Hear...hear there
McStokes on the Daylight Savings thingy! :lol: My body clock is suffering! It takes a week or so before I adjust to the change. Does anyone else have this problem? Lets not even talk about the billion clocks that have to be reset! I got all of em done....and then mess up the clock on the DVD recorder! There just had to be one!
Hopefully George had no problem and wasn't late for a dern thing!
Love ya George!
Oh...peanut butter cookies! Oh yummy! I can just taste them! I'll take Nick's peanut butter cookies! He can have my chocolate chips!!
Ever get a craving that seems to dominate you until you just have to have it?! Okay...George aside! :devil: Mine has been gummy bears. Suddenly..wham! I'm fixating on gummy bears. I'm at work...doing paper work...eating gummy bears, restocking...eating gummy bears, walking down the hall...eating gummy bears. I'd share my gummy bears with George and with the Ward! Wonder what kind of cravings George has? Hmmm...food for thought!
I'm so ready for spring! Ohio has almost winter, winter, still winter and Orange barrel season! I've always wanted to snag a construction cone or a sign. But I'm not brilliant enough to actually do it. Guess there are other things that take more of a priority.....Nick Stokes marathon, washing the truck, finding the perfect avvie of George....cleaning house....drooling....you all get the hint.
Okay...time to stop the sudden chatter...with gummy bears!