Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

I've been meaning to post here all day but my DSL for some reason didn't want me connecting to TalkCSI but lets me connect to other websites. Weird, I know. :p

feathergirl926 said:
To answer your first question, Mandy, I think Stella was a little disappointed at first, but I am thinking he kept it for their dates so she recovered ;)

I really miss the leather jacket but Flack looks so much more professional with his suits. I like the idea that Flack brings out the leather jacket when out and about with Stella on a date. He really looks hot in leather! :lol: :devil: I think Stella misses Flack's jacket. :p

To answer my second question: I don't really remember the episode but what drew me to Flack and Stella as a couple was the explosive chemistry, so natural and unforced. And I agree with Carly, they really work well together. Shaz, yes, their smiles for each other are a favorite of mine too! I also like that they both have the same sense of humor. :lol: And I agree with fg, I love the playful banter they have going, plus, the genuine concern they have for each other's well-being.

Shaz, love that song Everything by Lifehouse. In fact, that one's in my Fiesta playlist on my iPod since it reminds me of Flack and Stella. BTW, love those screen caps you've posted. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

The leather jacket question, well I think she misses it, but I think she prefers seeing him in suits, he looks very HOT in a suit after all and I think she would agree. As for the second question, I've only been a Flack/Stella shipper about a month, though actually I think I've been a fan for a bit longer but have now only just became a really big fan. I read a Flack/Stella fic months ago and loved it, and I just think these two work so well together and have great chemistry, I love the way they are with each other, they just make an awesome couple even if their not together in the show. I love their comments to each other, the way they can be sarcastic and jokey with each other. And I loved it when Flack was so supportive to her after she was attacked by Frankie, the way he interviewed her but he didn't judge her and he believed her.

Those caps look great and I love the captions. I'll have to get some as well and do some captioning.
Re: Flack & Stella

Yeah, I love that they can be sarcastic and jokey with each other too. Like I said previously, they share the same sense of humor. Kind of like they're on the same wavelength or something. :lol:

I love that it was Flack who was there for her throughout the whole Frankie ordeal although I hate it that Stella had to go through that traumatic life experience. That creepy bastard really did a number on her and I was glad Flack stepped in and was such a comfort to her. Of course, I loved the hug and kiss on the cheek they gave each other. :p
Re: Flack & Stella

I definitely think she misses seeing the jacket all the time at work... but she LOVES seeing it when they are alone ;)

Mandy, I agree with you about the whole Frankie ordeal... and I'd like to think he was there for her in the aftermath of the Drew fiasco. Maybe more than just a hug and kiss on the cheek :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
I definitely think she misses seeing the jacket all the time at work... but she LOVES seeing it when they are alone ;)

...and stripping it off of Flack when they get home! :lol: :devil:

Mandy, I agree with you about the whole Frankie ordeal... and I'd like to think he was there for her in the aftermath of the Drew fiasco. Maybe more than just a hug and kiss on the cheek :lol:

Oh yeah, I forgot about creepy stalker guy Drew Bedford! :lol: I'm sure Flack would have helped Stella through that one as well. Yeah, with more than just a kiss and a hug, reaffirming to Stella that she's a beautiful, attractive woman who deserves a lot better than what she has been getting so far. :lol: Flack could show her that she's special to him by treating her the way she should be treated, that she's not just a means to an end! :lol: :devil:
Re: Flack & Stella

Mmmhmm, Mandy, I like the idea of her stripping the jacket off of him when they get home.

Yup, yup. Creepy stalker guy Drew. How do you think he reaffirmed to her that she is a desirable woman and showing her the way she should be treated? Any particular ways?
Re: Flack & Stella

Of course, Flack would have to wine and dine Stella first, show her that his intentions towards her are genuine and sincere. Then he could wow her in bed, showing her that she truly is a desirable woman and not just a means to an end. :lol: :devil: Flack could tell Stella that she is a strong, independent woman who doesn’t need rescuing and he admires her for that but despite that he would love to have the privilege of being the man that would take care of her from now on if she’d let him, that they could take care of each because of the love they have for one another. Oh my, I’m rambling. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey thanks fg. :D How about you ladies, what do you think Flack would do to reaffirm that Stella is a desirable, beautiful woman? I'd really love to hear what you think on how Flack helped Stella out after the Drew Bedford fiasco. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

OMG! This thread was almost at the bottom of the heap again! :lol: Where are my partners in crime? Funny, everyone's been missing in action. :lol:

Anyway, as always, even if I haven't been here in a while, I constantly still think of Flack and Stella. They pop into my thoughts throughout the day. Anyway, can't wait to hear from you ladies. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

At the bottom again? Wow, where is everyone? I personally have had lots of reading for school to do and I am starting to come down with a virus or something, so I am trying to nip that in the bud.

I agree, I can't wait to hear from everyone else. Let's see, what's a good topic starter? If I think of a question, I will let you all know. In the mean time, I can't wait until tonight's new episode!
Re: Flack & Stella

I'm here *jumps up and down waves hands*

Sorry guys but I've been really busy with school and stuff and I'm really upset right now...(I just heard about Heath Ledger's death *cries*)

So anywayz new eppy for you guys........don't know which ones airing here in the UK on Saturday but I look forward to it..........

Topic starter - I know you guys may have already answered this question but being knew I have to ask where would Flack take Stella out on a date???? stupid question but I had to ask
Re: Flack & Stella

Shazza, that question has been asked but it's ok, we can always answer it again :) Maybe someone has new ideas. One of the previous ideas I had mentioned was Flack taking Stella to do a bunch of touristy New York things... ending with a nice dinner somehwere.
Re: Flack & Stella

Maybe he could take her to the ballet or something, or perhaps the theatre maybe they could see Phantom of the Opera or even Wicked, but I think that would do as a second date though rather then a first. I think he'd take her for a walk in the park or something and he'd treat her to some fish and chips or something. And then maybe they would talk about stuff, like each other's backgrounds, the stuff neither of them knew about the other.

But that's just a thought. Who knows. I'll have to think of something they could do on their first date in my AU fic. Which I've not yet started but will in time.

Ok question time, time for a different one that hasn't been asked. This one is sort of meet the parents kind of question.

How do you think Stella would feel about meeting Flack's family, especially his parents and especially his father?
Re: Flack & Stella

I love your date ideas Lindsey. fg and I love Wicked and I'm sure Stella would appreciate Flack bringing her to see that musical.

As for your question, I think Stella would be nervous at the prospect of meeting Flack's parents for the first, since such is a big step in a relationship. It can truly be a nerve-wracking experience but I'm sure Papa and Mama Flack would love Stella for their son and would put her at ease since clearly she has captured Flack's heart. :)

BTW, fg, I hope you feel better soon. Try taking Airborne and some echinacea. That really helps. :)
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