Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

Okay. I'm getting the vibe...and...something else I don't know the word for that you guys are like really pissed at me...hence all the posts and the big one from the mod.

So...I appologize. Not because I felt like I was being guilted into it. I'm really sorry. It was an impulse heat of the moment thing and I know that really isn't an excuse it's just what it was.

I happen to love Jorja/Sara and I am really ashamed now that I did it. I've gone back and..pretty much deleted the post along with the link to the picture...

And if anyone read Lipstick on the graveshiftcsi list at yahoo. You know that I sometimes have a tendency to not think things through. But if you've also read...or began to read one of my fics that's taken me along time to get another chapter up of or is really long. You know that I can also take the time to overly think.

I've just had a lapse in judgement...or brain capacity either works.

I apologize especially to Erica, the mod, all of the Jorja fans on the list and I really, really, really, really, really hope this doesn't put me on your badside forever....cause I love you guys! :)

so...truce? and if your not upto a whole one maybe a tiny probation one?
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

Hey rebec, could this be the pic you were talking about?

ETA: Mercedes, I don't think people here were pissed at you, but they thought you made a move that was really wrong. This is a public forum where anyone could read any post and people need to be extra careful when they post at such places. I understand you probably didn't take it serious, but not all people think the same way as you do, and publishing stuff like that could only cause trouble. Also, as a fanfic writer, I bet you wouldn't want to see your own works being alternated by others. This applies to fanart, too. Next time you want to make changes to others' works, make sure you get their permission first.

There is no need to ask for a truce because this isn't a war. I think everyone is going to be happy for you if you've learned something from this. Think before you talk, all right? :) the rules before you post, too. ;)
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

Yeah Erica, that's the one! Aww you read my mind :lol:

xitalian your apology is accepted, this is the purejoy thread, we don't stay pissed for long ;) Just don't let the "heat" get to you again :)

EDIT: I realise that in the promo pics for the earlier seasons the cast used to smile alot, but in recent promo pics they look more serious and less happy (except for Billy and Marg, they are totally having a good time :lol:)

catherine Thanks for the link! *runs off to the cozy corner*
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

xitalian, smart girl to stand up and take responsibility. apology accepted.

now hottie, you have so many good scenes in this and soooooooooooo many not in it, but let's see we've been working on eps for how many threads now? there's no way we could hit all the great moments in a realistic way.

i just don't get the promo pics, they know what to shoot to sell the show but the don't translate that to the show. *shakes head*
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

Love the last promo pic there, E.
I agree rebec - they did smile much more in the earlier season pics. My first thought when I saw this last pic that Erica posted, is that they look so much like a family - all huddled around each other. (at first glance, I thought they were in a hotel room on a bed) In the later season promos, they're all more spread out and too serious looking. I know CSI is a "serious" show with dead bodies and horrible things, but come on. Make them a family again!!!
*sigh* I know, wishful thinking.

xitalianxromanc said:
Okay. I'm getting the vibe...and...something else I don't know the word for that you guys are like really pissed at me...hence all the posts and the big one from the mod.
I think instead of "pissed", I was more "utterly disappointed" in such childish behavior - especially in a PureJoy thread where our favorite duo are mature adults who would be excellent examples to emulate.

As for the "truce" - I'll start with the probation period that you offered. I guess it takes a little while to get back into my good graces. Just remember to think things through next time before going to that extreme.
(for me: end of subject on that)

Where were we? Oh yeah, I'm still stuck on Gil's reaction at the end of sherlock - sitting & watching his "family" and former team - much the same way Catherine does from the hallway in the end of NHI (did I forget that scene in my previous re-cap of that epi?! I'm really losing it these days. I guess season 5 just made me forget a lot of things)
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

i know, he chose to stay on the outside again. but he did let them put jello man to good use. watch it wiggle, see it jiggle. i think gil likes jello.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

I do love this finale scene ! he's the perfect image of a "proud" father :

Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

Yup. That final scene is probably one of the best scenes from season 5. You rarely see them having fun like that anymore. :(
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

You're right ! actually, I think it was the last time we've seen them together like that !!!
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

aww that is a great pic - you never know what will happen in season 7 we might get more scenes like that, have to have hope :lol:
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

^ LOL. That was very optimistic of you, CSIangel17. Better not hold our hopes high, though.

Catherine Willows said:
You see, that way, I'm never disappointed. You know, sometimes I'm nicely surprised.
LMAO. Catherine forsaw it in season 1! :lol:
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

^ lol thats clever. You never know - will keep my optimism :lol: A nice G/C quote to keep my optimism:

Catherine: Never doubt. Never look back. That's how I live my life.
Grissom: I admire that.
Re: Gil & Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do W/O Her

Hey guys, I haven't posted here in forever. I think the last time was when I had gotten the Shooting Stars script and was excited to share the G/C tidbits. My old user name doesn't work anymore. Anyway, I was just invited now by a friend to come down now to a club and watch a location shoot where

Marg is shooting flashbacks for scenes in which Catherine is trying to remember when she was drugged in the club and how it happened.

So I am heading out there now, I will post any scoop. I'm pretty excited.
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