Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Good point, Mandy, about YODO being an homage to the Bond films, and Devon being a typical Bond girl, haha.

I have a new question for you all, just to keep the thread going... In an AU, how do you think Flack and Stella would have met? Starting a relationship is a given, but if they weren't working for NYPD/Crime Lab, how do you think our lovely couple would have hooked up?
Re: Flack & Stella

but if they weren't working for NYPD/Crime Lab, how do you think our lovely couple would have hooked up?

Didn't Stella take Mac to a basketball game in one ep? I could see her and Flack bumping into each other while watching a game. Maybe they'd be supporting opposite teams and get into an argument about it <g>
Or maybe Flack would spill his drink on Stella and have to apologize, or maybe she'd deliberately spill her drink on him!
Re: Flack & Stella

Hmmm...good question, fg. I love cein's ideas, them meeting at a game or either of them spilling their drinks on the other. I actually like the latter since it makes me think of naughty things. :lol: :devil: Let me think...okay, this is completely AU, so how about Stella is a doctor at an ER and Flack comes in with a minor injury sustained from a game of pick-up basketball or ice hockey and Stella has to attend to him and Flack asks for her number. I don't really know. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I like the idea of them meeting at a game. I just think it would be hockey and Stella would be there with her nephew. they would sit next to ach other and the boy and Flack would start to talk. then he would asked them both on a pizza afterwards and then he will ask her out - without the boy :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks, I thought so too when I was listening to the song. So I'll be adding it to the fanmix, I'll also add the corrs one, cause I like that one. As for the AU question I was thinking maybe Flack could be a lawyer or something and Stella a teacher but they could meet somewhere like a game or something or on the subway, maybe bump into each other. Maybe Flack could be picking his niece or nephew up from school and bump into Stella in the hallways, that would be nice.
Re: Flack & Stella

Flack as a lawyer, huh? Then we'll have plenty to talk about! :lol: Love your ideas girls. :)

How about Flack and Stella meet at a park. Stella is under the shade of a tree, sitting on a blanket, reading a novel. Flack is there playing a game of catch, probably with a nephew (funny how we're using their nieces and nephews as props to get a date! :lol:). Then Flack's nephew throws the ball wildly, rolling onto Stella's blanket and Flack has to fetch it, their eyes meet and they are instantly attracted to each other. :lol: And then he asks her out on a date. Of course, she agrees. :lol:

Or another scenerio (still at the park), Flack is playing fetch with his dog and his dog wanders over to Stella. The dog is smitten with her. So Flack has to go get him and he meets Stella, who looks deliciously sexy sitting on her blanket, and he, too, is smitten with her. Again, he asks her out and she agrees. ;)

I'll try to think of more...OMG! I really need to get a life! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

*Pops in to see whats happening*

Hi guys I can see your all pretty busy lol........is it to late to join the ship lol.

I don't often watch CSI: New York but I can definately see the chemistry between Flack and Stella so hot lol ;) ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

Wow, ladies, lots of good AU ideas rolling around in here. I definitely like the game idea. And using nieces/nephews as a means of them meeting is classic. How about this: Stella is babysitting her nephew while the parents are out of town, so she has to take him to his peewee hockey league, and Flack is the coach!

Hi Shazza! So nice of you to join us in our little corner of the boards. Our ship is off-beat, but we like it a lot :) Definitely not too late for you to join us!
Re: Flack & Stella

Welcome to the thread Shazza, and of course it isn't too late.

Ok, you're probably going to get fed up of me suggesting songs by Josh Groban lol, but I'm listening to another one I really like. Not sure if it would go, but have a listen anyway and tell me what you guys think, and don't forget to keep suggesting, I want to have several to choose from. And different songs from different artists and genre's of music.

So She Dances

It's a beautiful song, I really like it. Ignore the pictures though, just listen to the song and tell me what you think. There's a picture of Hermione in there somewhere no idea why.

I like the park idea, where Flack is playing with his dog/nephew and she's reading, I could so picture that happening. You know I think maybe I might write a one shot to this idea or where they have jobs other then the ones they have.
Re: Flack & Stella

Go for it Lindsey, I would love to read that fic :) I am tempted to try one of my own! I think we should issue a challenge, to write an AU Fiesta fic!
Re: Flack & Stella

Oh yeah definitely, If I can get my brain in gear and get it started, have too many fic ideas on my head it's doing my head in.

I think I might go with my idea, the Lawyer/Teacher idea, I'm thinking maybe as I mentioned Flack goes to the school where Stella works to pick up his Niece and he bumps into Stella. I won't say anything else, but I'll be posting it over at FF.net, my username there by the way is Colby Granger.
Re: Flack & Stella

I'll probably need a beta when it's done, but I'll post it anyway, I'm glad you can't wait, gets me motivated. I shall try and start it tomorrow after work.

I will also dig out some more screencaps, and I may even do some of my own from my S1 & s2 dvd's. We need to do some captioning again :).

Alright here's another question for you.

How do you think Flack would propose to Stella?
Re: Flack & Stella

Welcome to the thread shazza. As fg said, we love our little corner of the boards. ;) Yes, definitely, it isn't too late to jump on board this ship. :)

fg, I love that babysitting idea. Coach Flack anyone? That's just too cute! How shamelessly we use their nieces/nephew as props! :lol:

An AU challenge huh? :lol: I've got so much plot bunnies running around in my head. Plus, I still have that New Year's story to finish. :lol: Lindsey, I'd say go for that fic. :D

As to how Flack will propose, I see him taking her to an outdoor ice skating rink, maybe Rockefeller Center or the one at Central Park, and of course, they're skating and suddenly Flack pulls her aside, he goes into this whole spiel about how she has changed his life for the better (For Good, fg? ;)) blah, blah, blah and pops the question with a ring from Tiffany's! :lol: And of course, Stella accepts him. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hehe thanks, Mandy, can't you just see it now? Coach Flack making the kids run drills, and he looks up to see a gorgeous woman he has never seen before and is instantly smitten with her?

And I love the idea of an ice skating rink for the proposal. Haha, yes "For Good" Mandy! I definitely think a ring from Tiffany's is a given for these two, hahaha. Now, if I remember correctly, didn't I post this question a few months ago? I will have to find it and see my response,
hahaha :lol:
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