Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

coolcatz said:
and did i hear PAFCON????
:lol: You bet you did! Gil also mentioned that it is only abnormal when you have no sexual activities at all. So, pure? *shakes head* Nuh-uh....Actually, it kind of made me wonder what kind of tricks did he know :devil:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

I guess there are just some people who've created their own Gil Grissom. :rolleyes:

Now you see, Gil's curiosity about this side of life is why I think between him and Cath, things could be very interesting. They have lots to share about, in their light banter heavy with sexual innuendos, something they used to have between them right up to Butterflied.

weepingwillows said:
Oh, we ABSOLUTELY need to know how Gil knew about Eddie's cheating! Though since Eddie's long gone now, I doubt TPTB will ever bring that up again... unless they really give us some good meaty stuff with Gil and Catherine again. I.e. a REAL discussion, where they go through things that have gone both wrong and right in their friendship. I would actually kill for scenes like that.
Wouldn't we all!!! Yes, they need to revisit that question and I agree, a real discussion at some point between Gil and Cath about their shared past would take us back to the Eddie years.

But... do the present crop of writers know that 4 whole seasons preceded the 5th and the 6th, not to mention the 7th? It almost seems to me sometimes that they've almost scrubbed out everything prior to the latest seasons. There were only two references that I can recall in S6: Cath's comment in PotTR about Zoe being at Harvard, and in Spellbound, Greg made a comment about Grissom's hearing, I think it was. So who knows if at some stage in the future, if someone will allow the topic of Eddie and Gil be brought up?

"Allow" is the operative word here in these troublous times, as TPTB seem to be exercising draconian control over all things related to the show.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

ren28 said:
But... do the present crop of writers know that 4 whole seasons preceded the 5th and the 6th, not to mention the 7th? It almost seems to me sometimes that they've almost scrubbed out everything prior to the latest seasons. There were only two references that I can recall in S6:
Well they didn't just fail to make references, they actually added lines that totally put off everything that happened in the past seasons. Seems to me that the new writers are certainly not doing enough homework, that or TMTb is just too happy playing their controlling game. :rolleyes:

I still see a chance for the issue on eddie's cheating being brought up, maybe in one of those GC scenes that they have been throwing to us, but there is a high chance it will just be a short mention of it, nothing detailed.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

coolcatz said:
i don't understand the theory that gil is too "pure" to step foot inside a strip club. the man makes his admiration of strippers quite obvious. i would site examples for time's sake will just state watch any episode with a stripper or dancer and you will see.
Totally agree on this. His reaction time & again when he goes into "Cath's other world" is just like a "normal" male. He has the usual open-mouth, the stare-for-just-a-bit-too-long, and the eyes that don't hide their appreciation.

coolcatz said:
however, i do not agree with the theory that gil is the one who brought her into the lab. her interest in forensics is made clear in the ep with jimmy tadero (he would come to the club and talk about his cases). once she was there yeah i agree she was his mentor. the bond they'd formed by the time the show started was strong. they were already at the point of communitcating like an old married couple. and we do know that he was there during cath's rookie year because of how they referred to a case in s6
Once again, I'm in agreement here. It was stated very clearly in Felonious Monk, that it was Jimmy Tadero who was responsible for getting Cath interested in forensic science. And remember the Jimmy/Cath convo:
CATH: What do you want me to do? What do you want me to do? Do you want me to look the other way? Do you want me to dummy my report?
JIMMY: I can't believe you're doing this to me. I gave you your career.
CATH: I earned my career and you did this to yourself. You fabricated evidence, Jimmy.
JIMMY: You were two steps away from turning tricks. This is the thanks I get?
CATH: I danced, period. And instead of feeling sorry for
yourself, think about this. When you were out there planting evidence on a case that you couldn't break, Stephanie's real killer got away. And he's still out there ...... because you sold the one thing a cop can't afford to sell: Your integrity. So you tell me, between the two of us who's the whore?

I imagine Cath & Gil meeting on her first day in the lab - much similar to Gil/Holly - except that I don't see Cath being freaked out about the little stuff that Holly was. I see Cath & Gil stepping right into the type of relationship that they had in season 1.

coolcatz said:
and i would say SOMETHING had to happen to make eddie jealous of cath, otherwise his accusations wouldn't have been directed at only gil (especially if he was covering his own cheating by accusing her of doing it).
I'm guessing it was all the time that Cath spent at work. Eddie - being Eddie - wouldn't be able to understand how she would always get up & go when Gil called. Plus - remember Cath's line in PMJ:
CATH: She had something on the side. I can tell you firsthand when you don't cheat, you don't suspect. (loved that scene with Cath/Brass, BTW)
Then again the opposite can be said: When you DO cheat, you'll probably suspect your spouse of cheating too, maybe to justify your own unfaithfulness.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

^kaylyne, i agree. i don't think they had an affair but there had to be something that happened between them that made eddie assume it was gil who was her boyfriend. we know he was cheating and we know because of that it is only human nature to cya by accusing the other party of the same. but my point is that he chose gil as her accomplish. could it have been working overtime? sure, but i doubt it. my reasoning is probably that as friends she would turn to him some whenever eddie problems arose. not like jumping in the sack turning to him, but more of he's got an ear and he listens. ohhhh, did i just find them in an emotional affair? ok, that i could see as plausible.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

coolcatz said:
my reasoning is probably that as friends she would turn to him some whenever eddie problems arose. not like jumping in the sack turning to him, but more of he's got an ear and he listens. ohhhh, did i just find them in an emotional affair? ok, that i could see as plausible.
I definitely see Cath going to Gil each time she has Eddie-problems. Most of the time would be the just-let-it-all-out type of cyring/talking situation, or just a "omelet & screwdriver" breakfast type of situation, like in (damn, why can I never remember the title of that episode). I don't see Cath going to anyone else in that situation. Not nancy, her mother, Sam, or anyone else. The only other person I could see Cath going to would be Jacqui, but we don't know how long they have been friends. We do know that Jacqui knows Eddie - or at least Cath & Jacqui have talked quite a bit about Eddie.

Anyway, I still think a lot of it has to do with "Gil calls/Cath leaves immediately" type of situation. I'm sure Eddie was continually frustrated with that. I'm sure the part that frustrated him the most is when they were "havin fun" and Cath had to leave. Remember in Mea Culpa where Cath's excuse for being late had been because she couldn't find a babysitter - only to tell the guys now that the reason she was late was because she & Eddie were.... I'm guessing being paged/called by Gil in moments like that really pissed Eddie off. Thus giving Eddie the impression that Cath was running to another boyfriend.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

yeah, that's true. but apparently it didn't bother cath to be a little late for work if she had the opportunity to get a little nookie time with eddie. i love that she tells the guys about that, it was too funny. (and the blooper with all the gutter talk!!! marg, gary and george would so fit right in with our little gutter).

the only way i think we will ever get an answer is if tmtp move on to csi: walla walla and we get a new tptb
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

I read a spoiler about CSI: walla walla but I was keeping it a secret :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

I think I heard snippets about CSI: Walla Walla somewhere. They said these people (a group known as TMTB) are put on a raft in the middle of the sea, and left by themselves to either fend off the sharks, jump over the sharks or become shark bait. Those that survive have to follow the evidence of how to get back to dry land.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

can tmtb swim?

ok, back to gc, what ep are we on? still at mea culpa?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

So, unless anybody else wants to chime in about Mea Culpa, we can move on to No humans involved.

You know, for the first time (through 4+ seasons), I was actually more intrigued with the non-Cath story. I'm guessing it has to do with the split of the team and their lack of interactions so I have to focus more on the storylines. This episode is the beginning of where I started losing interest in many things concerning CSI.

I have to admit I actually loved Sara more than Cath in this episode! *gasp* Sara's interaction with the kids, and finding the kids at the end was just so different from normal. The best part of this episode:
SARA: Where are you going to take her first, the hospital or the morgue?
BRASS: Guess I might as well get it over with. I mean, once she sees the kids she's not going to want to leave them. What do you think?
SARA: Go with the living, Jim. The dead can wait.

The best Cath part was when she had to reprimand Warrick in her office.

I can't even remember what Gil did in this episode.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Gil was handing out his special fetal pig present to Cath! :D
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

OMG! 20 lashes for me!! *sniffles* *so sorry* *sniffles* *howcouldiforgetsuchawonderfulPureJoymoment* *sniffles*

CATHERINE: Taking your pet for a walk?
GRISSOM: Know how much you like my little fetal pig, so I'm giving him to you as an office-warming gift.
CATHERINE: That is so thoughtful. Now tell me why you really stopped by. You checking up on me?
CATHERINE: What've you heard? Who talked to you?
GRISSOM: See? You've been on the job for a week and you're already paranoid.
CATHERINE: When I was your right-hand and your left, I always knew that if it hit the fan, that you'd be the one to get dirty.
GRISSOM: Hey, that's the job.
CATHERINE: Yeah, that's the job. Did you ever play politics?
GRISSOM: I once ran for president of the science club in junior high. Mary Hardy beat me out by one vote.
CATHERINE: I'm going to guess that you didn't vote for yourself.
GRISSOM: I'm not any good at politics. And it's cost me. It's how I lost Nick and Warrick.
CATHERINE: Your loss was my gain.
GRISSOM: Yeah. And at least they're in good hands.

me thinks that Cath absolutely knew why Gil stopped by!!!

* So do I need to resign from episode recaps? Maybe the talk of the split shift from the mea culpa recap just made me crazy.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Awwwwww.......That was a sweet sweet scene :) I loved how he knew cath would be paranoid and had the heart to go comfort her.
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