George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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You all are welcome, its the seasonal reminder and I am sure we will do it again at some point. ;)
Evening ladies :)
Although I appreciate that greeting is dependent on your time zone. :D
Congratulations Stoky - hope all goes well for you at the weekend.

Some random Nick pics seeing as my pc is behaving again. :D
Holy smokes! I've been away from the Ward for weeks and after coming in here today and clicking through loads and loads of pics, I realized just how much I missed it here. Not to mention the wonderful, friendly discussion.

A big 'Hi" to the new folks, welcome to the Ward, it looks like you have already pulled out your drool buckets and made yourself at home.
Howdy Ward :) and no i can´t believe that i´ve won again, so much thanks Blackflag i´m sure we have much similarities what as our Nicky for, now my luckiness is perfect these day. Btw. Jacquie no, never i´ve forget y´ll, you are my luck in these way and :lol: i fear it is not so easy to talk to him, because his hometown is New Your McStokes i remember much of her sarcastics :lol: but ok enough, and i´ll tell him that the Ward my second family ;)

welcome back Only big hug and thanks Yoshi for the good wishes :lol: men your last pic, yup, that´s really also one of my favorite Nicky pic, god lord, he kills me on it :D hope i´ve nobody forget here, and hearty welcome for all the newbies here :)

Hmm, new theme pic, what can we take, it´s really not easy, but ok i´m knowing a good, i think, let me see Nicky with Weapon or he is angry with bad guys, i love these face from him also i think it´s a little approval for our guradian Angel McStokes :D time limit is 24 hrs. and limit however 12 pics. Happy hunting and i´ll looking also for new pics for Nicky but there are very rarely
Wow Stoky you're giving us an option on what we can do. Angry Nick with suspects or weapons. Sounds like good hunting to me :)

starting off with a different type of weapon
Angry Nick with suspect and weapon what more could you ask for :D
checking the weapon to see if it's been used
chceking his gun to see if it's ready OK so we can't see the gun but the arm porn was just too tempting :p
an imaginary weapon
I'm OK Griss the ward girls have got me covered and in more ways than you might like to think :devil:
Theme time again - all image hosting is working within desired parameters so here goes. :D

Pic 1 not quite the way around we want it.
Pic 2 easy tiger
Pic 3 so many from this episode - and I've probably doubled up with someone else :rolleyes: :D
Pic 4 Piggy beware!
Pic 5
Pic 6 pretty damn angry I'd say (much as it is with Warrick - I like the pic though so I had to slip it in ;) )
Howdy Ward :D yeah so much nice pics hmmm that´s not easy and very hard to pic a winner. It´s late that i´m here so i hope it´s not to late. And i will pic the winner in few minutes :)

Jacquie the first pic yes, that makes me always giggles, is so cute with the pillow :lol: he looks like a little boy, and it is a Ward Weapon, i can remember there was for awhile in the "Texan Charme" a pillow fight hmmm :lol: i love it

and Blackflag me tooo! Hyia Marns so glad to see you ;) and i´m so happy Only that you´ve made the game. Btw. y´ll are doing great work here, i´m soo happy

so now it´s time to pic the winner in non particular order

bookgirl20 hmm these cute lines in his face, think also these are his weapons? i´m right? :D
Only oh yeah :D that´s so nice profile

Blackflag you knowing me too good hmm? :D
Babs hmmmm yummy :devil: kills me again
Yoshi omg :D i don´t know where y´ll look now, i look at the face :lol:

and the winner is.......... Jacquie :lol: yup, good weapon and sorry but must so loud laughing here i like these combination. So congrats on winning Jaqcuie i give Nicky now in your capable hands, take care about him ;)

For all the other pics, really i love them all and i enjoy to view these pictures, y´ll have made a so nice work :)
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