George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Hi ladies...Oke the winners in randsome order.

Jacquie :devil:do I have to say more?
Bookgirl who can resist a smile like that?
Blackflag He looks great when he is concentrate
Blackflag again Look at that sweet smile :)

and the winner is... STOKY who can resist that smile and those eyes...and no still not gonna tell what I am thinking Stoky :p...Nick is on his way, he is tired sorry about that :devil:
Hi Ward :D and big hug around here

i´ve won :) i´m happy thanks Babs and i´m glad you like these, me too. :lol: and thanks for your mind about these pic

So i think about a new theme and i know a new theme :D i like to see Nicky with Buzz cut and open shirt neck, and what you are think about these pic ;) hope it´s ok. Limit is 12 and i´ll pic the winner in 24 hrs. So i wish y´ll happy hunting and have a nice Day
Stoky congrats on winning :) I love that whole Mandy scene. Babs I don't know what you did to your usual way of posting pics but I had to go through at least 10 cookies with each pic to see what the winning pics were :mad:

Open Nick with a buzz oh drool buckets are required here :p

why don't you just take the shirt off Nick
Nick if you bend forward a bit more I'll get a better view
I thinking our angel could do with another button undone :D
I can't post what I'm thinking our we will get Destiny's hose :D
I wonder what else is under there :p
how much cuter can this guy get

Stoky I hope that is what you're wanting :)
Well done Stoky :)

Buzzed Nick with an open neck shirt. Yum. :D

My only problem is when I think of him with the buzzcut, I can't get away from my Fannysmackin' pics lol.

Pic 1
Pic 2 Go on Nick - do it lol.
Pic 3 *sharp intake of breath*
Pic 4
Pic 5 we need a fainting smiley you know :lol:
Pic 6 Oh my!
Hyia Ward :D

men i can´t believe that, much and loveley pics so i see also yes congrats Jacquie for level Three *lol* these words to rhyme great. Well Jacquie, now you are here by me .... congrats for level three ;) and yes, it´s correct Jacquie with the pics exactley what i mean

Yoshi and bookgirl20 nice that you love these theme :) i´m happy to see y´ll good working here *hmmmm* yummi

So i wish y´ll nice evening and nice night
Good Morning ward :)

I would normally post some random pics of Nick this morning but photobucket doesn't want to respond this morning :mad: So everyone have a Nickful day and hopefully photobucket will be up and running when I get home.
Howdy Ward :) and big hug around here

what must i hear, photobucket is down :( hmm i´ve here no problems so i think i streche the game time ok :) hope it works for you and i make than the winner pic in 6 hrs. from now on or at the latest tomorrow early. It´s so nice to see here the Nicky pics and that´s not fair, when the photobucket not works. Hope y´ll are agreeable :)

some randoms for better mood

i come and hit the photobucket :lol:

don´t annoyed the Wardladys
a big smile for more sunshine
and this i think is for y´ll ok .......hmmm? :D
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