George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Just consider it GE/NS teaching you all to observe the clue of the missing word. :lol: :p
I don't know if I would have noticed the word thread missing on the first go round or not. Of course I was just following the instructions of our fearless leader :)

Ok so now it's time to announce the winner of the theme. Instead of listing all of blackflag's pics I'll jsut select this as the winner. Nick is not impressed but I'm impressed with the pic :)with those hips stuck out like that. Very appealing :D So congrats blackflag Nicky is back in your capable hands :)
I waited for those caps to come up because I had to have that one. I just love the way that he's standing there. ;)

OK - New Theme. How about full body shots. Nick / George / his other characters. By full body I mean at least 90 percent of his body showing in the pic. Limit 12, winner around 24 hours.

Now I may just have to go drool over my Ultimate CSI book, which the UPS man delivered today. :D

wow...nice start on spike tonight...Stalker and then shirtless Nick! What more can a girl ask for???
good pics! haha the one were he is spread across the bed is like a fantasy i had earlier... **fantasy clouds form above head** :p
Can't you just picture a young GE bouncing on his bed like that, with his mom yelling in the background "George Coleman Eads don't make me come up there!" :lol:

Or worse..."wait 'til your father comes home!" *gulp*
Little early but, Winner Time:

An Honorable Mention goes to Jacquie. With this wonderful season 4 Nicky. Definitely has everything I asked for. :lol:

Runners up:
Babs, with this duo of pics. Oh the dreams I can have from the first one alone. :devil: I don't think I'd yell at him for jumping on the bed (yell at Christopher for it hourly). And McStokes, in this house it was "wait until your mother comes home". Dad didn't have it in him. :lol:

Your winner is:
Jacquie - I know. I know. I said I don't like the stache. I still don't. But I do like this pic. :D You can't really see it in this one anyways. Did you notice, the workboots are brown instead of the usual black?

Howdy Ward :D everybody missing me :lol:

and yeah happy new thread therfore we need a lucky Nicky *hmm*

yeah :D


and congrats on winning Jacquie it´s ok if the pic with stache :lol: but he looks so good on it.

I´ve been missing here so much and must read so many posts first oh Dears, it´s my damn Computer and i swear next time i kill him. Babs thes jumping GE-BED-pic :lol: makes me so hard laughing also the comment from you Mcstokes oh i´m knowing what´s failing me.
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