Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Hi Pretty in Pink! It's always nice to see new faces, or ones returning after long periods of time. And yeah, they have both had their share of crappy relationships. For Stella, first it's Frankie and now possibly this Drew character. Ew. And for Flack, the first relationship he has on the show, and it's this Devon chick. Ew. More reason Flack and Stella should be together, no "Ew" factor there.
Re: Flack & Stella

Definitely no "Ew" factor with Flack and Stella. Maybe it's because they're so freaking gorgeous together. And neither of them has the intention of killing the other...I think. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

of course they arent

and they were so sweet in the last episode. they really do work well together. and the banter, they are somfortable with each other

just one thing - WTF was it with Angell, I finally startet to like her and now this
Re: Flack & Stella

OMG, Carly! I was wondering the same thing about Angell. What the heck? Where the hell did that come from?
Re: Flack & Stella

Hello ladies! I’m sorry I haven’t been to this thread lately. My PC crashed and almost all my files were affected. I think my PC is getting back at me since I have abused it too much! I know, I know, I’m a slave driver! :lol: It was such a hassle actually.

Definitely, I agree with you Carly. That was one missed opportunity for a kiss in the rain. That would have been amazing!

feathergirl926 said:
Now my mind is officially back in the gutter, Carly. A wet Don sounds nice... very nice indeed. And if Stella is there to help him warm up after, that is fine by me.

So, Thanksgiving is coming up... how do you think our lovely couple would celebrate? With his family? With the team? Alone, a romantic night in? Any ideas?

Hey, feather, no jumping off the ship. We stick together, no one leaves the gutter! :lol:

As for Thanksgiving, I would love for Flack to bring Stella home to his parents to meet her and maybe they could spend the night in Flack’s boyhood bed doing something naughty, keeping everyone in the house awake! :lol: See, I won’t let you guys abandon me in the gutter! :lol:

pretty_in_pink said:
Thanks for the pics (with amazing commentary) Mandy. I think my mind just went back to the gutter. :devil: ;)

You’re welcome pretty! I’m glad I could oblige you! ;) It’s nice that you’ve come back to this thread. :)

Anyway, does anyone else think that it's funny that both Flack and Stella have no luck with relationships? Don ends up with people like Devon, and Stella ends up with people like...Frankie *shudders* I think it's just a sign that they need to end up with each other, or everyone else they date is gonna be an airhead or a crazy homocidal jerk. :lol:

I couldn’t agree more that both of them have no luck in finding a romantic relationship that works. Definitely agree that the only solution to the problem is for them to end up together! That would be really SOMETHING! :lol: :devil: :lol:

pretty_in_pink said:
And neither of them has the intention of killing the other...I think. :lol:

Maybe they do…by having too much fun in bed. :lol: :devil: :lol:

Okay, you guys may think I’m a traitor to this ship…Was I the only one who found Flack and Angell flirting really cute and adorable? *runs away and ducks*

*checks if coast is clear for any flying tomatoes*

I really like Angell and I’ve got to say they make a cute couple and that scene was really funny and charming. But it would have been better if Stella was the one in that scene with Flack! :)

Okay, to appease you ladies, I come with screen caps and captions from Commuted Sentences:

Flack:Hey Stel, thanks for wearing that low cut top. You know I really love you doing that for me!
Stella: Glad I could oblige you Donnie boy! Now, if you could just guess what color my bra is…


Flack: Stel, help! I can’t find your panties under here!

Stella: What do you mean you can’t find them?!? I am so gonna kill you Flack for wanting to
play hooky in a restaurant! Why can’t we just have a date without any untoward incident


Flack: Found it! Whew!

Stella: Good boy! 'Cause if you didn't, you wouldn't be getting any tonight! You'll be out in the

Re: Flack & Stella

I really like Angell and I’ve got to say they make a cute couple and that scene was really funny and charming. But it would have been better if Stella was the one in that scene with Flack!

I didnt like Angell that much but lately she started to grow on me. and although they might be a good looking couple the scene was totally random and I didnt think it was cute at all though I could be convinced to call it funny.

it would somehow make more sense with Stella and it would have been so much hotter. I only hope this was a one time lapse in judgement
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, thanks for the screen caps and captions, as usual. Gotta love the idea of him looking for her panties.
Re: Flack & Stella

You're welcome feather! Hahaha! It would be so hilarious if Flack ever had to look for Stella's panties in an episode! :lol:

I know that Halloween has passed but I was watching The Phantom of the Opera the other day and it got me thinking about what Flack and Stella could wear to a Halloween costume party or masquerade again :lol: ...Flack could dress up as the Phantom and Stella could dress up as Christine! :lol:

I'll try to come up with more screen caps and perhaps you guys can come up with some captions. I actually had a hard time with those from Commuted Sentences. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Definitely Flack would totally look hot and sexy as the Phantom! :lol: :devil:

So I was just listening to one of my favorite songs by Simply Red called For Your Babies and it got me thinking about Flack and Stella. I love the lyrics and I could just imagine them slow dancing to it. If you’re curious enough about this song, you can listen and watch the video by clicking this. So what do you guys think? Does that ever happen to you? Listening to music and suddenly you think about Flack and Stella.
Re: Flack & Stella

Haha, yes, Mandy, that has happened to me! I will be listening to the radio and a song will remind me of our lovely ship! One that comes to mind right now is Steve Holy's "Good Morning Beautiful," lyrics are here. Another one is Doug Stone's In a Different Light. I have lots... I could do this all day, but alas, my take-home test needs to be worked on.
Re: Flack & Stella

to be honest i still have to find a song that makes me think of Flack & Stella but it happens a lot with my other favorite couples

but I love the lyrics you posted

yesterday, Trapped was on here and I loved their scenes. especially the one with the butler talk. they were both positively glowing while talking together
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey feather, loved those lyrics you posted. :) I can relate about thinking about songs that might in a way relate to Flack and Stella. Take home exams? I hate those! I'd rather take a test in school than bring it home. At least that way your agony is over within two hours. Well, at least that's how it was done in my school. Anyway, good luck on that test! :)

Carly, loved that scene as well from Trapped. I think I'll rewatch that episode. Glowing? :lol: :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Mmm, it would be rather nice if CSI:NY would do a musical episode ala PoTO. *pouts"

I wanted to make an artsy contribution but currently lack imagination, so here is a limerick.

Ode to Fiesta:
Her daily life is to catch the monger
Until she's besieged by the hunger
The Italian boy
Will end up her toy
For Greek women, they like their men younger
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