Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

This post of mine is the 900th post in our lovely Flack/Stella thread! Woohoo! Time for another round of celebrations! Bring out the Irish Car Bombs, Heather! :lol: This calls for a toast! :lol: Just one hundred more posts and we're on to the second Flack/Stella thread! :lol:

Golden Retriever and Labradors are sweet and friendly but they need a large space to play and run in since they are working dogs. Plus, they are such a common breed. Don't get me wrong, I love Labs and I am particularly fond of my cousin's Lab. However, too many people have them and we know Flack and Stella are not ordinary, they are unique. I don't know...What do you guys think? :lol:

Yes Carly! Definitely, all conversations in this thread eventually lead to the gutter! :lol: :devil: Flack and Stella together have that effect on people. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I dont know that many dogs breeds. Im personaly more a fan of those pocket dogs - though not chivavas. what about a kolie - you know, like Lassie. not exactly a dog for Flack but definitely for Stella. although I can see them with a foxterier or a Jack Russell terier too - they say those are very clever

wow, 900 hundred posts, we really rock
Re: Flack & Stella

Oh don't worry Carly. ;) I can't stand Chihuahuas either. I love Collies. We used to have a pair of Collies growing up. They are very good-natured and very child-friendly. Awww...Stella's dog. Other suggestions...how about a Scottish terrier named Duncan, an English Bulldog named Churchill or a Basset Hound named Napoleon? I just love Bassets. In fact, my desktop wallpaper is a picture of one of our Bassets. :lol:

Yes, 900+ posts already! Woohoo! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

:lol: Carly, you are completely right, all roads lead to the gutter in here. And yeah, I can totally picture him with a Retriever or Lab... such good dogs!

900th post! Woohoo! Drinks for everyone. Not too much longer til a new thread for our little off-beat ship :)

Hmmm, very good point Mandy, about them being unique and wanting different dogs. How about a Klee Kai? It's a smaller version of the Huskie, so cute! I like Collies too, my Aunt had one when I was growing up named Lady, she was adorable. And I love the names you suggested for the terrier, bulldog, and basset. So funny.
Re: Flack & Stella

Heather, those Klee Kais are soooo cute! Plus, they seem to be apartment-size dogs, appropriate for city-dwellers such as Flack and Stella. Maybe they wouldn't have to move to the outer boroughs then. :lol: Also, I'm so sure there are very few of those around in New York, making them unique dog owners. :p

Heehee! Those names I picked out for the Scottie, Bulldog and Basset are names I have in my mind for my own future dogs. :lol: They are so appropriate actually. :lol: Bailey the Irish Setter is actually one of them. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

They are cute! I want one... I love Huskies but living in California, most places don't have a lot of land for Huskies to run, and plus it gets hot here since I live in a valley. Klee Kais are perfect aparment-sized dogs. Cute to boot! And I agree, they seem like unique dogs for Stella and Flack. Now, what would they name it?
Re: Flack & Stella

Yeah, I know what you mean about living in a climate that can get very hot. My cousin used to have a Husky and they kept him in their house up in the mountains and when they used to bring him down to the capital, poor dog, he'd pant like crazy, so they had to put him in an air-conditioned room. Talk about spoiled. :lol:

About naming that Klee Kai...Something Alaskan? Like Juneau. Hahaha! I can't think of anything else. How about you? What do you think Flack and Stella would name their Klee Kai?
Re: Flack & Stella

LOL I like the name Juneaua. It's cute :) Oh, and can't you just imagine Stella getting one of those little Yorkie dogs and Flack just rolling his eyes and mumbling something about a drop kick dog or yappy dogs...
Re: Flack & Stella

Ah Yorkies...They certainly are cute but they can be such yappers as well. Yeah, Flack rolling his eyes and making a comment under his breath. :lol: They are so tiny that Flack might accidentally sit on them and crush them to death! :lol: I was just watching the other night Dog Borstal on Animal Planet where the trainer called two Yorkies hooligans since they would bark and yap everytime another dog passed during their walk. :lol: Imagine Stella having a Yorkie called Hooligan. :lol: Such a big name for a tiny dog. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahahaha Hooligan is such a great name for a Yorkie. Oh irony... just like when I was little and named my turtle Frisky. Hehe, I had an odd sense of irony as a kid apparently. Anyway, I was watching some show on the Travel Channel about the dogs that run the Iditarod, and one of the dogs was named Wasabi. The first thing I thought was "That's perfect for Flack and Stella's dog!" Mostly because they like sushi. So, how about Wasabi and Ginger for dogs?
Re: Flack & Stella

Those are cute names...Wasabi and Ginger...and sooo Flack, always thinking of food even when it comes to naming dogs. :lol: Ooooh and I love irony as well. :lol:

Valentine's huh? How about they go somewhere fancy for a dinner-date and then go catch a Broadway show. Maybe Wicked, PotP or even Spamalot. Of course, ending the night with some bedroom games. :lol: :devil:
Re: Flack & Stella

Ohhh, Single's Awarenes... I mean, Valentine's Day. Hmmm I see Flack taking Stella to some uber-swanky/trendy NY restaurant, then maybe dancing at a club.
Re: Flack & Stella

I would say for V-Day, Flack cooks her a lovely dinner for two. And after dinner comes dessert, and I don't mean dessert to eat. :D
Re: Flack & Stella

I love the idea of Flack cooking for Stella. We all know how Flack loves to eat. Didn't we have a discussion about Flack taking some cooking lessons a while back? Anyway, what great way to test what Flack has learned from all those lessons by preparing for Stella a feast for the senses and I'm not talking about just food. :lol: :devil: Yes, Kiane, dessert but not to eat. :lol:

By the way, it's already Mardi Gras here. I've been stuffing myself silly since tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting. What do you ladies think Flack and Stella will do for Mardi Gras celebrations? :D
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