Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

A CSI: NY musical? That would be such a riot seeing Flack breaking into song! As for Stella, I think she has a pretty decent singing voice. As for Flack, I'm not too sure. :lol:

snik, your limerick just had me laughing out loud! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha I am just envisioning PoTO, CSI: NY style. Hehe, of course Stella would be Christine, but do you cast Flack as the Phantom (*DROOL*) or as Raul? And who is everybody else?

Snik, I love your limerick. It made me smile :)
Re: Flack & Stella

I would love for Flack to dress up as the Phantom in a masquerade ball since he is sexy as hell :lol: :devil: :lol:, but if we're talking about a full blown musical, I think Flack would be better off as Raul (who is sexy too! :lol:) since he ends up with Christine, who will definitely be played by Stella. :lol: The Phantom should perhaps be played by Mac? Since he is almost as lonely a figure as the Phantom himself. What do you guys think?
Re: Flack & Stella

Yipes! The thread was at the bottom of the heap again! It was actually on the second page already! :lol:

Anyway, I was just listening to one of my favorite songs by The Corrs and it’s called Make You Mine…It made me think of Flack and Stella again for the nth time. :lol: I think I’m spending way too much time in la-la land! :lol: Here are the lyrics to the song. If you want to hear it, here’s a YouTube video made by some fan using the song.

To celebrate this week’s episode, I come bearing gifts! :D Here are some screen caps from Buzzkill:

Flack: Stel, in here. Hurry up before the lab techs see


Stella: Wha?...You want to do it here? Now? In a supply


Flack: I was just taking you up on that offer! Remember?
Hey, I wasn't the one with her mind in the gutter. So cough
it up and deliver!


Okay, I know I’m evil plus I’ve got my mind perpetually stuck in the gutter! :lol: :devil: I promise to post more screen caps from Buzzkill! ;)
Re: Flack & Stella

ohhh The Corrs, I love this group. On December 3 I go to Andrea's concert :D

I like the shipper of Stella and Flack but also the Stella and Mac... Flack and Stella are equal, nevertheless Stella and Mac are totally different and I like more it :rolleyes:
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks for bumping our lovely thread, Mandy. And, as always, thanks for the lovely screencaps. I love the first caption about the lab techs seeing them. Oh, and about the PoTO thing, I had been thinking the same thing. Since she ends up with Raul, that would be a reason to have Flack as Raul, but he would be so hot as the Phantom, lol.
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey feather! :)Great lyrics. Bless The Broken Road, just love that one to bits. Here’s one, again by The Corrs, called Hopelessly Addicted. Here’s the lyrics and a YouTube video

As promised, here are some more screen caps and captions from Buzzkill:

Flack: Stel, I know you love playing with my balls but stop it already. You can play with the
real deal when we get home later. I promise!


Stella: Shut up Flack! We’re in the middle of f*cking Times Square for crying out loud!

Flack: Yeah, but you still love me, warts and all!
Re: Flack & Stella

Heehee! Okay, maybe warts were too harsh...How about flaws and all! :lol: Anyway, who wouldn't love Flack just the way he is? :lol: I certainly do...and Stella should as well! :lol:


I thought of something funnier...How about instead of warts and all, it should be fugly ties and all. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Heehee! Flack wears such horrible looking ties! :lol: I wonder what Stella thinks of all his fugly ties. :lol: Maybe he should ask Stella for some good fashion advice.
Re: Flack & Stella

Yay, we made it to page 14!

Yes, Flack's ties are pretty awful. Like seriously, just ask for some help if you don't know what patterns look good together and which ones don't... Stella would be glad to help you pick out your clothes in the morning, Flack.
Re: Flack & Stella

We're on page 14 already? I didn't realize that until you pointed it out feather. :lol:

Yes Flack, Stella would gladly help pick out your clothes in the morning! :lol: And help rip them off your hot body at night! :lol: :devil: :lol:

Remember we've been talking about The Phantom of the Opera? Anyway, nyakattia over at FF.net just wrote a Fiesta fic called The Phantom, where Flack endures sitting through the musical for Stella's sake. Read it, it's a funny one-shot. :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Yup, we sure are on page 14! Yay us.

MMM, I am sure she would help him rip those ties right off him at night. Who wouldn't?

Nyakattia's fic was awesome! So funny and cute.
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