George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Finally this afternoon and tomorrow we're supposed to get rid of the high humidity and high dewpoint. Keeping the high temps though. And the humidity comes back on Thursday. We had to put the dehumidifier in Christopher's room because we have water coming up through the floor! :eek:

Winner time:

Runners up:
Babs - Was wondereing if anyone would do white gloves with this pic. :lol:
Jacquie - Yah! That's enough white. Would you believe I never snagged this pic before now. Sometimes I'm a bad fan. :( (bad speller too!)
Yoshi - It is white. I just wish it wasn't there. :devil:
Babs again - One of the eps I was thinking of for this theme. Can this be considered classic yet?
Yoshi again - Another of those eps I had in mind with this theme.

The winner is:
Jacquie - I am a sucker for anything season 5. I just liked Nicky in season 5. And the white shirt he wears in Viva Las Vegas is just perfect. The wardrobe department did real good for Nicky in season 5.


Oh happy ward dance I won again! :) blackflag I know you can't resist season 5 pics :D So now to a new theme. Since some of us are being over cooked with the heat and some of you wish you had some heat lets have Nick and George looking hot. Yes I know he always looks hot but you get my drift :) The usual 12 in 24
Jacquie said:
blackflag I think most of us would flock to the beach if we could look at that everyday :)

Gosh, who wouldnt. we would have to make sure it's on a private ward beach!!!
Good Morning y'all

Maryse this is where having your own beach on Georgeland helps :D

Where's McStokes these days. I hope all goes well with her. And OnlyTruth I hope your children are allowing you some quality George time :)

Have a good day ladies
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