George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Oh happy ward dance I won :D Since it's still the weekend let's try something that's not to taxing on the brain but will be oh so easy on the eyes. Little Stoker :) Limit of 12 and I announce the winner in about 22 hours. Happy hunting :)
blackflag I'm always surprised at how little fire insurance people have on their businesses or home.

Babs I like you Sexy Stokes avatar :)
Oh no! :lol: Once you think: "Why not enter the theme, I haven't done that in a long time", you go to your photobucket, search for some pictures, and find out that you don't have any that fit the theme! :eek: I don't have ANY little stoker pics. Well, just randoms then. I do have a lot of those. :D

Random 1
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Good Monday morning y'all :)

Wow Marns a ward girl with no Little Stoker pics. Shakes head but all is forgiven because you do have some nice pics other than the little guy :)

Babs and blackflag thanks for the lovely pics of Little Stoker :) I'm going to pick blackflag as the winner. I didn't have this in my collection. I do now :D Anyway congrats blackflag and I'll send a tired Nick your way :)
Congratz on winning Blackflag I hope I can join in next theme. My hubby has 2 days off so we probably go out with the kids ;)...If the weather is oke. Not like this morning when it was raining like crazy.
Babs, we had a violent thunder storm at 5:00 am. And I was wide awake at midnight last night. Had trouble going to sleep only to be wakened up by the crash of thunder over my head! :eek:

Jacquie, I think that was one of my newest finds. I got bored and was just sitting on Beyond Imagination going through the Who Are You? caps.

New theme - I want Nick / George / his other characters wearing white. Limit of 12, winner tomorrow. Could be more than 24 hours, could be less than 24 hours. I have no idea exactly when! :D

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