OnlyTruth, as soon as I saw the scene I knew I had to. Hey - I'm a NASCAR fan. It's something about the type-A personalities on the racetrack that draws me in.
I've done my good deed for the day. Spent the morning at the mall getting a couple of shirts (for x-mas pics) and getting Christopher's birthday pic taken. Then spent the afternoon at an apple orchard picking apples with the little monsters. These pics were wonderful to come home to. :lol:
First off, since I can only post 6 pics honorable mentions go to
Yoshi for your #9 pic, and
bookgirl for your #4 pic. If I could post more they would have been in here.
Your runners up:
Jacquie - I like the sunglasses on the back of his head (and my main NASCAR driver does the same thing).
bookgirl - He likes to get up close and personal when looking at evidence.
Yoshi - I agree. I could stare at this all day.
This was one of the first pics I got that I couldn't take my eyes off of!
jacquie again - I could also stare at this one all day.
But you knew that!
It was very close between 2 pics from the same scene. You can probable guess which ones I'm talking about. :lol:
Yoshi - It was Oh-so-close!
Your winner is:
Jacquie - Just look at that face. You can tell he's having a lot of fun from looking at the eyes. I love his eyes! I think you and
Yoshi both knew that something from this scene was going to win. :lol: I guess you could say I knew right from the beginning which one was going to win, however between the 2 pics from
Yoshi and the 1 from
Snakes I was actually having a hard time of it. :lol: