George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Yay my boys won! Thanks Yoshi. :)
I'm struggling to think of a theme today. But for some reason I want to see pretty pictures of Nick, George, and the usual suspects in a hat.
Any kind it doesn't matter. The usual 12 in 24 hours.
Hi, guys. I need to know who is the girl that George is with? Here is a picture of the boys and one girl that George is with.

George with the girl

I said that his sister, but I don't think so. Could be his date or something. Can you tell me who is the girl that George is with?
I'm sure that's not his sister NicknGrissom, otherwise I can't help. Good costumes though. :)

I've been up since stupid o'clock having had to go into work in the wee hours (I'm on call this week). Haven't had to do that for a while. Didn't dare go back to sleep so I've been loitering. :D

Pic 1 man in black
Pic 2 not sure who needs cooling off the most - me or him ;)
Pic 3 I'm loving the slightly dishevelled look
Pic 4 as you can see
Pic 5 needs a hand drying off bookgirl
Pic 6 sweet
Hey - I have a request? Do you have any pics of Nick from the *cough* back side by any chance? Thanks!
If you do I would love to see them. Thanks so much! Love the one that is one of your fav's! :devil: :D
Now there's a treat. Nick from the rear. :D I think I have a couple more, I'll look later.

More theme goodness:

Pic 7 :D
Pic 8
Pic 9 he likes his cap
Pic 10 just watched Fight Night on 5US - reminded me of this pic
Pic 11
Pic 12 fits this theme and another fave theme of mine ;)

edited because blackflag and I posted the same pic at the same time.
*cue Twilight Zone music :D*

edited Mk 2 and then we both changed them at the same time rofl
I just have a thing for that view lately. When I get this way I start searching out all the pics that I can find to fill my need. :devil:

Rest of my theme pics:
Poor Nicky has to get into the hole with the dead body.
Hard hat is needed for repelling out of a helicopter.
A recent shot of our Mad Scientist!
backwards again
This is the only cast promo shot that he wears the hat. (that I've found that is)
I love behind the scenes shots. :)

Now off I go to see if I can find some new shots of his backside. :D

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