Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

he didn't have to give her anything but he gave her his piggy. btw, piggy dates back to s1 so she's special.

and she's just flabberghasted at his "gift." and at first thinks he's checking up on her. but then they talk. and he's so sweet. telling about running for class officer and not voting for himself because he liked the girl. then saying he lost nick and warrick for doing the same thing.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

coolcatz said:
and she's just flabberghasted at his "gift." and at first thinks he's checking up on her. but then they talk. and he's so sweet. telling about running for class officer and not voting for himself because he liked the girl. then saying he lost nick and warrick for doing the same thing.
:lol: love the innuendo, he didn't fight for nick and warrick because he wants the best for her and kept the eh more troublesome one for himself.

*sighs* The things this guy does for love :eek:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

it was sweet. he admitted he could and should have fought for the guys but didn't because he didn't want to play politics. and isn't it nice to know he defines politics as doing things for a girl he likes.

oh ren,i love the piggy pic.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Here are more, coolc and thanks are due to Erica :D

Gil's look of love in NHI:

Cath's response - all stress melting away:

This really was the sweetest GC moment in the season because here we saw Gil take the initiative, going to Cath in her moment of need, and probably in his moment of need too (to see her), and bearing a very personal gift that possibly had a significance for the both of them that was not explained. I mean, Piggy Boy had been in his office since the very start, as coolc rightly pointed out, and Cath had obviously said how much she liked it. He gave her something that was dear to him, brought it to her personally... plus he also let her have the two CSIs he would otherwise have fought to keep for himself. That's sacrificial love. And if anyone dares to say they are just friends, even close friends, that poor person really hasn't ever had the privilege of being thoroughly loved before! :D

This, people, is true intimacy: they talked to each other, about each other, each obviously appreciating the other. Gil was loving and giving, not morbid and self-absorbed. And you can just feel the love between them.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

OMG No Humans Involved? Absolutely loved the chemistry here and the intimacy and of course the flirtatious looks. Their usual chat without a hint of argument was well deserved. I guess this is sort of the make-up for the lack of conversation after Mea Culpa I think. The present was so adorable, and much like Gil. :lol:

Do you remember that scene with Sheriff Atwater and Gil and they were talking about the fetal pig and Gil got all excited talking about it? Well he decided to give that to Catherine and I thought that was very very sweet of him. Absolutely loved it. This was a TPTB moment.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

nick's also made comments about piggy. so this was history on the show and they kept it in a very special way.

now what ep is the sheriff scene in cuz i don't remember.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

I'm not sure which episode it is but it's one of the earlier season 5 ones. Sheriff said something like "what's this?" and Gil got into an explanation about how it's a fetal pig that stopped growth..scientific talk..etc. :lol: I'm sure someone here remembers.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Maybe Kaylyne can help when she comes on?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

*breezes in*

Took me a while to read all of the new posts. Must say I really loved you guys' discussion about the Gil/Eddie thing. :D Now, No Humans Involved? Man, that's definitely one of the few really great episodes from season 5. The angst, the love. Sigh.

*coughs* Actually, I came back in here to tell you that I just added The Finger to our cap collection. :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

ahh have just realised dont think i have ever wathced No Humans Involved? have missed all the foetal pig chemistry :( *kicks self*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

^ Hehe. You really need to watch that episode if you want a good C/G fix from season 5...the bitter-sweet kind. :lol: This is OT, but I have to agree with Kay there, Sara was so adorable in this one, too. The expression on her face when she was holding the little boy after she'd found him and his brother was just so heartbreaking.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

I think I remember that fetal pig scene with the sheriff being in Invisible Evidence. :)
Thanks for the new caps, Erica! You rock :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

CSIangel that scene is a must-see :lol:

OT: As for sara, she is not that bad really, but TMTB seems to enjoy portraying her as a stubborn and grumpy person. :confused: I wish they would make her frown less, makes me feel sad for her everytime I see her appear with a long face :(

Erica where can I find your caps?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without H

^ Right here. :D Oh, Zsa just told me that she'd capped some interesting things. I shall upload them very soon. ;)
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