Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
MMM, I am sure she would help him rip those ties right off him at night. Who wouldn't?

I've got an even better idea...Something naughtier! :lol: :devil:...Stella could use those fugly ties to tie Flack to the bedpost and have her wicked way with him! :lol: :devil: :lol: See...I told you my mind is perpetually stuck in the gutter! :lol:

Nyakattia's fic was awesome! So funny and cute.

Yup it was! And it was such an antidote to the whole Devon thing in You Only Die Once. :) Why couldn't our dear old blue-eyed Detective talk about our lovely Italian-Greek goddess like that? :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Stella could use those fugly ties to tie Flack to the bedpost and have her wicked way with him! See...I told you my mind is perpetually stuck in the gutter

that picture you painted its pretty, how should I say it - HOT

and as I told you before, we are definitely right there with you in the gutter :)

an idea just came to me:

Flack is in a locker room trying to choose which of his fugly ties he should wear, then Stella comes in and without a word takes a tie out of her locker and ties it around his neck, then adjusts the collar and while brushing off an invisible piece of dust of his wide shoulders she says: Thats better. and leaves
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, I agree with Carly on that one, the whole tie/bed post scenario is soooooo hot. ANd don't worry, we are right there in the gutter to keep you company.

Carly, the locker room idea sounds nice... I can just see that happening, so cute and domestic.
Re: Flack & Stella

I'm glad to have you ladies as company in the gutter! ;) :lol: I think I needed a splash of water to the face when I thought of the whole tie Flack to the bedpost idea since the images it conjures up are totally hoooot as Carly pointed out previously. :lol:

Yes Carly, that whole locker room thing sounds nice and sweet...I can just imagine Flack having a goofy grin on his face after Stella fixes his tie and he has his eyes trained on her behind as she sashays away from him. :lol: Awww shucks! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

And we are glad to keep you company in the gutter. But honestly, with these two as our ship, how can our minds NOT be in the gutter?
Re: Flack & Stella

Just in case any of ya'll were interested, here is the video for one of the songs I mentioned, as performed at the Country Music Awards She Goes All the Way. The sound isn't great and the end is kinda showy, but it's a beautiful song.

Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving all! I am thankful for (among other things) CSI NY and our wonderful ship, haha.
Re: Flack & Stella

Happy Thanksgiving ladies! :) I am definitely thankful for Flack and Stella...Now if only they'd get together on the show and not just in our pretty little heads! :lol: But if ever they do become canon, I hope and pray that TPTB won't mess things up and just do our favorite couple justice! :lol:

I checked out the video feather. Thanks for the link. That was Kimberly Williams presenting, wasn't it?

Anyway, I am disappointed that in this week's episode One Wedding and a Funeral, we don't get to see Flack and Stella working together! What a shame! Tsk,tsk! I think I was going through Fiesta withdrawals! :lol:

To celebrate Thanksgiving, I made a sort of a greeting card that could possibly come from Don and Stella if they were together...Yes, I was bored with nothing better to do and I know it's kind of lame. :lol: So check this out...


To echo Don and Stella, again, A Happy Thanksgiving! :D
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, thanks for the lovely "greeting card." And yes, that was Kimberly Williams, she presented a couple of the acts that night.

Hope everyopne had a great Thanksgiving!
Re: Flack & Stella

Hehe, I have another hypothetical situation for you guys... do you think Stella would drag Flack to the after Thanksgiving sales? And if so, what situation(s) do you see ensuing?
Re: Flack & Stella

Oooohhh Black Friday sales? I can definitely see Stella dragging Flack to do some Christmas shopping and Flack getting bored and rolling his eyes but he'll put up with it because he loves Stella...And because he did Stella a favor he's gonna ask for something in return...like doing something naughty in bed. :lol:

I can also imagine Stella asking for Flack's opinion on buying gifts for their friends and to cap the day off go to a clothing store and Stella trying on some dresses for Flack...Or they could go over to Victoria's Secret and Stella can model some lingerie for our blue-eyed detective...I can see Flack getting turned on! :lol: :devil: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha, Mandy, I had the same scenario about lingerie playing out in my mind.

And maybe she would buy him some not so ugly ties.

Sigh, too many plot bunnies running through my head but not enough time... dang school. Only a couple more weeks, and then maybe I can get to writing some fanfic with my free time. *Knocks on wood.*
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Haha, Mandy, I had the same scenario about lingerie playing out in my mind.

Heehee, great minds think alike? More like people-whose-mind-are-in-the-gutter think alike! :lol:

And maybe she would buy him some not so ugly ties.

Oh yeah, I forgot about those fugly ties...He really needs a woman's opinion on those. But even if he wears such fugly tie-dress shirt combos, he still looks sooooo pretty! :lol:

Sigh, too many plot bunnies running through my head but not enough time... dang school. Only a couple more weeks, and then maybe I can get to writing some fanfic with my free time. *Knocks on wood.*

Please, please write some fanfic! My muse has deserted me for the moment! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hmmm, yes, even though he wears some damn attrocious ties and shirts, he is STILL hot Mandy!

Haha, and as for another after Thanksgiving sale scenario, Stella and Flack at Tiffany's. I somehow doubt they actually have a sale, but I can just imagine them going to that store together since she apparently loves it.

And don't worry, as soon as this semester is over, I fully intend to write some fics full of Fiesta flirting, fine-ness, and fun (haha this is what happens when it's 11:30 and know I still have a couple hours of homework to do, I create strange alliterations). But for now, that will be put on the backburner until the two papers, final, and presentation I have to do are out of the way.
Re: Flack & Stella

Oh yeah, I forgot Stella loved those little blue boxes from Tiffany's...Maybe Flack could get her a nice little locket where they can put a picture of them in it. Heehee, how about an engagement ring? This scenario brings me back to that scene from Sweet Home Alabama where Patrick Dempsey proposed to Reese Witherspoon at Tiffany's. I wonder how that scene would play out if it were Flack and Stella in the roles of Patrick and Reese. Slightly off topic, for my uncle's birthday this Thanksgiving weekend I ordered some cupcakes dressed up as little blue boxes from Tiffany's.

Just you hang in there feather, the semester will be over in a few weeks' time...And by the way, loved your alliteration. :D
Re: Flack & Stella

I liked the idea with the necklace. I would go with a silver one with a shamrock - to bring her luck and remind her that he loves her :)

and she would definitely drag him on a shopping spree - to buy her some great shoes and then to pick him some ties and shirts that actually match and doesnt look like the person responsible for them was on some kind of drugs
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