George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Babs thanks for the new pics of GE. The ones with the buzz look like there are from the interview blackflag sent me a link to.
Jacquie said:
Babs thanks for the new pics of GE. The ones with the buzz look like there are from the interview blackflag sent me a link to.
Yeah I saw that interview, he looked great. My avi is from that site ;)...
Thanks for those new pics Babs! They were great!

So, I won the theme, huh. I wasn't sure whether you'd pick that to win, Jacquie - I mean, I know that you love it dearly and all but I thought that you might go for something else.

Okay, new theme. Babs, your new avatar gives me an idea - I know that it's not very creative, but I'd like smiling Nick, George, or any character. Max of 12 pics, winner in approx 24 hours. Enjoy.
OnlyTruth I'm sure everyone knows that those pics are some of my favourites so I figured that whoever posted one from that serious should be the winner. I'm surprised that nobody posted my avatar or the ones of Nick in court :) So you want smiling pics, eh :) I love GE's smile :)

Happy because OnlyTruth picked a good theme not that anyone picks a bad one. How can they be bad when GE is soooo good to look at :)
pig humour
smiling because he knows that this is a favourite of many ward girls :)
smiling because he survived turning 40
a sly smile
Adam smiling
Good evening Ward :D

and congrats on winning Only men it´s really so cute theme, i like smiles. Blackflag you kills me, the first pic from your first set *omg* how cute is that, i´ve also these, how this from Jacquie never seen before :D so cute i´ve snagged them hope it´s ok ;)

here my first set

a smile can sai more, than thousand words

he looks so nice, if he is grinning :D
prosperous hunting
he sais hi to Only :)
classicer with red shirt and ... of course a smile
what a smile :lol: look at the smile Ladys

So i hope y´ll have a good evening and good night, i´m off in bed now :) night Ward
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Theme players - loving your pics, it's gonna be hard to choose. I'll pick the winner this afternoon.
Welcome to the wonderful world of George Eads and Nick Stokes inspiredbygeorge :) We don't bite but we do occasionally nibble a certain Texan :D If you go here all your questions should be answered :) Also be aware that you can edit your previous post for up to 24 hours. I hope this helps and again welcome :)

eta: Only I see you and I are on the same wave lenght this morning :)
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