George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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I found this in my archives, from way back about S/2 or 3, not sure, at a Halloween party, I have no idea who the girl is that George is with.. Billy.. Gary & George & they look like their all having fun! a Cardinal :D

Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians :)

Yoshi said:

George is definitely aging beautifully. He's got a damn sight less grey than me and he's only 9 months older.
My hairdresser's bill is getting nightmarish :lol:

My hubby's 5 years older than me and I have more grey hair than he does :lol: but I don't do anything. I like my battle scars just the way they are :)

Desertwind thanks for the pic. I would attend that Cardinals church any day :)

Here are the rest of my theme pics :)

Dear blackflag....
Hey cool the Ward Girls still think I'm the best
just thinking an interrogation room
oh that view is such an eye opener in the morning and afternoon and evening :D
listening to the latest Ward Girls album
just crouching in the middle of the highway with the drivers we have on the roads I wouldn't advise doing this these days.
Blackflag - I'm digging the new avie!
I'm gonna skip this theme -- Mondays are a killer. There have been some pretty fantastic pics for you to choose from already, though!
OnlyTruth, as soon as I saw the scene I knew I had to. Hey - I'm a NASCAR fan. It's something about the type-A personalities on the racetrack that draws me in. :D

I've done my good deed for the day. Spent the morning at the mall getting a couple of shirts (for x-mas pics) and getting Christopher's birthday pic taken. Then spent the afternoon at an apple orchard picking apples with the little monsters. These pics were wonderful to come home to. :lol:

First off, since I can only post 6 pics honorable mentions go to Yoshi for your #9 pic, and bookgirl for your #4 pic. If I could post more they would have been in here.

Your runners up:
Jacquie - I like the sunglasses on the back of his head (and my main NASCAR driver does the same thing).
bookgirl - He likes to get up close and personal when looking at evidence.
Yoshi - I agree. I could stare at this all day. :rolleyes: This was one of the first pics I got that I couldn't take my eyes off of!
jacquie again - I could also stare at this one all day. :rolleyes: But you knew that!

It was very close between 2 pics from the same scene. You can probable guess which ones I'm talking about. :lol:

Yoshi - It was Oh-so-close!

Your winner is:
Jacquie - Just look at that face. You can tell he's having a lot of fun from looking at the eyes. I love his eyes! I think you and Yoshi both knew that something from this scene was going to win. :lol: I guess you could say I knew right from the beginning which one was going to win, however between the 2 pics from Yoshi and the 1 from Snakes I was actually having a hard time of it. :lol:

Oh Oh I won again :D I figured what better pic for a NASCAR fan than to have Nick in his go-cart. All of them looked like they were having fun and we got the extra bonus of seeing more of Nick. I bet the producers were on tender hooks to make sure nobody hurt themselves. They may be all adults but adults are just grown up children most of the time :)

Here's a theme we haven't done in awhile Jumpsuits :) Always a drool worthy theme :) The usual 12 and I probably will announce the winner in about 26 hours. Happy hunting.
Jacquie said: They may be all adults but adults are just grown up children most of the time :)

I have a feeling that with this group that they are usually more children than grown up. Especially in this situation. :lol:

Theme pics:
Just walking down the sidewalk ready to dig out his skeleton.
Nostradomous, you are not! (I seriously doubt that I spelled that right!)
Sure doesn't seem to mind getting durty for his job!
Looks good in the jumpsuit. :lol:
Nice to meet you Jacquie.
Jumpsuit and hoodie! :D

BTW: Jacquie thank for the info (over in the baseball thread). I thought it was the AL but I didn't really pay attention. :rolleyes:

Congratulations on winning Jacquie :)

Theme pics straight ahead:

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3 Yum :p
Pic 4 looking for the nasty killer gnome
Pic 5 nice profile here too - the neck, the neck....
Pic 6 didn't you meet a friend of this guy before Nick? :D

I have to remember that jumpsuits = overalls and not a baby's all in one garment :D
Although maybe there were shots from King Baby we never got to see. ;) :D
Yoshi said:

Pic 5 nice profile here too - the neck, the neck....

I have to remember that jumpsuits = overalls and not a baby's all in one garment :D
Although maybe there were shots from King Baby we never got to see. ;) :D

Yoshi what season is this one from so I can add it to the correct photobucket :) And the thought of seeing Nick in a baby's jumper, as we call them here, is very interesting :rolleyes:
Not sure Jacquie. I'd guess an early season because of the hair. 3 maybe?
Can't recall where or who I snagged it from and the title gave no clues.
Very pretty though :)
Good Morning Ward Girls :)

It looks like our weather will be back to reality today after record breaking highs yesterday. Last night we ate dinner outside and it was jsut so weird to be sitting outside in October in short sleeves. I think it was still in the high 20C when we ate dinner just after 7.

Here are some random waker uppers :)

getting into the fall mood
so handsome
even more handsome
some morning scruff
the smile that launched a lot of sighs It may have launched a lot of ships as well :lol:
Hi everyone...didn't had time for a while, but I will join in again next always helpin in bad times to drool over George/Nick, he is a great medicine ;)...
Evening all :)

Last of theme pics - sorry for any replication.

Pic 7 looking a little stern
Pic 8
Pic 9 who needs a torch with a smile as bright as that? :D
Pic 10
Pic 11
Pic 12 getting grimy with Griss

Thanks for getting my seasons right blackflag. It's always a little tricky when pics get renamed as well. 'eyesbuzzbuttonswow' doesn't help me place anything in my image host any easier :lol:
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