I'm glad she's not leaving, but I'm still curious about what sort of role she's going to play next season. Since Melinda hasn't really defeated the guy-in-the-hat yet, I'm assuming that will be a major story arc continuing into the next season as well, and maybe even beyond it. I was thinking that he might find a way to get Andrea's soul so that Melinda couldn't free her friend until she'd defeated the guy-in-the-hat. But at the same time, I'm sure that Andrea would be resistant to his particular brand of persuasion because of knowing Melinda for so long...I guess we'll all have to wait and see.
Here's something that I was wondering about: did Melinda say something to Jim about Andrea? If so, I didn't catch that part. I remember Andrea asking the guy from the FBI if her brother was on the list and him ignoring her, as well as the fact that Andrea went to her brother's apartment and that nobody would talk to her. The fact that the watch stopped at the time of Andrea's death was very interesting. I didn't realize that she was dead until Mitch walked right by her. They did a very good job of making the end a surprise.
I wonder why the FBI guy didn't question Melinda after she said that she spoke to the dead--maybe it was because he was used to 'psychics' working with the government (remember he asked her if she worked with the CIA or whatever?). I actually thought for a minute that he was the pilot's brother--when he answered the phone in the antique store it kind of sounded like he said something like "Nilson" or whatever the pilot's name was. So yeah, that threw me off a bit.
It took me a while to realize that the little girl's father was the architect that was going to knock down the wall and expand the store...you know, that makes me think--they did make a big deal of Andrea basically being happy to be alive and wanting to do so much--that's classic for a tv show when they want to kill someone off.
I do wonder if Aisha knew that her character was going to be killed. I'd be upset about it, but like you guys have said, it's possible that she's going to stay on as a regular ghostly cast member. But I wonder if Melinda would be comfortable with that since she's made it her life's work to help people cross over. *shrug*
Damn, they sure know how to suck me in!
I'll definitely be anticipating the new season.