George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #20

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Good Morning y'all :)

I'm so glad my husband's still asleep at the moment or I may be needing a weapon lesson from McStokes. He left one of the cats out all night :mad: I know he didn't do it deliberately but still..... Our cats go out when we want them to and they aren't allowed off our back deck. I could shoot that man right now.

Anyway enough of my rant here are the rest of my theme pics. Nick pics are always good for what ails us

only one arm but it is nice
another blackflag favourite
another profile Has anyone noticed the scar GE has at the back of his head when he's buzzed. I've noticed it before but never commented on it.
oh so good for cuddling
oh some oh so loverly shirt porn
how about some long sleeve t-shirt porn
Jacquie said:
Good Morning y'all :)

I'm so glad my husband's still asleep at the moment or I may be needing a weapon lesson from McStokes. He left one of the cats out all night :mad: I know he didn't do it deliberately but still..... Our cats go out when we want them to and they aren't allowed off our back deck. I could shoot that man right now.

another profile Has anyone noticed the scar GE has at the back of his head when he's buzzed. I've noticed it before but never commented on it.

Despite getting his tail in the paint can lid our Tommy Kitty is really a pretty good cat. We've left windows wide open in the kitchen with no screens and nobody in the room and he just lays on a chair and looks out. :)

I did notice the scar early on in season seven. I don't know if it was mentioned here, I think it was over on the On No Nicky Livejournal. Do wonder what it was from. I've got a scar behind my ear from being hit in the head with a golf club swung by my best friends brother. :rolleyes:

I think I may have gotten myself in over my head with these t-shirt pics. There's already at least 8 potential winners! :D That gives me something to enjoy after I do todays painting.

I love looking for a challenge. This all time favourite as we all know is from season 5. The scar is visible. I'm going to assume that it is a childhood boo boo but you know what they say when you assume :D
I think even Nick in a long coat would give us ample reason to combust and drool :devil:
See? Even in a parka he's enough to get a girl all hot and bothered. ;) That's skill!
Winner Time! :D

Your runners up:
Jacquie - Long sleeves works for me. :)
Yoshi - Can't really tell whether he's thinking or bored. :lol:
bookgirl I may love him in black shirts, white shirts, or blue shirts, but this man can sure wear red!
Chadini - So young - so georgous.
Jacquie again - I'd like to put in an order for that arm. By Sunday afternoon mine will be done for. :lol:

The Winner Is:
Babs - What more could I ask for. I've picked it in the past and I've picked it again. :D Nicky is now in your capable hands Babs.

Congrats Babs :D

I'd forgotten about the pics of Nick in a parka bookgirl. It just makes you want to go and warm him up really. ;)

Just a random pic from season 7 because he looks so good in that episode.
Hyia, Howdy and Hello :D big hug around here

everybody missing me? first thanks for the info of the new season Jacuie

than congrats on winning Babs and welcome for all the newbies here. Yup, i´ve send now a commetn to George, first he dont forget the handcuffs and second i´ve send him the link to these Ward, he must look in here :lol: hope it works

Miko especially thanks for your pics, i´ve never seen that before and so awesome pics :) *sigh* hope you feeling is ok and how are you doin? that´s important.

So i hope i came not in here like a thunderstorm but i´m more than happy you can believe that.

Now my mood is good, my calm is good i like to embraced the whole world. Never mind ok :D it´s not interesting for you but i´ve found now back to the normal world and that´s so nice. I sai it honest here, some Scammers attacked me and now i´m a good fight back woman, and can help so much other people, i like this. And, i´ve found a so gorgeous Man, ok not George Eads btw. but he is so nice and cute, and he has also puupy brown eyes. And McStokes he comes from New York also he go to police now :D i´m proud of him.

Hope i´ve not boring y´ll i know it´s a Georgy Side and i´ll do my best outside, so i´ve send him the link to our side and have a big hope he looks now really in here :) and perhaps he give a comment :lol:

Tomorrow i will make my new game ;) take care about y´ll and have soooo sweet Nicky Dreams
Doing a happy dance, I won :D

New theme. I like to see Nick in the lab. 12 is the limited. I'll be back in about 26 a 28 hours...happy hunting.
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