George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Morning ladies :)

Oh happy ward dance I won :) and with a different type of weapon also :D

OK new theme. Since I've had an exhausting week I would like to see pics of George/Nick and co. sitting down or lying down. The usual limit of 12 and it will probably be in about 26 hours :)

Marns glad to see you back and I hope your computer behaves :)

blackflag how's Harry doing :)

some nice to cuddle up with :)
Hy Ward :D

big hug around here and thanks for the new theme Jacquie and *sigh* what do you have there for a cute pic from George :eek: i´ve never seen that before? Men, this smile kills me, so cute George

here my first set

Jacquie, please i need a good night story :lol:
what y´ll think is he dream about :D
ohhh no... Ward stop here, not my feet :lol:
oh yes, i miss my Ward
yeah Ward ready for pillow fight :lol:
who can resist these look :D

I´m so excited Ward, if my Friend not to much working, than he will call me this night, must wait now 5 hrs. I´ve butterflys in my belly :lol:
here my second set and welcome mrsjrewing :)

who can this look resist? :)
he is so decent and sesitive *sigh*
wonderful casting pic
think that kind of sit is a classicer i´m right :D
to kneel down count this also? :lol:
so loveley smile

now it´s really late here and i´ve call for few minutes with my Love, oh what a cute voice, hope i can sleep now

night Ward
Nice waking up to all those nice pictures! Stoky your sixth and your last photo are so nice. Actually they all are. :) I'll be entering a theme soon.
Good Morning y'all :)

Destiny before I forget I hope you and your family are OK with all the rain that Ohio seems to be getting :)

And what a good morning it is when you get to wake up to the georgeous pics that you ward girls have posted :) I managed to narrow the selection down to the allowed six but as always it wasn't easy :) So here are the runners up in no particular order :)

blackflag[/b] I was expecting this one :)
bookgirl20 I'm surprised that blackflag didn't snag this as her first one :lol:
Stoky oh the thoughts that come to mind when seeing the look on Adams face here :D
blackflag I wasn't expecting this one but there is just something about this pic......
bookgirl20 Oh to see this when drinking your morning choice of caffeine :)

And look what happens. Someone who hasn't played the theme in what feels like months gets the winner. OnlyTruth what can I say about this pic that won't get us hosed :D Not much :lol: so I'll just congrats you on winning and Nick is now in your capable hands. Enjoy :D
Jacquie said: Destiny before I forget I hope you and your family are OK with all the rain that Ohio seems to be getting :)
Yep we are fine, actually where I am no flooding but enjoyed the amount of rain only because the grass is suppost to be green (it is now) and because the well (we live in the country) loved to go dry so that helped a bunch when it just rained, now we have a full well. Then downside lol is that though the grass is green it also decided to take a growth spurt which means today I have to mow it, before it gets to the point of having to brush-hog it. :lol:

But otherwise it cooled it down some, took out some of the pollen and sinus problems and now we are no longer in a drought but rather a couple inches above the normal range so YAY! :D
Hi ya'll...I have some new intervieuw pics. The last seven pics are not that great but A friend of mine make them with her camera ;)....hope ya'll like them...its from an intervieuw in here and here
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