George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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blackflag you seem to have a thing these days for a particular view of Nick. Not that I complaining mind you because it is very nice to look at :D as well as all the other views :)

Very loverly pics ladies. Nick in a jumpsuit whether or not he has anything else under it or not :)

blackflagand speaking of nothing underneath :p
Yoshi with the power of the brow
blackflag love those eyelashes
bookgirl as an young employee of mine says Sweet!
blackflag :)

And the winner is Yoshi as well as a nice jumpsuit pic this is also a loverly vampire pic :) So congrats Yoshi Nick is on his way back over the pond :)
Ahhh - just what I need. The day off tomorrow and good company :D

So, for the next theme I'd like to see Nick with a co-worker. I don't mind which one, but just one with him.

*whispers* was seriously considering arm porn again as I've been looking at pics from A La Cart
but thought it a little soon seeing as it was only a couple of themes ago lol *stops whispering*


I'm off to pilfer pics from the last theme now.
I thought you might be able to, but then that'd just turn it into a droolfest for us both lol :D

...which is not a bad idea in itself. :devil:
Thank you, Jacquie, exactly what I needed this morning- a dose of Nick! :D

Leaping Lizards episode was okay. Loved the Nick parts, but.. the storyline was not that good, in my opinion. Ah well, I'm looking forward to next wek's The Good, The Bad and The Dominatrix!
I do prefer Labrat Greg myself blackflag, but I'm not going to say no CSI Sanders if I'm honest. :D

Excellent pics folks, narrowing them down was hard work - but worth the lengthy studying I have to add. ;)

blackflag Grrr. When that button's fastened it always looks like it needs to be opened :devil:
bookgirl great scene :D
Jacquie because I really like Hodges :p (or more specifically, Wally Langham)
Jacquie my good God! Just want to - well..
blackflag a close second, one of the best pics of Warrick. I like the episode too. :)

I think it's obvious that Mr Sanders would be in my winning pic (although it very nearly wasn't the case) and bookgirl won with this pic. :D Labrat Greg in just the sort of scene I loved with Nick. Thank you and enjoy our man's company when he gets over to you. :D
Congrats on winning bookgirl :) Love traffic :mad: combined with some much needed rain delayed me from entering a second set of pics. There were some that I didn't have but do now :)
How i do like the view as well Blackflag
like the new pictures we are getting from this season so far as well. :D
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