Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks Mandy, I had a great weekend. Since everyone else is going by first names, feel free to call me Heather if you would like :)

Hahaha, I love the idea of the embarassing photos... gotta love it when the family whips out naked baby or awkward phase pictures.
Re: Flack & Stella

Great to hear that, and yes we'll start calling you Heather. :)

I can picture Flack going beet red from embarrassment with his Mom whipping out the naked baby pictures and Flack's brothers and sisters regaling Stella with Flack's childhood misadventures! :lol: Funny, how that really happens in real life. :lol: :lol: Now it makes me think that Flack having grown up with brothers and sisters maybe constantly teasing him had something to do with him being so sarcastic and funny with his one-liners and wisecracks, and him being oh so tough! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Ohh, good point Mandy, about why Flack is the way he is. I love meeting people's parents/families and seeing where they get elements of their personalities from... I met my friend's parents this weekend and definitely saw where he gets some elements of his personality.
Re: Flack & Stella

I've always wondered why Flack is the way he is and it got me thinking that him being one of many siblings, he had to carve a niche for himself in order to stand out, hence, him being so smart-alecky at times. :lol: As for Stella, I've wondered the same thing. She's tough because she grew up in an orphanage and foster homes.

I agree with you Heather, it is fascinating to meet a friend's parents and trying to dissect where he got a particular trait. I'm thinking Stella doing the same thing when meeting Papa and Mama Flack and the rest of the Flack clan. And she'd go, 'So that's why Flack is so snarky.' :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I can totally see Flack getting his snideness and snarkiness from his dad. For some reason I can see the Flack men all bhaving that kind of disposition.

Where is everyone else? Come on guys!
Re: Flack & Stella

Yes, where's everyone? Lindsey? Carly? Jay? Shazza? Has real life sucked you in so badly? :lol: Anyway, Heather and I are getting pretty lonely in here. :lol:

That's so funny! All Flack men having a smart mouth. I'd love to be a witness to when they sit down to dinner as a family. I bet Stella will find it amusing to see the Flack men getting the better of each other with their clever and funny remarks. :lol: I wonder what Flack gets from his Mama. Maybe her compassion? What do you ladies think? :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey I'm here....I plan by the way my holidays in Brasilia with a Friend of mine. I must laugh if I imaging how Stella and Flack sitting at the Lunch with his parents....and his mum looks all the time to Stella loool
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey Jay, glad to see you back in here! I hope you have fun on your holiday in Brasilia with your friend. I'm sure it will be a lovely experience.

And yes it would be totally hilarious to see Flack and Stella having dinner or lunch with the Flack parental units as well as the rest of the Flack brood. It would be totally funny to see the Flacks grilling Stella and Donnie with questions of how they got together, when they plan on getting married and when they are going to start reproducing the next generation of Flacks! :lol: I would so love to see Stella's reaction to those questions and Flack going beet red from the embarrassment. Kind of like the Spanish Inquisition only funnier! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey Jay, thanks for the present. That's such a lovely banner. Funny how the middle picture, obviously photoshopped, looks as if Flack is peering down into Stella's cleavage! :lol: :devil: :lol: Mind in the gutter moment! :lol:

Anyway, I know this may be painful for some of you to relive… :lol: But what do you ladies think Stella’s opinion of Flack dating airhead Devon Maxford is? From her perspective, what’s her opinion of Flack’s dating habits? And what do you think she’ll do about it? :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Brazil, huh Jay? That sounds amazing... I would love to go to Central America someday. And thanks for the lovely banner... I agree with Mandy, it looks like Flack is looking down her dress, lol.

Mandy, you are cruel making us relive that horrible moment, haha, jk. Ummm. I think Stella was trying to be happy for him at first, but she probably made her distaste for Devon clear after a while, hahaha. As for his dating habits, she probably thinks of him as more of a player than he really is, and he is going to have to prove to her that he is a one-woman man.
Re: Flack & Stella

Sorry Heather, yes I am cruel for making you relive that painful moment! :lol: How do you think Stella made her distaste for Devon known? Do you think she went flat-out frank with Flack and told him what she thought of the bimbo? :lol:

Awww, our Flack as a player...How do you think he'll prove to Stella that he is no player? That in actuality, he is, as you say, a one-woman man. :lol:

I think Flack is going through the motion of serial dating because he just hasn't found his soulmate yet! Oops...he has, in fact, it's Stella! He just doesn't know it yet! Or perhaps, it still hasn't hit him yet that Stella is the one for him. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I think that after the whole fundraiser dress up scene, and after the case was all over, she and Danny (for some reason he seems like he would be in on it) approached him and told him flat out that Devon wasn't right for him... she's a rich snob.

Hmmm, I think Flack would have to take time to prove himself to Stella... he would definitely have to plead his case with her. :lol:

And I agree, he HAS found his soul mate, he just doesn't know it yet.

Oh, and by the way, what do you all think Stella's reaction is going to be to the whole Flack/Angell flirtation thing? And was it just be or did he call her Jess? I thought her name was Jennifer...
Re: Flack & Stella

I agree that Stella and Danny would just go straight to Flack and tell him that Devon isn't just right for him, mincing no words at all, and be blunt about it. :lol: That's what friends are for, right? But would Flack take offense? I hope not. :lol:

Yes, Flack would have to prove himself to Stella. Especially with the whole Frankie fiasco, the Drew drama and now the Devon chick thing (horrible taste in women! :lol:).

I like Angell and Flack flirting with her was cute but I couldn't swallow the fact that Flack had asked her out for coffee. I wish it was Stella he had asked out for that cup of java. :lol: Yes, Flack called Angell Jess. Press releases always called her Jennifer Angell but more recent press releases credit her as Jessica Angell. TPTB couldn't make up their minds...until now. So now we know she's Jessica as Flack called her Jess. I think Stella would be a little jealous with this whole flirtation thing. Probably, she would be a little territorial when it comes to her man. IDK, Flack is a charmer, he has a way with the ladies. So that would probably be understandable but asking out Angell for coffee is another matter. :lol:

I hope that next week's episode will feature Flack and Stella working together. They really work well together. I love how they play off of each other. Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see until next week. :lol:
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