Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Heh, I can see Flack learning a bit of Greek to try and talk dirty to Stella, only maybe he's not that good with it and keeps mixing up the words <g>
Re: Flack & Stella

Lovely banner, Shazza. Love the sepia tones you have going on!

Cein, I can just see it now... Flack trying to call Stella beautiful in Greek but either mispronouncing it or using the wrong word and accidentaly calling her something else... poor Flack ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

Ok, so it was either while I was watching NCIS or in a break or something...actually it was after I sort of had a little bit of my fic in my head an idea or something so I'll have to write it down, for my AU fic. I was thinking that Flack could be looking after his Niece for a week or more because his sister is out of town on business and she's not with the girls father anymore and she didn't want her daughter being on her own so she asks her younger brother (the younger brother being Flack) to look after her daughter, who I'm going to make young, because otherwise if I make her to old she wouldn't need looking after. Anyway what do you think, and obviously somewhere in that week or two he meets Stella who is one of the teachers at his Niece's school, who I'm thinking of naming Emilie, what do you think.

Anyway just wanted to get your opinion on it, it's just one of the ideas for it. And stuff.

And I've made some Flack icons, but I'll have to make some Fiesta ones and add them to the site. I've got the pages up on the site, but at the moment they're empty, I thought it would be good to add the pages first and then add content, anyway as soon as I've got some stuff up I'll give you guys the link.

And it can't be that long till a new thread can it, and has it been decided what the new tittle will be.
Re: Flack & Stella

Lovely banner shazza, don't mind if I snag it? :)

Flack mixing up his Greek and calling Stella something else? That's just too hilarious! :lol: Plus, it could totally happen. :lol: I can see Stella just bursting out laughing at Flack's mistake and she'd go 'Awww, at least you tried' and then she'd give him Greek lessons in bed teaching Flack the names of body parts in Greek! :lol: :devil: :lol:

Lindsey, that's a good idea for a fic. Just go ahead with it. I wonder how Flack will handle taking care of a little girl. Maybe she'll drive him up the wall and would need Stella's help in taking care of her. That would be lovely. :)

I'd love to snag some of those Fiesta icons you're making, Lindsey. :D
Re: Flack & Stella

As soon as I make them you're very welcome to use them. And I'll get started on the fic tomorrow. Need to go to bed now. But the idea of Flack mispronouncing something or getting something totally wrong would be so funny, and I definitely think she would teach him as well, so I agree there. I'm excited about this fic now, can't wait till tomorrow. I'm on a late at work tomorrow, so when I get home at 10pm I may start some of it.

And I'll do the icons as well, and the wallpaper. I'm going to be so busy :).
Re: Flack & Stella

Okay, so I had to bump up the thread a bit since we were almost at the bottom of the heap again. Can't let that happen. :lol:

Anyway, thanks Lindsey. ;) And I am sooo looking forward to reading that fic. :) Don't you just hate it when real life intrudes into your internet time? :lol:

I was listening to my iPod and of course, another song came up that reminded me of Flack and Stella. It's Let's Stay Together by Al Green. Here's a YouTube video of it, if you want to hear what it sounds like.

Funny, I just went to an open air market and all over the place there were signs with the word fiesta on them. Of course it made me think of Flack and Stella. :lol:

I've got another question for you ladies...

How do you think Stella felt when Flack ditched the leather jacket in favor of his suits? :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy - ofcourse you can snagg my banner!

I'll be making some more banners and avatar and wallpapers!!

We need to give this ship a bit more life (sorry no offence but its a bit dull around here lol).......

talk later
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks shazza. Looking forward to those avvies, banners and wallpapers. :)

Shaz, you really think this thread is dull? Ouch, that hurts! :lol: Kidding aside...If you think so, why not join us in the discussions then, to liven things up a bit? There's just about less than ten of us keeping this thread alive and we all live in different time zones, plus, there's this thing called real life that keeps us busy.

This question is for Shazza but if you ladies want to answer as well, be my guest: What is/was it about Flack and Stella that draws/drew you to them as a couple?
Re: Flack & Stella

Okay maybe what I said came out wrong or was misunderstood....

I'm sorry if you got offended.........

Anywayz to answere you question let me gather some evidence lol and I'll get back to you on that.
Re: Flack & Stella

No worries, Shazza, I'm not offended. This ship is very offbeat and is not to everyone's liking but we really love our ship and our little corner of the boards. ;) I'd love to read what you think about Flack and Stella as a couple. :)

Anyway, to liven things up a bit in this thread, here are some screen caps:

Stella: Damn! Look at those eyes! No, look at that body! I really got to have me some serving of
Don Flack, Jr.!


Flack: "Stel, if this waiter doesn't stop staring at your chest, I'm gonna beat the
crap out of him!"

Stella: "Awww, really? How sweet of you! You've just reaffirmed that chivalry isn't dead!"
Re: Flack & Stella

Bottom of the heap? That happened quick.

To answer your first question, Mandy, I think Stella was a little disappointed at first, but I am thinking he kept it for their dates so she recovered ;)

As for your second question, I think they just have some AMAZING chemistry. The flirty banter is so cute and they are both very passionate, caring people. They are there for each other when each needs it (All Access and Charge of this Post).

Shazza, we know you didn't mean to offend anyone... this thread can get a bit slow at times, especially if one of our main cohorts is MIA for some reason (vacations, crashing computers, etc.). But we really do love our ship and our corner of the boards, so despite major time differences, we try to keep it up as best as possible. We have actually been pretty busy, lots of new pages since I first started coming here. So just join us in our random discussions :) We're nice, I promise, and we don't bite (hard) :lol:

Lovely screen caps, Mandy. I love the second one. I can just see Flack roughing someone up for hitting on his lady :)
Re: Flack & Stella

What is/was it about Flack and Stella that draws/drew you to them as a couple?

to be honest, I dont really remember when exactly I started to like the. I think it was a fanfic about Stellas secret lover and I kept on wirňshing it was Flack

as for why I like them. first of all, they are HOT. they care for eaxh other and they work together really well - as in work work and that their interaction is so effrotless. everything seems to be coming naturally with them like they have been doing it for years

our ship may not be that popular but we love it with passion :)
Re: Flack & Stella

For me I first put them together or thought they'd make a great couple was after watching "Trapped" Season 2.

The smiles


I think Don likes what he sees lol

and Stella does too lol:)

EDIT TO ADD: Been listening to Lifehouse (again lol) these lines really remember of Stella/Flack........

"How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?"
Re: Flack & Stella

Whoops, this was getting to the bottom again. BUMP :)

I agree, Carly, they are very hot together.

Thanks for the screen caps Shazza, they are great! And those lyrics are great... what song from Lifehouse are they? I like their new CD.
Re: Flack & Stella

Erm I like their new CD too but those lyrics were the song Everything - got love that song lol....

I was watching the deep........so some more caps to add.....


Flack - you know maybe we should split the group?
Stella - Yeah, so you can get all the single women?
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