Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

So, a lot of this has already been discussed, but I'll go through it the way I normally do. Sorry y'all - but this is going to be a long one.

Mea Culpa

* --gil on the stand/something is fishy--
He notices that something was not the way it was with the evidence. He does the right thing and brings it to their attention. Can you imagine if it were one of the other team members that had processed that matchbook instead of Gil? Yes, it was bad enough that there was an overall inquiry on this, but just think about it the consequences for any of the other members if they had been the ones to process that matchbook instead of Gil - the supervisor with the most experience.

* --discussing the particulars of the case--
CATH: Well, the fingerprint's pink -- so you used ninhydrin?
GRISSOM: Mm-hmm.
CATH: Well, I know that on some surfaces, ninhydrin can take time to develop a print. It was in, uh, last May's "Journal of Forensic Sciences".
GRISSOM: I remember the article. But I can't remember whether the variables in the test case are consistent with ours.
NICK: Well, if the print matches the suspect, who cares?
GRISSOM: It doesn't match. So, you and Warrick take over the file -- make sure all of the other evidence is beyond reproach. Catherine, you supervise. To avoid any appearance of impropriety, I'm going to be hands off.

This is the turning point, because I think it's quite symbolic how Gil is here officially turning things over to Cath in a supervisory role. I know she's taken over for him before, but this scene always strikes me as "the beginning of the new era" - Cath/Nick/Warrick.

* --what were they doing--
NICK: Catherine, do you remember why you were late to this crime scene? Eddie had a gig and you couldn't find a baby-sitter.
CATH: Actually, I kind of made that up. Eddie did have a gig. It ended early and he and I ... well, let's just say that not all my memories of him are bad ones. (to Warrick) Which reminds me you, at the time, were going out with that Assistant Manager of the Flamingo--
WARRICK: Oh, Susan.
CATH: Boy, did she have it bad for you. She kept calling while we were working the scene. You had to shut your phone off.
WARRICK: Yeah, well, now she's VP of Food Services, so I get free steak and eggs every Sunday morning.
NICK: Free steak and eggs means she didn't know about the flight attendant.
WARRICK: Does everyone know my business around here?
CATHERINE: Okay, Nicky, since you have such a good memory, why don't you explain the unidentified prints that you lifted from the murder weapon.

I can't watch this scene anymore without remembering the hilarious out-takes clip where they were just getting raunchy. *giggles*

* --Brass gives a warning--
BRASS: Hey. We gotta talk. Ecklie's used his hot line to the Sheriff. The whole department knows about the inquiry.
GRISSOM: There's nothing I can do about that.
BRASS: Yeah, well, I want to give you a heads-up, 'cause here's how it's gonna break down: In order to appear objective, Ecklie's gonna follow Sofia's recommendations. The problem is, she's Acting Supervisor of days, so she needs Ecklie to sign off to keep her gig. And you think she'll say whatever Ecklie wants. Yeah. And this isn't just about the Garbett case. He's looking into your whole team. And your ability to lead them.
GRISSOM: Poor Conrad.
BRASS: I hate to tell you, but when it comes to politics, he whips your ass. So watch your back; it's gonna get ugly.
GRISSOM: Thanks.

Again you have Gil just letting it go in one ear & out the other. It reminds me of "strip strangler" where he doesn't realize that there will be consequences. He didn't think he'd be off the case in that episode, but he did, and he couldn't believe it. Just because he thinks it isn't going to happen, doesn't mean it won't. The same in this one. He thinks this is all going to blow over and things will be normal again. It won't.

* --Hodges an Ecklie butt-kisser?? Oh joy!--
HODGES: Ecklie was so pissed when I told him about these hairs.
CATH: You told Ecklie?
HODGES: Yeah. He's a friend. I sent him a card for his promotion. The guy was very touched by my thoughtfulness.
CATH: Oh, we all are.

Sarcastic Cath is SO cute!

*--Cath/Sofia round 1--
CATH: The inquiry into Grissom.
SOFIA: Just reviewing all documentation. Case identifiers, analysts' initials ...
CATH: Your responsibility is to confirm that all conclusions drawn are supported by the data. They are.
SOFIA: Excuse me?
CATH: I worked on this case. The conclusions, they are supported. I assume that's what you're finding?
SOFIA: Catherine ... I appreciate your interest, but I think it's prudent to reserve my findings for the Assistant Director.
CATH: Right

Round 1 = a draw

* --Ecklie gets to all of them/one-by-one--
CONRAD: I also see you have a gambling problem.
WARRICK: I had a gambling problem. What's your point?
CONRAD: Well, it appears Supervisor Grissom counseled you appropriately.
WARRICK: That's correct. So ...
CONRAD: He gave you access to departmental resources to help you deal with the problem?
WARRICK: No ... he helped me, uh ... by being a friend.
CONRAD: Good. You've been a big help. Thanks.
- - - - -
SARA: What can I do for you?
CONRAD: Ah. As you know, it's my job to review everyone's file. I just want to make sure you finished up with your PEAP Counselor.
SARA: That's none of your business, Ecklie.
CONRAD: Well, not only is it my business, but I plan to speak with your supervisor.
SARA: About what?
CONRAD: You have updated him, right?
SARA: Yeah, yeah, we've had an abbreviated conversation. I'm doing fine. Completed my required number of sessions months ago.
CONRAD: Huh. Grissom failed to note that conversation in your file. Um ... but I'll take care of it. All right.
SARA: Thanks.
- - - -
CONRAD: This conversation is on the record. Part of the official inquiry into the Max Larson case.
CATH: Understood.
CONRAD: Five years ago, were you part of a team that processed a homicide at 2028 Boulevard Highway?
CATH: You know I was.
CONRAD: Specifically what tasks did Supervisor Grissom assign to you?
CATH: Gil doesn't micro-manage. We know what needs to be done. I photo-documented the scene, I collected blood evidence, and I brought the charred newspaper to trace.
CONRAD: In the analysis phase, did Grissom review your reports with you?
CATH: Are you asking if he performed a supervisory review?
CONRAD: It's policy.
CATH: He must have. I'm sure he did.
CATH: Are you doing all this for the sake of the lab or to indict Grissom?
CONRAD: Catherine, there a number of talented CSIs, like yourself, who have put in to be supervisors. I just want to make sure the right people are in the right place.
CATH: About my request -- I really would like to supervise days.
CONRAD: Right. You're a single mother. Better hours. And I bet you could use the extra cash.
CATH: No, this promotion isn't about money.
CONRAD: Must be nice to be independently wealthy.
CATH: We're done here, right?
- - - -

Oh how I wanted to hear Cath mumble something like "Jackass" on her way out. That would have been perfect! Then again, Cath WAS looking for a promotion from the guy.

- - - -
CONRAD: Hell of a job on the Larson case, Nick. If it weren't for you, the son would've walked.
NICK: It was a team effort.
CONRAD: Team effort? Just like the Westanson case, right? Last year, that woman who burned to ashes in a barrel of diesel fuel.
NICK: Yeah. Yeah, I'm familiar with the case, Conrad.
CONRAD: I reviewed Grissom's report. It seems to me that you were a ... one-man CSI machine. Grissom rejected Fay Minden's testimony, but not you.
NICK: No, Grissom allowed me to pursue a new lead, under his supervision.
CONRAD: Did he offer you any other CSIs as support staff? ....... D-don't worry about it. I respect your
independence. Anyway, good work.

* --The results (Ecklie's an A$$)--
GRISSOM: (tired) Okay, Conrad, what do you got? Let's hear it.
CONRAD: Well, taken individually, there's nothing specific that warrants disciplinary action. However, my investigation has led me to question the
effectiveness of your team and your ability to lead it. I'm breaking you guys up.
GRISSOM: Excuse me?
CONRAD: I've already spoken with the Director. Staff assignments are under my purview. Effective immediately, Catherine Willows will be promoted to Swing Shift Supervisor ...
GRISSOM: Wait a minute, Catherine applied for days.
CONRAD: I do what's best for the lab. I've decided to move the Swing Shift Supervisor to days ...
SOFIA: I've been the Acting Supervisor of days for the past month -- I believe I've proven myself capable.
CONRAD: Warrick Brown and Nick Stokes will report to
Catherine. Greg Sanders, pending his proficiency, Sara Sidle and Sofia will report to you.
SOFIA: You're demoting me.
CONRAD: I think you and Grissom suit each other.
GRISSOM: Why are you doing this?
CONRAD: There's been a chronic lack of supervision on the graveyard shift. Your people have been covering for you, Gil. For your shortcomings. Before your mismanagement jeopardizes this lab, I'm rectifying the situation.
CONRAD: My decision is final.

I still don't get it. Since Ecklie is worried about Gil's mismanagement, why does he still let him in his supervisor role? Also, Sofia learned a valuable lesson. If you've got a sense of fair play, don't use it around Ecklie.

* --Dad & the boys--
NICK: He kind of talked to all of us.
WARRICK: It was more like he ambushed all of us. Real sorry, Grissom.
GRISSOM: There's no reason to be. Look, Ecklie doesn't have a scientific bone in his body. He starts with the answers he wants and then devises the questions to get them.
WARRICK: This sucks. This guy has been kissing ass all his life, he's trying to tell me -- he's trying to tell us what makes a good supervisor. What makes a good team?
GRISSOM: Well, if a team gets used to doing things a certain way just because that's the way they've always done them, then they start to lose their effectiveness.
NICK: Oh, come on. You don't really believe that.
GRISSOM: No. I believe that the longer a team works together, the stronger they become. But I'm not in charge of the lab, nor would I want to be.

- - -
WARRICK: My new supervisor.
GRISSOM: Catherine?
WARRICK: Well, I got to get some rest. Swing shift starts at four in the afternoon. That's a big change.
GRISSOM: Heracleitus once said, "It is in changing that we find purpose."
WARRICK: Well, thanks to you, this job, I already know my purpose. See ya.

I just don't understand how they could end it there without a CG conversation - each giving the other a pep-talk on how this will be ok (but neither actually believing it).
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

CSIangel don't get your hopes too high, TMTB is notorious for their lack of continuity :rolleyes: but I'll not stop you from dreaming cuz we all do :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Yeah, and I'll continue to dream until the last CSI's episode :D

@Ren: thanks for the translation cuz this saying doesn't exist in french but it totally makes sense for MH and WP .
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

Wow, great job kay thanks! I'm going abit off here here but I just want to say that the gil-brass scene was a great one that had good dynamics. Too bad TMTB decided to kill this friendship off in WTG, they created a void in the gil-brass history and like GC, everything that came before seems to be a part of another show :(
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

kaylyne said:
This is the turning point, because I think it's quite symbolic how Gil is here officially turning things over to Cath in a supervisory role. I know she's taken over for him before, but this scene always strikes me as "the beginning of the new era" - Cath/Nick/Warrick.
It definitely is. The whole dynamic changes from here. Although Cath/Nick/Warrick work well together, you just sense a little bit of angst here, no matter how playful they look.

kaylyne said:
I can't watch this scene anymore without remembering the hilarious out-takes clip where they were just getting raunchy. *giggles*
Ditto. That clip was just...hilarious. I love it that the actors are always so comfortable around each other and that they are good friends in real life. That certainly helps with their on-screen interactions. :)

kaylyne said:
Again you have Gil just letting it go in one ear & out the other. It reminds me of "strip strangler" where he doesn't realize that there will be consequences. He didn't think he'd be off the case in that episode, but he did, and he couldn't believe it. Just because he thinks it isn't going to happen, doesn't mean it won't. The same in this one. He thinks this is all going to blow over and things will be normal again. It won't.
Resolution? Catherine. She saved his ass in Strip Strangler, and his life. This time even she can't help him and look what he has gotten himself into. Again, they complement each other and she's the only one who knows what to do with his problems. She is the one person he can't not have in his life. *hints hints TPTB*

kaylyne said:
Sarcastic Cath is SO cute!
Hehe me loves sarcastic Cath. Very much. :D

kaylyne said:
*--Cath/Sofia round 1--
CATH: The inquiry into Grissom.
SOFIA: Just reviewing all documentation. Case identifiers, analysts' initials ...
CATH: Your responsibility is to confirm that all conclusions drawn are supported by the data. They are.
SOFIA: Excuse me?
CATH: I worked on this case. The conclusions, they are supported. I assume that's what you're finding?
SOFIA: Catherine ... I appreciate your interest, but I think it's prudent to reserve my findings for the Assistant Director.
CATH: Right

Round 1 = a draw
And people say Catherine only cares about her promotion. Makes me wanna just roll my eyes. :rolleyes:

kaylyne said:
CATH: Gil doesn't micro-manage. We know what needs to be done. I photo-documented the scene, I collected blood evidence, and I brought the charred newspaper to trace.
Hehe this, again, shows that they don't need words to communicate. They just know what to do when they are around each other. ;)

kaylyne said:
CONRAD: In the analysis phase, did Grissom review your reports with you?
CATH: Are you asking if he performed a supervisory review?
CONRAD: It's policy.
CATH: He must have. I'm sure he did.
And she trusts him. She might think she could do his job well, but she never doubts his ability of being a good supervisor.

kaylyne said:
CATH: About my request -- I really would like to supervise days.
CONRAD: Right. You're a single mother. Better hours. And I bet you could use the extra cash.
CATH: No, this promotion isn't about money.
CONRAD: Must be nice to be independently wealthy.
CATH: We're done here, right?
- - - -

Oh how I wanted to hear Cath mumble something like "Jackass" on her way out. That would have been perfect! Then again, Cath WAS looking for a promotion from the guy.
Asshole. He's such an asshole. That's all I could say about it.

kaylyne said:
I'm breaking you guys up.
I think that's the line I hate the most ever.

kaylyne said:
GRISSOM: Wait a minute, Catherine applied for days.
How sweet of him!

kaylyne said:
CONRAD: I do what's best for the lab. I've decided to move the Swing Shift Supervisor to days ...
Again, sweet, but... *inserts sarcasm*

kaylyne said:
I just don't understand how they could end it there without a CG conversation - each giving the other a pep-talk on how this will be ok (but neither actually believing it).
That's my ultimate confusion, too. If they had it, it would probably become one of the most heartbreaking scenes ever. It would be not only about C/G but about the whole team. *sniffles*

I really love your recap, Kay. Great job. Thanks a lot! <3
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Me went take a look at who wrote the epi..........not surprised that there was no GC convo ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

um, guys, there was a reason for that and now you know it. the split didn't work so they went a different route. but again, i will state that i do not think the split was about the team at all but more about gil and cath and testing their relationship.

now the eddie and gil thing. they have never really said how gil knew. but then they've never really stated how gil knows about a lot of things in catherine's life, things the others don't (not to mentionhe doesn't know what isgoing on with most of the teams private lives). eddie knows him well enough to consider him his wife's boyfriend. had to have a reason for that.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Wow looking at all the lengthy discussions here and don't know where to join.

The split? It was meant for spice, but definitely did not do so good. :lol: I hate the fact that there was no GC conversation after, but rather Catherine calling Warrick. I don't know where the GC dynamics went there. doesn't make any sense at all. But meh.

The Eddie and Gil thing? Yeah, can't pose an answer to that one either. TMTB have not explained how Gil knew as coolc said above. They've never really stated how the whole GC relationship began actually. I'm confused sort of between the fanfics and the reality, because I've been reading so much and they're so realistic! :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

"In the beginning, there was Gil Grissom and Catherine Willows..."
That's how CSI started, in the hazy shared past of Gil and Cath.

IF (and that's a mighty big IF) TMTB do one day revert to TPTB and give us GC at the end of the series, maybe they might revisit the issue.

But since the 'M' in TMTB seems here to stay, who knows? They might even scrub out their shared past altogether! Just like they made Grissom declare that he never socialised with Jim Brass who was just a co-worker. :rolleyes:

As for the S5 split, it was a stupid idea. I don't know what it was for but I'm suspecting someone among the M's thought it a good way of coralling Gil and... well, you know who... and throwing in Sophia to spice things up.

That idea fell flat. Fans hated it. But Stupid is as Stupid does, and end S6, taking advantage of Cath's movie filming schedule, they spring the same bad idea but more forcefully this time, on the viewers. No chemistry? Then do away with the seductive looks, the longing glances... all the stuff that requires chemistry to make them look less than forced and textbook. Just dive straight into the bedroom. Ta-da!

Maybe that's what Rambo was hinting at in his email to me about the new direction and fresh ideas since he joined the writing team in S5. Blech.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

They had the split for spice...didn't work, so they had the "incident" for spice too? When will TMTB ever learn?

About how GC relationship started, I've read alot of fanfics and I preferred the idea that he knew her during her dancing days (actually was captivated by her when he first saw her dance) and that he was the one who got her a place in the lab. I think this also explains how he knew so much about cath and eddie because eddie also knew cath since her dancing days
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Some people object to that theory on the assumption that the ethereal Gil Grissom would never set foot in so seamy a place as a strip club.

But given how often we've seen Grissom enthralled by the sight of exotic dancers and how interested he is in the world of Lady Heather, not to mention the PAFCON so dear to coolc's heart :lol:, I'd say the theory isn't far-fetched at all. A young and curious man like Grissom, who plays a mean game of poker, might well have been around the likes of Eddie Willows and admired Catherine on stage. Certainly he's interested in Catherine's dancing years. ;) And certainly we know he knew Eddie Willows well enough to call him "Ed"...
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

ITA ren , even for those people who don't see him stepping into such places for leisure, gil can also be seen as going there to observe. He actually went to boxing matches to observe blood spatter. He also mentioned that he used to observe people and many of the crimes in vegas did happen in strip clubs or at least have some sort of realtions to them. So this gives a logical explaination why him visited these clubs, but when he saw cath, it became a different story :D Just my two cents
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

coolcatz said:
now the eddie and gil thing. they have never really said how gil knew. but then they've never really stated how gil knows about a lot of things in catherine's life, things the others don't (not to mentionhe doesn't know what isgoing on with most of the teams private lives). eddie knows him well enough to consider him his wife's boyfriend. had to have a reason for that.

That is the one thing that I really want to know about. Did something happen between them to make Eddie think that. How did Gil know about Eddie's cheating, was Gil jealous?

We need to know
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

i don't understand the theory that gil is too "pure" to step foot inside a strip club. the man makes his admiration of strippers quite obvious. i would site examples for time's sake will just state watch any episode with a stripper or dancer and you will see.

however, i do not agree with the theory that gil is the one who brought her into the lab. her interest in forensics is made clear in the ep with jimmy tadero (he would come to the club and talk about his cases). once she was there yeah i agree she was his mentor. the bond they'd formed by the time the show started was strong. they were already at the point of communitcating like an old married couple.

and we do know that he was there during cath's rookie year because of how they referred to a case in s6 (uh, do tmtb remember writing that bit? obviously not).

and i would say SOMETHING had to happen to make eddie jealous of cath, otherwise his accusations wouldn't have been directed at only gil (especially if he was covering his own cheating by accusing her of doing it).

and did i hear PAFCON????
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Oh, we ABSOLUTELY need to know how Gil knew about Eddie's cheating! Though since Eddie's long gone now, I doubt TPTB will ever bring that up again... unless they really give us some good meaty stuff with Gil and Catherine again. I.e. a REAL discussion, where they go through things that have gone both wrong and right in their friendship. I would actually kill for scenes like that.
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