Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without Her?

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Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

kaylyne said:
Same here E. I'm not a Marg/Billy shipper. I can't see the two of them playing other characters as a couple. Sometimes, that really doesn't work. Only in a few instances that I can think of where it works.
Oh I don't know. Marg and Billy have natural chemistry and I think it is in good part because of their personalities. It's just like two people. Some click at once and quickly become great friends, others, well, never quite do. They remain friendly acquaintances. I think Marg and Billy would still have become friends had they met outside of CSI.

Given how wonderful the both of them are as actors, I think they'll easily pull it off as a couple on another show. I'd love to see that.

Ch-ch-changes. The scene in the storage made me quite sick. And it is this scene and this one alone that pops to mind when I think of this ep. So thanks, Hottie, for reminding me of that wee GC moment. ;)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

I actually think they could pull it off, too. However, I'm not sure if anyone would actually cast them against each other in a movie. Not because they don't have fantastic chemistry - I think everyone and anyone can see that they do - but because I think most producers would be afraid that the audience would only see Gil Grissom and Catherine Willows in front of them. In other words, I think Billy and Marg would be able to pull it off beautifully, but I think producers would be very wary of doing it. However, if they were to wait quite a few years after the show is over, it could very well happen. I know I'd personally LOVE to see it.

And I know we haven't reached this ep yet, but "Nesting Dolls" was on here tonight, and I just have to mention how much I love and adore their first scenes together. I just love how they work together, and God... their faces as Gil breaks the skull. LOL Gets me every single time. See? Even when they weren't on the same shift, they still had more screentime together than in the latter half of season 6.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

ren28 said:
[Oh I don't know. Marg and Billy have natural chemistry and I think it is in good part because of their personalities. It's just like two people. Some click at once and quickly become great friends, others, well, never quite do. They remain friendly acquaintances. I think Marg and Billy would still have become friends had they met outside of CSI.
Yes, I should have phrased my post a little better. I definitely see the chemistry between Marg & Billy, but for them to be on a different show, the writing/show concept would need to be built around their chemistry. (think their fun-loving banter of CSI seasons 1-4, not 5-6).

I remember watching Timothy Busfield & Ashley Crow in "Little Big League" (a story about my beloved Minnesota Twins!) and thinking they had great chemistry, they should do a series together. Well, a couple years later, they did a short-lived series "Champs" where they played husband & wife. The storyline of the series really stunk, and not even their chemistry together could pull off a lousy script. Maybe bring Ann Donahue back to write them a decent script and I'd be parked in front of my tv in a heartbeat to see it.

IMO, even Mel & Rene didn't have quite the same chemistry in "ransom" that they had in their two LW shows together.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

kaylyne said:
I definitely see the chemistry between Marg & Billy, but for them to be on a different show, the writing/show concept would need to be built around their chemistry. (think their fun-loving banter of CSI seasons 1-4, not 5-6).
There were a few really intense and shippy moments in S5. Think Formalities. Think No Humans Involved. Think Nesting Dolls. Think Swap Meet. Think Weeping Willows. I've probably missed a whole lot of others.

S6 was poorer in intense moments. But those very few and sparsely distributed seconds, I thought they managed well, at least in the earlier half of the season. Think of that brief phone conversation in ABRTI, the way Catherine said, "I hate it when you do that!" She managed to make that one line relational, with that slight tinge of a whine. Walking side by side, no words allowed, no eye contact allowed, and they bump, they are in sync...

In the latter bits, they seemed to have been fully banned from exuding any kind of chemistry. And now we hear that even eye contact between them in S7 is being written into the script! :rolleyes:

So what's snuffing out their natural chemistry? The writing, the directing and the editing.

I'd like to believe that in the universe of film-making, one would be hard-pressed to run into a more moronic team than the one presently running CSI:LV. I think any film maker (let's start with Quentin Tarantino) who has Marg and Billy as leads would have that modicum of good sense to capitalise on their natural sparkle. While it may not rescue really crappy scripts, it would make some less than memorable ones at least enjoyable and watchable. We've seen that happening on CSI.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

^ Same here, ren. Same here. *hearts you*

Just a look, or just one touch could beat anything from the latter half of CSI season 6. :)
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

erica, kaylyne, if it wasn't for cath gil wouldn't know what any of the suspects were saying.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

^ And the witnesses or people related to the cases! Just think about the convo with that stripper in Assume Nothing. Oh what would he do without Catherine? :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

get lost and lonely and make stupid decisions?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

^we've already seen that happen. do i need to bring up the season finale. maybe she should get a 24/7 job as say...wife?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

EricaSJ said:
About the chemistry...I don't ship Marg/Billy (Marg/Alan is my real-life OTP, haha), but I'd love to see the chemistry continue somewhere else if not on CSI. Me thinks they should do a movie together and play the ultimate couple in it. :D

:lol: Think I need to clarify abit, I don't ship marg/billy in real life, I just ship their on-screen chemistry. I just think that they compliment each other really well and will make a very good on-screen couple (regardless of what show they appear on) In real life they have their own families and that's that, it's inappropriate and quite extreme to ship the actors. So don't get me wrong! GC is my ultimate ship :D


ren28 said:
Oh I don't know. Marg and Billy have natural chemistry and I think it is in good part because of their personalities. It's just like two people. Some click at once and quickly become great friends, others, well, never quite do. They remain friendly acquaintances. I think Marg and Billy would still have become friends had they met outside of CSI.
*hugs ren * Thanks for putting it so nicely, my thoughts exactly!

ren28 said:
I'd like to believe that in the universe of film-making, one would be hard-pressed to run into a more moronic team than the one presently running CSI:LV. I think any film maker (let's start with Quentin Tarantino) who has Marg and Billy as leads would have that modicum of good sense to capitalise on their natural sparkle. While it may not rescue really crappy scripts, it would make some less than memorable ones at least enjoyable and watchable. We've seen that happening on CSI.
Yep, not only marg and billy, they have also forfeited the team's chemistry, which is another success factor for CSI
*shakes head* such great stuff gone to waste
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

They do say great minds think alike for a reason. Erica, Angie...I was thinking the exact same thing. I would love to see Billy and Marg in a movie together. :lol: They'd pull it off beautifully, but I guess the audience may be seeing Gil and Catherine. But hell. Just for our sake. Is there no director out there who's willing to do this for us? Tarantino, where art thou? :lol:

Gil/Lindsey? I'd love to see a scene. I think they'd have chemistry too. I don't know, I just have this feeling. :p Maybe it's just me.
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

rebec said:
:lol: Think I need to clarify abit, I don't ship marg/billy in real life, i just ship their on-screen chemistry. I just think that they compliment each other really well and will make a very good on-screen couple (regardless of what show they appear on) In real life they have their own families and that's that, it's inappropriate and quite extreme to ship the actors. So don't get me wrong! GC is my ultimate ship :D
Oh I know. I wasn't talking about you, rebec, I was rather talking about myself not shipping Marg/Billy. :) There ARE Marg/Billy shippers, you know. *shivers*
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Well, I have to be true to myself. I'm not saying I want them to get together or anything, but their friendship off-screen is just too good to pass up (like ET for instance). So yeah I guess I'm partly a Marg/Billy shipper. :p I tend to get obsessive over these things. But if you asked me to choose, GC forever. :lol:
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

well gravy, i think there are marg/billy shippers and there are MARG/BILLY shippers who would have them as more than friends. does that make sense?
Re: Gil <3 Cath #22: PureJoy - What Would He Do Without He

Haha, I know what you mean Erica , shipping real life actors is just so.......wierd :rolleyes:

Gravy , I also agree that it'll take some time before billy and marg can step out of the shawdows of gil and cath. That's the thing about getting involved in long-lived series, the actors tend to get type casted. That's why I know I am only dreaming when I said I want to see B/M in another show but hey, as catherine said, just let me dream ok? :lol: *goes off to dreamland*

*pops back in* about CH-CH changes, loved the scene that you all have discussed as well as those non GC ones that kaylyne had posted *pats kay on the back for the good job* I just love it when G/C get to interview showgirls/strippers together (they seem to do that alot), there's something about those scenes that seems to raise the sexual tension between gil and cath to an even higher level and it just makes my shipper heart goes over the speed limit :D


coolcatz said:
well gravy, i think there are marg/billy shippers and there are MARG/BILLY shippers who would have them as more than friends. does that make sense?
Yep, making perfect sense. *goes into deep thought* In fact, I think I may be one of them because their friendship off screen is one big reason why they are so great on-screen. But that's just my opinion, some may not agree
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