Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Oh did you, I can't remember if you did or not. Ah well never mind. I was thinking maybe something spontaneous or something, not really sure, maybe leave little messages around the apartment and she's gotta go searching for something and for him and she finds the ring first and then Flack. Maybe naked....:), maybe not, and then he gets down on one knee and proposes.

And how mean are we using their nieces or nephews as props, how could we :) lol.
Re: Flack & Stella

Hehehe I love the scavenger hunt idea, with a naked Flack at the end :)

And yeah, we are definitely evil using nieces/nephews as props ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Hehe thanks, Mandy, can't you just see it now? Coach Flack making the kids run drills, and he looks up to see a gorgeous woman he has never seen before and is instantly smitten with her?

I can see Flack getting distracted by Stella's beauty and his hockey kids go snickering that Coach Flack likes girls! Eeew, cooties! :lol: Of course, Flack doesn't think Stella has cooties! :lol:

And I love the idea of an ice skating rink for the proposal. Haha, yes "For Good" Mandy! I definitely think a ring from Tiffany's is a given for these two, hahaha. Now, if I remember correctly, didn't I post this question a few months ago? I will have to find it and see my response,
hahaha :lol:

Yeah, I love the idea of them skating. The weather is cold, so more reason for them to be touchy-feely! :lol: Did you already ask this question before? I can't remember answering...Was my answer the same? :lol:

Aiden_Burn said:
Oh did you, I can't remember if you did or not. Ah well never mind. I was thinking maybe something spontaneous or something, not really sure, maybe leave little messages around the apartment and she's gotta go searching for something and for him and she finds the ring first and then Flack. Maybe naked....:), maybe not, and then he gets down on one knee and proposes.

And how mean are we using their nieces or nephews as props, how could we :) lol.

I agree with fg, I love this scavenger hunt idea. Plus, you have a naked Flack waiting for Stella! :devil:

Speaking of Flack proposing to Stella, Tessa just wrote a Valentine's Day fic over at ff.net. It's called Surprise.

So, I've got a question of my own for you ladies:

What terms of endearment would Flack and Stella use for the other? :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Ohhh good question Mandy! I have always liked "beautiful" or "gorgeous" for Flack's name for Stella, and for Stella for Flack, "handsome"... kind of a his/hers matching/similar set of names.
Re: Flack & Stella

I like your names for them, fg. I can totally see Flack and Stella call each other by those endearing terms. But the terms I have in my head are pretty goofy, like Flack calling Stella buttercup and Stella calling him hunnybunny! :lol: Pretty lame I know. I just couldn't go with the standard sweetie (reserved especially for my dogs! :lol:) or sweetheart since my aunts and uncles call me that. It just weirds me out. :lol:

How about Stella calling him by some Greek term of endearment like agapi mou. By the way, is that correct?...Or panemorfh which is gorgeous in Greek. Anyone else know anymore terms of endearment in Greek?

This is in keeping with fg's suggestion of Flack calling Stella beautiful. It's just a variation. How about Flack calling her bella, Italian for beautiful, or kala, which is Greek for beautiful. Heehee! See here, Flack is trying to impress Stella with his little knowledge of Greek and Italian! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha, Mandy, you crack me up :lol: Buttercup and hunneybunny? Just can't see it, unless they are intentionally trying to be sickeningly sweet to get on someone's nerves (i.e. Danny).

I really like the idea of Greek and Italian terms of endearment... I had looked them up a few months ago for purposes of a fic that I never got around to.

By the way, I think this is post 800! Go us!
Re: Flack & Stella

I think Don would call her Afrodite, because in his eyes she is a goddess. and she would use something concerning his eyes. or - since stella is star in italian, she would call her star but in Greek - anyone knows the word for it?

I have no idea how he would propose but I think it would be simple, spur of the moment maybe though he would definitely have the ring with him - Tiffany, what else

another AU idea - Stella would be a dance teacher and he would come to get lessons for one reason or the other. i.g. his sisters wedding. I just cant get the idea of the 2 of them and tango out of my head
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Hahaha, Mandy, you crack me up :lol: Buttercup and hunneybunny? Just can't see it, unless they are intentionally trying to be sickeningly sweet to get on someone's nerves (i.e. Danny).

I can sooo totally see them doing that just to annoy Danny. That would just be too hilarious! :lol: :lol:

I really like the idea of Greek and Italian terms of endearment... I had looked them up a few months ago for purposes of a fic that I never got around to.

Me too. Wouldn't it be sweet of Flack if he would take Greek lessons so he and Stella can talk without others around them understanding what they are saying to each other. Kind of like their own secret language. Maybe they can use it to talk "dirty" without others understanding a word they say. :lol: :devil:

And fg, I would so love to read that fic you weren't able to write. Maybe now you can? :lol:

By the way, I think this is post 800! Go us!

Post 800? Yay, go us! Plus, we're on page 21 already. Double yay! :lol:

Carly, I tried looking up star in Greek but it was in the Greek alphabet! It was all Greek to me! Literally! :lol:

I also like your AU idea, with Stella as a dance teacher and Flack having to take some dance lessons from her. I can totally see them steaming up the dance studio! :lol: :devil:
Re: Flack & Stella

star in Greek is Asteri. I dont really like the sound of it. then I was thinking star in irish but it is réalta and that one I dont like either.

but the Greek word for goddess is Thea and that one I actually like.

Iroas is the Greek term for hero. I think it would suit Flack :)

the idea of them speaking dirty in Greek is really good. I can totally see them doing it
Re: Flack & Stella

I really like those Greek terms for goddess and hero. It's so them. :lol: Remember, everybody loves a hero. :lol:

I can also see Flack teasingly call Stella his Italian-Greek goddess or referring to her as that when introducing his girlfriend to people. :lol: On the other hand, I can see Stella playfully calling him 'my hero' and batting her eyelashes at him! :lol:

EDIT: Hey, cein, just wanted to ask...what's beautiful in Irish Gaelic? :)
Re: Flack & Stella

I like the idea of Flack calling Stella Thea, It's pretty, I also like the idea of them talking in Greek maybe, talking dirty in Greek would be even better and no one would know what their saying. You know I should add that to my fic, I think I might have them talking dirty in Greek in front of Danny and he's sat there wondering what their saying.

It won't be in my AU fic though. I still need to make the FIESTA wallpaper that I said I was going to make. I've also started making a FIESTA fansite, so if anyone would like to contribute stuff to it let me know.
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha! I like the idea of them talking "dirty" in Greek too! :lol: :devil:

Lindsey, I'm looking forward to that Fiesta wallpaper. Glad to hear that you're starting a Fiesta fansite. Just let us know the web address and when it will be up. We'll definitely frequent that. I may even contribute some Fiesta screen caps and the occasional fic. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Oh definitely, As soon as I have the pages done I'll give you the link. It's not a professional looking one, but we can make it beautiful :). And what about dirty word scrabble as well, like in Grey's Anatomy when Izzie and Denny were playing Dirty word scrabble, that was great. I could so imagine Flack wanting to do that ;).
Re: Flack & Stella

Mmm, talking dirty in Greek??? How hot would that be? My mind just sunk further into the gutter with that one!

Carly, I love the idea of Stella being a dance teacher and teaching Flack some dances. I also really like the idea of him calling her goddess and her calling him hero.

Lindsey, I look forward to seeing your wallpaper you are creating. And I agree with Mandy, as soon as the site is ready, post the link!
Re: Flack & Stella

Just though I'd share this banner I made with you guys hope you like it.......snagg if you do :D :D :D

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