them here. Tell your fellow Sandles the cookies are a great idea. :D

Anyway, ren do you have linky of the fics? :D I don't think I remember fics about that. Ooooh I remember one! rosie wrote a fic about Gil not wanting to dance.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks so much MargCathfan1 for your report and info, glad to hear that MArg is so down to earth, although we all suspected she is ;)

Nice to see Cath in a dress and lol when Gil is mentioned, he's there in spirit if anything else, seems the spoilers are true to form then.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

wow, i bet that was a cool bit to watch filming. thanks so much for letting us know what is going on. and once again, your info goes perfectly with the spoilers that are out. and i do appreciate that you don't exaggerate the spoilers you have. give a special thank you to your friend also please. now...john mayer, rissa he was on regis and kelly about a month ago. great music.
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