Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Hey Rissa, glad you could join me :lol:, I'll meet you in the clinic ;)

Glad you put the newbie right btw ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

ren28 said:
I don't know anything about Kay Panabaker as an actress. And I don't know how she'll play off Billy as Lindsey. Has anyone seen her on screen before?

As for Marg and Billy being unable to shake off the Cath & Gil thing, I'm a bit more optimistic. Grissom is a rather peculiar... No, let me say that again: Grissom was a rather peculiar man and part of the great Marg/Billy thing was the way each constructed their character around the other's. I think that is why we have such a perfect fit. I mean, people have always talked about how Grissom is Billy's creation. I think Catherine Willows is equally Marg's creation. I suspect they both defined the contours of their characters such that we get a pretty tight tandem in the Gil/Cath pairing.

Now if they were to appear on screen as totally different people, I'd say they could pull it off wonderfully. I know Marg can. I'm sure Billy can too.

I'm not optimistic about CSI but I am about Marg and Billy's acting skills. :D

Check out Phil of the Future on Disney. She's in that show as Pim's annoying friend...Penny I think
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

yeah, that's kay. she turns out to be some evil brownie making robot or something. *watches phil of the future* oh shut up!!!

as for marg and billy, i honestly don't see any problem with them moving into other roles and being accepted. i know i wouldn't have a problem with it (but that could be cuz i started watching marg when she was on ryan's hope and have seen her in lots of other stuff). as for billy, i still say he will be concentrating on theatre so there will be no issue of stereotyping or unacceptance in a role unless some rabid csi fans go to the theatre expecting to see grissom and see falstaff instead (oh poor babies but ohhh lucky me if i see it).

as for gil and lindsey. we so need a scene with the two of them together. they have set the precedence for their involvement in their private lives through many eps and i would love to see how she relates to him, especially now that she is a teenager.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Hopefully with the recast of Lindsey that means she's going to be more of a prominent character and that will mean screen time with Gil :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

bobo said:
I'm glad to see that you can be optimistic, Ren :lol:
:D I'm actually an optimistic kind of person. It's only in TMTB that I have absolutely no faith :lol:

Hottie_Cath said:
Oh btw, just a while ago a newbie on CSI asked me if Gil/Cath were married lol! I told her they are! :lol:
Good going there! And you can tell the newbie that Gil is going through his mid-life crisis right now :lol:

csigrillow said:
Hopefully with the recast of Lindsey that means she's going to be more of a prominent character and that will mean screen time with Gil :D
Well, since they're going down the sudsy way, Linds and Lily will probably feature more prominently. More Cath stories, so more of her family involved.

Which is why I find the idea of killing off Sam Braun so stupid. With his death, the one source of terrific drama is forever lost.
:rolleyes: As I said, I've no faith in TMTB.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

I have to agree with you, Ren, about the stupidity of TMTB . Sam was a central character in CSI (and I loved him) ! it's like if they'd kill Ecklie :rolleyes: I love him too . The bad guys always spice the stories !
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Killing off Sam means killing off potential GC scenes too
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

cath4gil said:
Hey Rissa, glad you could join me :lol:, I'll meet you in the clinic ;)

Glad you put the newbie right btw ;)
Yup! Princeton Plainsborough is the place to be. :D But you know I think Cuddylicious is saying that she loves Greg Sanders, not the other Greg. :lol:

ren28 said:
Hottie_Cath said:
Oh btw, just a while ago a newbie on CSI asked me if Gil/Cath were married lol! I told her they are! :lol:
Good going there! And you can tell the newbie that Gil is going through his mid-life crisis right now :lol:
Don't you just get this question quite a lot? The problem is its hard to explain that Gil and Cath aren't an item, cuz they won't believe you or they would go "why is that so?" and you have to tell the whole confusing story that the TMTP made and its just tiring and confusing for the newbies. So to keep things simple, I just tell them "yes Gil and Cath are lovers" or "yes they are married". :lol:

bobo said:
I have to agree with you, Ren, about the stupidity of TMTB . Sam was a central character in CSI (and I loved him) ! it's like if they'd kill Ecklie :rolleyes: I love him too . The bad guys always spice the stories !
What I love about Sam is that he is a three dimensional character, you can't absolutely classify him as "the bad guy". When Cath/Sam/Gil argue, I always root for Sam to win. :lol:

catherine, I'd go nuts if I'll learn that Rambo turns out to be one of the writers of Built to Kill. Didn't you just write him a letter.. about how you loved Sam, and Gil and Cath? Oh jeez imagine if he's the brains behind the Sam killing. What was his reply to your letter btw? I forgot about it.

EDIT: And yeah rebec!!! I totally agree! Its funny I haven't thought of that. I love the variety Sam brings on the show, he embodies the essence of Old Vegas, plus he is also very important because of what rebec said.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Hottie if TMTB are trying to control everything now, it'll not be surprising that they control what the writers write too. Take jerry stahl for example, he used to write great GC stuff but look at how WTG turned out, so I don't think TMTB gives the writers much say in which direction the show should take. Just my two cents ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

well we have seen what they do to jerry stahl when he's controlled. btw, the man is a brilliant writer you should read some of his books. as for killing sam, yeah, you get rid of sam and you get rid of one of the gc dynamics. but more importantly (and horrible) you get rid of sam. and i loves me some sam.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

*sniffle* dang you guys are going to make me cry again with this talk of losing Sam. I SO heart his scenes with both Cath & Gil. I can't understand how the morons think that this would cause the show to progress. Losing Sam brings a big void into the entire CSI storyline.
So, on that note - I'm on my way to track down some Scott Wilson movies. His presence on-screen makes me take notice - even when he's a bad guy.

Alright - back to GC lovin'. Have we moved on from Ch-Ch-Changes? Then it's Mea Culpa - the end of "the team".
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Mea Cupla, the heart-breaking epi, but looking on the bright side, we got to see gil getting tough and speaking up for cath. :) I also loved it when he asked ecklie "why are you doing this?", he seemed to know that ecklie is taking cath away and purposely not giving her the position of the day shift supervisor just to get on his nerves.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Sam has been the very dramatic element in the show and killing him off is a certainly unnecessary addition of suspense. He has been a source of angst for GC, and I hope you all know I'm all for angst, but I'd hate to lose him just for the sake of it. Well that's my two cents

Well I sort of want to bring the whole Billy and Marg thing back up. But yeah, although it would be hard to shake that off, and if they were to make a movie (that would be one of the greatest days of my life) it'd create a huge buzz about how it's the ultimate pairing with the greatest chemistry. But in the movie, since they're both great actors I'm sure they can do it. They can make it seem flawless and it'd be a hit. :lol: If only. But I can dream right?

Mea Culpa, someone said? Gil knew Ecklie was doing it just to get on Gil's nerves. Because he couldn't nail Gil on un-supervisor-y conduct, he wants to make him suffer by splitting up the whole team. By putting Catherine on the worst shift possible and trying to replace her with Sofia (as he says "you two work well together"), he's trying to put pressure on Gil and everything. :lol:

Well that's a lengthy post.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

GraveyardIntern said:
By putting Catherine on the worst shift possible and trying to replace her with Sofia (as he says "you two work well together"), he's trying to put pressure on Gil and everything. :lol:

Tsk tsk, how naive of ecklie, catherine can NEVER be replaced. :rolleyes: Who did gil give his fetal pig to? For whom did he come in early for? Who tied gil's bowtie? (Sofia did not exactly come up with the best solution for that :lol:) And that's only just listing a few of the many reasons :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

^^ Haha Gravy, you said that like we didn't know you're an angsty kind of girl. :D Speaking of that, where are all the angsty fics written by Gravy? *hint hint* ;)

Mea Culpa, huh? Definitely one of the most heartbreaking episodes ever. Ecklie was just plain evil in this one..."I'm breaking up you guys", remember that line? Ugh. rebec is right, though. Catherine can never be replaced no matter what they do. Ah that's one good thing to know. ;)
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