George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Good Morning y'all :)

blackflag congrats on winning :) bookgirl20 I'm glad you liked the creativity :) We can come up with stretched theme ideas when we want to :lol:

Well we are in for another cool day today but this time of year the weather is usually iffy anyway. The local fair called the Canadian National Exhibition is underway and that means uncertain weather. Oh well such is life :)

Here are some random pics to keep things warm here

nice leather jacket should do the trick
I know this will raise the temp a bit :)
cute enough you want to take him home to meet your parents
a very good way of keeping warm
hey look at those cows :D
is there room for two here :D
Morning all. :)

Was reading Harry Potter until midnight last night so you're lucky I decided to wake up this morning. What can I say - I got hooked! :D

This city I live in is so screwed up! Victoria starts JR High this year (first day of school is next Tuesday :D) and they published the bus routes in the paper today. They managed to list the bus she goes to school on and not the one she comes home on. :rolleyes:

New theme - hhmmmm - how about group shots. By group I mean George/Nick and at least 2 others. Limit of 12, winner in (probably) closer to 28 hours. Lets see if one of you can find me something I don't have. :lol:


Jacquie, I was going to ask where you found that pic with the yellow shirt, but I just figured it out. Sometimes I'm a little slow! :lol:
morning...well, evening (!) all!
Loverly new pics of our man GE!! Good lord, that man could wear a tutu and still be to die for!

*rummages for handcuffs* ahem! :devil:
Hy y´ll and big hug around here :D

and so glad to see you here McStokes huuuuugs :lol: i´ve been missing your comments so often and i need a bit teaching for the sarcastic humor :D

congrats on winning Blackflag and yup this is good theme idea. So i will make the game i´m soooo happy and i like to hug the whole world :eek: and y´ll are guilty for my luck now, include George :lol: it´s really great

so here my first set
hmmm yummi or not? so close :devil:
i wish i can thought reading
Nicky looks very curious
these both are looing very well :)
Friends forever *sigh*
a very delicate situations, i mean the conversation :lol:

have a good evening :)
Evening y'all :)

McStokes as always glad to see you :) Now GE in a tutu that is a very good thought :devil:

Well my parents got moved today :) On top of doing our delivery this morning at the store we went to the old house to help out with the odds and sods and then to the new house to help unload. Now you need to understand that this is the first time in over 52 years that my parents have moved. So it's been a bit emotional for them. So I'm well tuckered out but not tuckered out enough to miss Nick :)

home many people did you want blackflag
we know George is in this
2's company three's a crowd
another crowd of people
a sea of people
needing help with an unruly fan
:) hy Jacquie it´s real a long time 52 years :( can understand the feelings good. So i hope y´ll are can do the best of these situation :) now i must laughing because i don´t understand the word tutu, i´ve looked at my dictionary :lol: sorry makes me hard laughing here. Ok i stop now

here my second set

ouhh the poor Nicky, what the lady thought about them both :lol:
one word.... :) hogdges
hahah, look Bil, this is the counter to meet Blackflag
hey Gil, you dont cancel my meeting with Blackflag, never ever :D i think Gil doesn´t do it

much people in the backround, but i think .. Nicky looks so good
yeah.. can we resist these damn good looking Nicky? :devil:

So i hope y´ll have nice and beautiful dreams about our Nicky/George and please not in a "tutu" :lol:

night Ward ;)
Hello all and yes the hose is still hooked up and working properly, that is not why I stepped in here, the reason is to direct you to the "GE/NS" discussion thread. With regards to spoilers and such as it will also pertain to picture threads too. Since this thread gets more traffic then that one I figured it would be best to drop a note.
Hi all :D *hugs Stoky *

ok I'm going to try and submit some theme pics, it's been a wile, but i'll try :D

so blackflag the theme is Nick in a group shot, ok here I go!

*comes back* oh for the love of Nicky Stokes, I can't find one pic of Nick with any one...

plus my computer is slower then molasses in December, i mean really I tried to call it into the living room, and it still hasn't moved :lol:

sorry my attempt at humor, but here are some random pics for all of you :D

this is his reaction after my joke

and now he just feels sorry for me

and then he thought about it for a wile

and then he thought it was funny

but by then it was to late and I was sad, but he apologized ;)

ok there we go :D
Good morning y'all

nicksarafan2 nice to see you back in the ward :) Destiny thanks for stopping by with the warning :)

Photobucket is currently down :mad: so I'll see if it's up and running before I head up to my parents place :) And Stoky I've been out of the house for over 25 years now so I didn't feel any great emotions. I will admit I will miss the old home but the new one will be better for my parents. It will be closer to 2 of the 4 kids and will be closer to some of the grandchildren :)

eta OK photobucket is up and running so here are the rest of my theme pics :)

blackflag do you think this is a big enough crowd for you :D
there's Nick, Warrick and the shoulder of another guy I can't remember the guys name from Swap Meet who cleans up the crime scene
Hey Mr Wiggles makes it a threesome :D
Hey Nick the ward girls will protect you in a mod scene like this
Nick may not be in the front but he is in the picture
now he's definitely in the front here
Jacquie, I think the Crime Scene Cleanup guy's name in Marty. :)

I have to admit that they aren't exactly what I was expecting, but most do qualify as a group. It is nice to be surprised once in a while. :lol:

Hy Ward :D and big hug around here

and thanks nicksarafan2 :D big hug back to you

Destiny :) hy and also thanks for the warning. Jacquie that´s a well ground when it is easier for your parents and bring closer the family :) Perhaps i leave my home at approximately 2 years it´s a great change, because i have now found the right Man, and he lives in Florida, next year he will visit my family and me than i´ll visiting him *phew* We want to calling the first time on saturday and i´m more than excited, but i love him :) we have a long time, every day mail contact. So enough from me :lol: but i´m so happy sorry

This day we see two reruns of CSI and it start still in few minutes. So i hope y´ll have a nice and beautiful Nicky-sunny-day :)
Winner Time! :D

Your runners up:
Stoky - This is one hostile group!
bookgirl - I think this is a favorite on here, but then we all like his smiling and happy.
Jacquie - I actually did not have this one and I'm not sure how I missed it.
Jacquie again - And Mr. Wiggles makes three! :lol:
bookgirl again - I'll admit that this is the type of thing I had in mind when I said group shot.

Your winner is:
Stoky - For some reason I've gotten to really like this episode even though there's not all that much Nick in it. It may be because season 2 was the first season I bought so I was always watching it. Or it may be because we seem to get most of Nick large collection of facial expressions all in one episode. :D

Ok ladies I finally gave in to the temptation and checked the Ward while at work. I had just enough time to admire Jacquie's theme contributions (namely the Snakes one) before I had to attend a meeting.
As I was logging out and grabbing my papers, a coworker came in my office and asked "What's the big smile for?"
:eek: :rolleyes: Busted. I tried to play it off as nothing, but think I failed miserably.
I hadn't even realized I was grinning. I guess that's just my natural reaction to the hottness that is Nick. :D
Congrats on winning Stoky :) I hope things go well when your gentleman friend calls on Saturday but don't forget the Ward. Last time we had a ward girl get involved with a boyfriend she left the ward. So Stoky don't forget Nick :)

blackflag I can't remember what site I got that Bodies in Motion pic from
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