Oh happy ward dance I won Since it's still the weekend let's try something that's not to taxing on the brain but will be oh so easy on the eyes. Little Stoker Limit of 12 and I announce the winner in about 22 hours. Happy hunting
Jacquie, they got some sort of deal where trucks from across the state cover. Except for the fact that a lot of the shop owners didn't have insurance (or enough of it) nobody was physically hurt.
Since I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow morning. I just have a strange feeling it won't be on the computer. :lol: Here's the rest of my theme pics.
Oh no! :lol: Once you think: "Why not enter the theme, I haven't done that in a long time", you go to your photobucket, search for some pictures, and find out that you don't have any that fit the theme! I don't have ANY little stoker pics. Well, just randoms then. I do have a lot of those.
Wow Marns a ward girl with no Little Stoker pics. Shakes head but all is forgiven because you do have some nice pics other than the little guy
Babs and blackflag thanks for the lovely pics of Little Stoker I'm going to pick blackflag as the winner. I didn't have this in my collection. I do now Anyway congrats blackflag and I'll send a tired Nick your way
Congratz on winning Blackflag I hope I can join in next theme. My hubby has 2 days off so we probably go out with the kids ...If the weather is oke. Not like this morning when it was raining like crazy.
Babs, we had a violent thunder storm at 5:00 am. And I was wide awake at midnight last night. Had trouble going to sleep only to be wakened up by the crash of thunder over my head!
Jacquie, I think that was one of my newest finds. I got bored and was just sitting on Beyond Imagination going through the Who Are You? caps.
New theme - I want Nick / George / his other characters wearing white. Limit of 12, winner tomorrow. Could be more than 24 hours, could be less than 24 hours. I have no idea exactly when!
It has been hot today and it will continue to be hot for the rest of the week. Wednesday the humidity rolls in and there is no rain in the forecast So I'll cool down with pics of Nick
I thought photobucket wasn't going to let me do my second set of pics this morning but their maintenance is over So here is my second set of theme pics