George/Nick:Texan Charm #7

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I'm thinking of liquid chocolate (or chocolate syrup) and certain parts of a certain Texan anatomy.... :devil:
Thank God someone else said it before me! I don't wanna be the only "problem child" in here that Destiny has to yell at all the time!!

Yup...that could be a nice way to pass the time on a snowy afternoon...chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry on top...of a certain...well, you know! :devil:
Now my co-worker asked me why I'm blushing :lol: But the images that come to my mind...

McStokes you are so naughty :D
McStokes said:
Thank God someone else said it before me! I don't wanna be the only "problem child" in here that Destiny has to yell at all the time!!

Yup...that could be a nice way to pass the time on a snowy afternoon...chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry on top...of a certain...well, you know! :devil:

Oh the thought :devil: Don't forget the double chocolate Texan Delight Ice cream. Oh that sounds so nickylious :devil: I'll quickly jump into a cold shower here to stop the nickflashes :D

OnlyTruth I can behave myself if I have to :)
Must be because I work almost exclusively with men! Yeah, that's it...I'll blame it on their influence!
Howdy George Fans, finally seen Grave Danger and I believe I am now in love with Nick Stokes!! He's bloody stunning! :)
i really liked that episode, and i thinkn GE did a GREAT job on it. normally grown men crying wig me out but he carried it out well.
Yeah, i can't stand men crying. it feels like someone stabs me right in the heart. But grave danger was a really good episode. The episodes about Nick & Kelly that followed were great too. But sad, really sad. Specially Gum Drops..
Howdy and welcome MissMonk and 19ams87 yes the GD was also my first where i start to love Nicky.
George has been shown all what an great actor he is :)

Jacquie,Softcake, Marns and McStokes oh this nice here and hot, ice cream double choclate ice-cream and texan skin - wahhh need also a cold shower an very cold shower :lol: that´s strong tobac
Oh...the Ward has become a rather sweet and sticky place! Having a 6 pack abs table to go with it is just.... :devil:!!
Oh the things that could be done with chocolate...caramel..., ice cream is good....true...but.... I so won't finish the thought because it has already been thought of, mentioned and agreed to! :D :devil:

Thanks for the info on gummy bears softcake! I had no idea!! Education for the day!

Trust me..the gummy bears are being utilized!! I took a bag, a rather big bag to work last night. It was a long night, lots of paper work and talk about urine therapy. My co-worker let me read some material about it. I started thinking "Crows Feet" and began snickering at Nick's remark when he picked up that wine glass in that woman's bathroom..

"Tell you one thing though....she like it fresh"

By that time it was 3am, I was tired and strung out on gummy bears. Okay...I had two diet pepsi's to add into the mix. I started getting slap happy. I had tons of paper work to do, treatments, medicines and 46 residents. Those gummy bears were my link to sanity. *you know I'm gone when I start holding conversations with gummy bears* Okay..and the thought of Nick Stokes flexing his muscles! If my work enviroment can't be gummy bears and roses....then my mental enviroment can!!! :lol:

Hey...think George likes gummy bears? What would his favorite color be?

No fresh George until April 12. Arrgghh!! What are we ever gonna do!?!? Hmmm.....this answer should be interesting!!
SparkyGirl sais
Okay..and the thought of Nick Stokes flexing his muscles! If my work enviroment can't be gummy bears and roses....then my mental enviroment can!!!

Hey...think George likes gummy bears? What would his favorite color be?

No fresh George until April 12. Arrgghh!! What are we ever gonna do!?!? Hmmm.....this answer should be interesting!!

that´s nice idea SparkyGirl flexing muscles from Nicky :lol: the man is an giant gummy bear i´m right? :devil:
And btw. when he like gummy bears favorite coulor "blue" or "black" no, joke, i think he likes than the white or red bears i love gummy bears, give me one bag and i need 20 minutes to eat them all :lol: they are dangerous for me.

The time to next Epi? i think 28. March or so, the next? but ok, until this is also long time and we can ask McStokes to give us the handcuffs and catching GE to spend us time? :devil: we are all nice and good to him and give him many many gummy bears.
Ommmmmm Grave Danger that episode is amazing!!!! :D I remember when my friend first told me about it, she was explaining the basic storline coz i missed it on the telly and we were in the middle of a careers seminar and i just sudenaly yell out 'OMG Nicky No !!!!!' it was sooooo ombarising but soooooo worth it :lol:

And you guys ... all this talk of ice cream and gummy bears and wipped cream some of your are deamons, not mentioning any names of course *cough McStokes cough* :lol: he he he its brill. I'm having to be carfull where and when I log on now coz who knows what you guys will have written, my teachers are getting suspicious when I stare at the computer screen mouth open when I'm supposed to be doing boring essays :lol: I had such stong cravings for chocolate and cream that I had to go to Starbucks and by myself a choolate frapichino :D Ummm now there would be a tasty drink to go with our new found Nicky cutlery :p
Swami a chocolate frapichino sounds like a caffine drink. Do you think we need to get high on caffine. I mean we do have Nick and chocolate and Nick and chocolate and Nick :) I've never had a chocolate frapichino but it sounds pleasant enough :)

Stoky I loved the giant gummy bear comment :) Now whenever I see gummy bears all I'll be able to think about is GE and Nick and I will not explain my smile to anyone :)
Good point there Jacquie too much caffine and Nick and chocolate and Nick and cream and all the rest of it and we'd all be wandering round like a bunch of nutters completley high on the whole experiense :D

Oh and you should try one they're soooo yummy, but not as yummy as a certain texan we all know and love :p
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