George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Oh Stoky it so good to see you. Hugs and Kisses :) and of course we missed you. Tell your damn computer to behave itself or you'll get all us ward girls to gang up on it :)

McStokes I would like to do more than jumping on the bed with GE but that's a start :devil:

Ok new theme. Lets have Nick with his co-workers and what the co-workers have to say to Nick. The usual 12 in 24. Happy Nick Hunting :)
Hy Jacquie oh yes, i´m so happy also for the new thread :) and thanks for the new theme it´s so nice and i love it. Oh and sure hugs and kisses back :)

So i´ll making the first ;) eta: huh, i´ve been making a mistake, must change the words.

Nicky, where is my gift?
hey Nick, do you think that the Ward Ladys like me too? :D
ohh please Nicky, dont sai now what do you think about
Nick, .. i think you´ve been making a big mistake
nahh Nick i dont look in your eyes, they are so hypnotic
Nicky you now what? I think you´re broading to much.

oh that´s so good and makes me happy. I dont knowing if i can be looking here the next 2 days, because i´m visit a good girlfriend in Augsburg, it´s 700 km from my home, so i must drive early in the morning. But i hope i can look at here computer tomorrow evening ;) So i hope i can make my second set here this night.
:lol: thanks so much Blackflag

here my second set

Nicky, i´ve told you so often you must wearing better shoes :lol:

ouh men Nicky, what have you done? our Pizza is falling in the gully
Hey Nick... i sai it, beware of the Wardladys :lol:
Omg, Nicky look, there are all the Wardladys
thehe... Nicky, Jacquie told me a secret
chacha.. Nick, whenever you need help in dancecourse, Hodges is by you

so i hope now it´s better :lol: now i´m off in bed now, because the day is hard enough for me and driving. Wish y´ll a nice and wonderfull evening and night we see us.

Big hug around here and dont forget ... take care about y´ll
Mmmmmm......... Nicky in the morning. just what i was craving :devil:

man it seems like we just got dry! Before, it rained for literally 2 weeks straight. day after day of rain... lots of squiters :p
Hi. And Woo-Hoo! Number 20! That's worth a "Wow!". :p What a great way of coming back to the Ward, all those pictures! :D
Howdy everyone :)

Instead of the hot and sticky day it was suppose to be it's been a cool and cloudy day. Oh well there is still plenty of time for the heat and humidity to rear it ugly head this summer.

It's been great to see Stoky and Babs back in the game. I thought at one point blackflag and I were providing the entertainment with occasion help from Yoshi. I know we all have lives and computer problems to deal with. So here are the runners up in no particular order

Stoky yup the ward girls are always around :)
Yoshi I like the look on Nick here.It's like a spoiled child not getting their way.
Babs this whole scene was funny
blackflag Nick and Rick classic
blackflag again. Open Nick shirt :). I like the look on Keplers face. He's not happy with the fun Nick wants to have.

And the winner is Babs Arm porn, open Nick and jeans :) Congrats Babs Nick is now in your capable hands. Enjoy :)
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