Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

bobo!!! *huggles* :D And Erica and rebec great catch there you gals. So now GC is not just rockin' the SVU but also the BMW. :D They are livin' the high life aren't they? Those cars aren't cheap and they just leave their traces there. :devil: LMFAO! :lol:

And Im gonna start this before we forget this for Gil's birthday :lol:


GCTV Episode Awards
Im gonna announce the winners of the first two categories.

1. Best Male Performance -

1st- S3 Inside the Box
2nd- S4 Shooting Stars
3rd- S2 Alter Boys

2. Best Female Performance -

1st- S3 Lady Heather's Box
2nd- s5 Weeping Willows
3rd- s6 Werewolves

So what do you gals think about the results? Any violent reactions? Do you think another episode should've won? And are we now ready to be Emmy organizers? (Grr those people snubbed CSI wtf?!?! )

I am so happy that Billy/Gil won in Inside the Box because daymn Gil in that ep had me in tears! :lol: I love how he showed his vulnerability and emotions in ITB without being over the top, he still had the mysterious aura that Gil Grissom should have. And of course Lindsey + Catherine scene in Lady Heather's Box is so heartbreaking, brilliant performance there by Marg/Cath.

Oh and before I forget these categories are still open: Best Tender Moment, Best Emo aka Best Angst, Best Married Couple Moment aka Brother/Sister Relationship my Ass! so go and vote on the poll!

*is still thinking about MargCathFan's spoilers.. what if MCF goes to the other filming locations? Will Billy and Marg be there to film a GC scene?* :p :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

yeay award winners!!!

my top two won! *hands out G/C positivity cookies to celebrate*

Hottie_Cath you should definitely be an emmy organizer that way CSI will get the recognition it deserves and win loadsa awards and so will marg/billy :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Yay! My favorites won :D
Hottie, you deserve your own award for the awesome job you're doing with the GC awards :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I think I voted for the winners, so no objection here. :D Great job, Hottie, and the banners are awesome too! Keep up the good work hun! Can't wait for the results of other categories!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Wow, I love the GCTV awards *runs to vote* and the banner is hot!

One of Marg's nieces is such a mini Marg. Depending on what shots they use, you might see them. There were a lot of extras there too though as club patrons.
Sorry to have repeated some of the initial spoilers that were already out, I swear I hadn't seen them!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

MargCathfan1 said:
Sorry to have repeated some of the initial spoilers that were already out, I swear I hadn't seen them!
Hey, don't worry about that. This just lets us know that the original spoilers are pretty true - depending on what they edit out. Although if some of the other spoilers I read are also true, I'm going to be looking to buy a new tv set because mine will have a big hole in it.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Thanks gals! We're doing it for Gil cuz his birthday is special for us even if he acted OOC (out of character) in Season 6. :p

MargCathfan1 said:
Wow, I love the GCTV awards *runs to vote* and the banner is hot!

One of Marg's nieces is such a mini Marg. Depending on what shots they use, you might see them. There were a lot of extras there too though as club patrons.
Sorry to have repeated some of the initial spoilers that were already out, I swear I hadn't seen them!

OMG! Are you psychic? LOL!
I remember we saw pictures of Marg's family and we saw that her nieces look like her, and one girl stood out cuz she looks quite a lot like Marg. And I remember coolcatz called her mini-Marg! :lol: Maybe she's the extra you saw. Great minds think alike no? And those conversations were in private huh, they were never posted on forum boards. About the spoilers, we were actually glad that the initial spoilers turned out to be true, and that they didn't edit out the "Not if he has to dance" line. Thats the most GC that scene can get, lol, at least Gil will be in mentioned in that scene. And of course Im glad to know that Marg will indeed be dancing.. There are things that I'm not thrilled about in the initial spoilers though. *sniffles* Don't worry we won't tell you if you about those spoilers if you don't want to get spoiled/disappointed. :lol:

kaylyne said:
Although if some of the other spoilers I read are also true, I'm going to be looking to buy a new tv set because mine will have a big hole in it.
Same here. lol!
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

LOL! She is a little Mini Marg. And I am far from spoiler free - I've read a bunch here from season 7 but I have probably missed things as well. And I heard some Cath tidbits from some of the crew that were :eek: so yeah I know what you're talking about. *sigh*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

I voted for LHB (for Marg) but for "What's Eating Gilbert Grissom" (for Billy) ! :rolleyes:
But no violent reaction cuz it was very hard to chose ;) and the results are great !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Ooh! I like the results of the GCTV Awards, Hottie! They are definitely among my preferred episodes and both were awesome in them. No complaints whatsoever about the winners, or even those in 2nd and 3rd place.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Yo! While getting all hyped for the GCTV Awards and of course MargCathfan's wonderful posts, me thinks we should continue with the episodes, too. :D So where were we? Nesting Dolls?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Ah! Nesting Dolls. Not my fave ep by far. I'm no angst fan and it was written by a GSR-leaning writer. BUT, I loved the bodies in tar scene. I love exasperated Cath, slinking-away Gil. I love how they kept track of each other although they weren't supposed to be working together. I love that he made time for her and came in early to help. For that, I love the loving man that Gil was.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O H

Nesting Dolls, still? Well the angst is definitely tangible, and my favourite scene is the one in the banner or the one Hottie capped. Oh speaking of Hottie, I'm not in Vancouver right now so can't help in that department. Remember? I'm in Korea for the summer. :lol:

John Mayer!!!! (squee) I absolutely love his music. And I was sort of waiting for a sneak peek into this part of the episode where she goes to the bar with Nick. Now that comment about Gil interests me because..who would he dance with that she was so sure about? :devil: All this talk of the gutter has got me in it I tell ya. But Marg's nieces and son? Well that's gotta be interesting. I'm sure we'll all keep an eye out for strawberry blondes. :D Good to hear some interesting spoilers.

That last scene in Nesting Dolls...I think I've said this before but I'll say it again. The last scene was supposed to, I think, convey Catherine's disapproval of Gil's lack of disciplinary action. He looked to her after Ecklie left because he thought that she might understand him. When she looks at him with hidden "dislike", he raises his eyebrows, thinking even Catherine isn't on his side this time. Besides, Catherine always thought he had her back, right? I guess for her this might have been seen as a sort of betrayal. The confusion of this scene is where all the angst comes from.
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