George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Okay once this game ends the new thread will start so that it will be a fresh game in a fresh thread. ;)
The ward itself will be but will the people in it? hmm :p
Oh and I didn't forget the handcuff's McStokes just waiting for someone to prove my point. Nicely done. True that you are protecting the other people in the world but y'all are still crazy. :lol: :p
Destiny a good number of us are over the legal age. Some way more than others :D but don't worry the only thing that will go fizz in the ward will be pop or for you Americans soda :)
Ok back to post the winner. Sorry for the delay- my sister got bad news and I had to go cheer her up. I told her she could come help me pick the winner, but she didn't seem interested. :confused: I don't get it that cheers me up everytime.

The runners up:
Jacquie A happy Nick is a huggy Nick
Blackflag You can practically hear the laugh that goes with the picture
Yoshi Too cute smirk
Yoshi I love this picture, and now I'm always going to think of the Grinch when I see it- Thanks Blackflag!

And the winner is- Jacquie! Because that photos is dang amazing.
Ward Girls, Destiny and fellow lurkers we are leaving this the 20th thread. So please leave your old handcuffs at the door and as you enter our 21st thread pick up your new handcuffs from our friendly resident cop-McStokes :)

Let the party begin :)
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