George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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*peeks in*

Hi peeps!!! I'm back!

sorry i've been gone for god knows how long, it's a long and copmlicated story of why, but here I am... here to see my fellow Nicky fans, and see my Hunky Nicky/George!

so here I am... :)


P.S. I still have to change my icon :)
I love how most of the theme pics so far have Nick with one of his coworkers. Our Nicky sure is a team player.

My theme pictures:
Lab 1
Lab 2 Not all that goes on in the lab is work
Lab 3 Love the photo, love the scene, love the guys
Lab 4 I think Warrick said something insulting about the Ward
Lab 5 Beautiful open Nick shirt
Lab 6 Another pout
Steal away Yoshi. I'm sure I got it from one of the other girls in this thread (but sorry not really sure who).
This is the first theme challenge where I've posted more than 6 pics! Yay!
The rest of my pictures:
Lab 7 The definition of sexy back
Lab 8 *sigh* so pretty
Lab 9 Classic!
lab 10
Lab 11
Lab 12
I'd like to say Happy Birthday Nick Stokes. :D

According to the CBS website today (August 18) is Nicky's Birthday. :lol: I think Nicky is something like 36 years old. (but I forget what year he was born in! :lol:)

It's taken me so long to get the image hosting sorted, half a dozen of you could have posted in the meantime. :rolleyes:

Lab 7
Lab 8 *warm in here*
Lab 9 sort of inbetween the labs :D
Lab 10 someone's getting narky
Lab 11
Lab 12

Nice pic blackflag - another for my leather George collection. :D
Wow I love how busy it's been today. After spending most of the afternoon packing up my parents house, they move on Wednesday, it's soooo nice and relaxing to come home and look at all the pics :) I lost count of how many new ones I snagged for my collection :)

Happy Birthday Nick :)

not really comfortable with his visitor
I'm sorry Hodges but the ward girls are all spoken for
Not liking what he's seeing on the computer
Archie I need the link to the ward fixed now!
open nick, white shirt, in the lab What more could we ask for. I know but we need to keep Destiny's hose unemployed :D
signing our autographs

From the wacky weather department. It's was reported today that this summer is our driest in 50 years. And I just saw a tree in the neighbourhood with the leaves starting to change.
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