Formula 1

Kubica didn't break his leg. He was released from the hospital with a sprained ankle and a slight concussion. It's just unbelievable how these cars are built, and all the safety features that are available these days. If this crash happened 10-20 years ago, we would be talking about the late Robert Kubica. We now live in a time where a fatal crash is not only rare, it is unacceptable.
I heard today on the radio that apparantly Alonso has told the press that McL. is treating Hamilton "better" than him or something. Is that true or just rumours?
Well we had it in the news as well so I guess that is true. Doh, I guess he didn't expect that the new guy is so damn good and now that his season has sucked, he does this.
In the British press this morning Ron Dennis has played down what Fernano said, he said it was 'blown out of proportion' and that both drivers are treated 'equally'.

"However I can categorically state once again that both drivers have equal equipment, equal support and equal opportunity to win within the team and both Fernando and Lewis know and support this.

"Fernando's comments when read carefully are correct; he hasn't been with the team long and the relationship can only continue to develop. The team is not going to do anything to jeopardise this positive and growing partnership."
What Fernando said it's true, you cannot deny it. If you are in a British team, with a british partner and you are from another country, it's normal for the team to take care more the national one. I don't deny Hamilton is good, very good, but he makes more mistakes. What happened in the last race was luck, appart from a good drive, cause if Fernando didn't had to make a pit-stop and a stop and go, maybe the results were different.
Kubica didn't break his leg. He was released from the hospital with a sprained ankle and a slight concussion. It's just unbelievable how these cars are built, and all the safety features that are available these days. If this crash happened 10-20 years ago, we would be talking about the late Robert Kubica. We now live in a time where a fatal crash is not only rare, it is unacceptable.
seriously guys, after Kubica's accident the whole country (i mean were he is from here) held its breath. we were all soo relieved that nothing major happened to him, after all.

this was actually a first real life test of this new "safety" technology in F1 bolids. and it passed it with a B+, i'd say. other than the fact that his feet were out in the open after the crash, nothing else failed in the new system.
Uh oh, I don't think they can do the "favours". I mean, the manifacturer championships is what concerns them (team) most, not individual championships, which leads to the point that they give BOTH drivers similar chances. At least in the beginning of the season.

So why, when McLaren had Häkkinen/Couldhard... why Mika was doing better all the time? Couldhard was British after all.

Sometimes 'luck' is on other driver's side, shit happens.
What if Alonso was used to be 'the king' when driving Renault and hasn't got that kind of treatment in McLaren and that's what pisses him off.
Lewis isn't leading just "because he is lucky", guy can drive.
Just Alonso being jealous I guess... I mean Alonso is a good driver, but I don't like his attitude one bit. He seems up himself and it bothers me, now cause he got knocked down and the new guy has taken over he's pissed, someone may be better than him. :p gutted!
I'm getting frustrated being the only one to deffend him, but anyway... Alonso is not a good driver, is the best driver in the competition right now. Hamilton is a very good driver, but he fails on pression. Has everybody forgot Monaco? Any of you saw him almost hitting a lot of walls trying to get Alonso? Did anybody saw Alonso calmed while he was been persuited? C'mon, those are things very clear.

Maybe he's jaleous, here in Spain he has a very bad fame of being a nacisist, but there are a few statements that are real. We are talking here about a driver that actually won Schumacker with a slower car, that stopped the Ferrary from being the champions and won the championship twice, befere he was 25 years old. He maybe is a conceited jerk, but he's a good driver, and I wouldn't like to see him in Ferrary, but here we have rumors now.

And just one more thing. I don't like the way the british press is taking this thing, after what happened in Monaco until now (and I still believe if the team did'n tell Hamilton to stop the pursue he will have end against the protections). We here don't have a war against Hamilton. If there is a break in McLaren team, is made by them, not the drivers.
Don't worry Mayte,here I am to support you,even if I'm not a f1 fan. ;)

I think the British are overjoyed with Hamilton,I don't blame them,but the season has just begun so we'll see what happens at the end.

I'd also think McLaren prefers Hamilton to win,British guy,British team...You don't need to be a genious to make the math,anyway Alonso must knew it when he joined McLaren.

About Alonso being a jerk,I think 99 % of sportmen (including all f1 pilots) are,I guess it goes with the job,elite sportmen have to think they're the best or they won't win.But if I have to be honest I have to tell you that I have friends that know Alonso personally and they told me he's a really nice guy and I have no reason to think they're lying to me.

Btw,I was amazed by Kubica's accident,I can't believe he's ok.I want the security system of his f1 on my car !!! :eek:
Thank you very much, Hormiga, for your support :lol:

It's not only in Spain, it looks like Italy also see Alonso as the next Ferrary driver. I left this link for those who are interested, but it's in Spanish. 20minutos
Great job by Lewis again, altough I have the feeling Alonso might have some more fuell in his car. But we will see tomorrow, let's hope it will be a good race like last week!
I didn't saw the clasifications cause I was out, I'm waiting to see it in the news. Hamilton got a ner pole, congratulations. Alonso is going second... let's see how they go tomorrow in the start and the stops.