George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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The computer didn't work with me this afternoon, but now I also got pics from Nick racing ;) know where you can find them ;)...
Evening Ladies :)

Sorry for lateness. Lovely caps Babs. Serious arm porn! :eek:

....and the results are in :D

blackflag just grrrr :devil:
bookgirl georgeous profile shot as well
OT good to see you back and thanks for the buzz and sunnies :D
Jacquie just phew!
blackflag so close with this - beautiful soft focus.

However, Jacquie had the edge with this, I don't have it and it's a look I'm currently looking at a lot lol. :D

I've bundled Nicky over to you - he may take you karting if your luck's in ;) :D
He's simply delicious! Even if he doesn't know the proper way to hold a handgun! I can't help's an occupational hazard, but in Blackflag's 'Mad Scientist' picture, he's holding it all wrong! :eek:
OK McStokes how is a gun held? And Yoshi don't give McStokes any idea of showing Nick something she may never give him back :lol:

blackflag love your avatar :)

Oh happy ward dance I won :) I was thinking on the way home of what might be an nice theme if I won and after seeing all the red car lights I think I figured it out. I want to see pics of Nick and company with red or green in them. The catch being that Nick and Co. can't be wearing the colour :) The usual 12 in 24. Happy Hunting :)
I spy a new theme. :D

Pic 1 There's green back there.
Pic 2 There's a red something lol.
Pic 3 Red on the sign on the wall.
Pic 4 Plenty of greenery.
Pic 5 Red lettering on the board. You have to look really closely though. :D
Pic 6 Colours just everywhere.
just wanted to say love the new caps there was a lot of arm porn last epp. i even said it out loud hee hee hee but first off this is a really funny picture of nick and greg hee hee hee and second was it just me or did nicks pants seem a little tight? i noticed it when if showed the vitims handicaped brother and it showed nick from behind (coldn't find the exact cap so this had to do) not that theirs nothing wrong with tight jeans...on nick lol
Oh last night george was so fine, and he had the best lines last night...thats all :D

and can some one send me a new icon? i need somthing, i don't care if it's just a pic...somthing...from last night would be nice :D

and great pics all, i need to update my pics to the new season soon :D
Good Morning y'all :)

nicksarafan if you go to the Texan Charm website there are a lot of avatars to choice from there. You way also want to try in the Fan Art section on talkcsi and see if anyone there will make you a new one.

it's going to be this type of day here The weather the last couple of days has just been too warm for October. The normal temp for this time of year is 15C. It's going to be 25C today
getting ready to start the day

Have a good Saturday and the pics so far are awesome :) I'll be snagging a number of them for my collection :)
Afternoon Ladies :)

Can we have a little of your heat over here Jacquie? It's freezing!

Second set of theme pics.

Pic 7 green shading in the background
Pic 8 red on the vehicle and lid of the evidence pale
Pic 9 green in the background
Pic 10 red metal (and red rose perhaps in the background?)
Pic 11 red light
Pic 12 red tail light
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