Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, the caps are wonderful. I love the one with Flirty Stella. she is clearly saying *Come and get me, lover boy*

and your commentaries LMAO
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha! Carly...That is soooo funny! I can picture Stella actually saying it...'Ooooohhh looover boy, come and get meeee!' in a very seductive tone :lol: :devil: :lol: Mind still stuck in the gutter! :lol:

As for the commentaries, I aim to please! ;) Now, if only it actually happened on the show, I would probably die from a heart attack or a stroke! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I might not die - Im a strong person :) but I would so faint like a drama queen in a paper back novel

it is not hard to get your mind into a gutter with these two. they are smoking hot.

people usually talk about the passion but when there is a relationship I would kinda like to see it evolve from the frienship and trust rather then just sex. though sex is always good
Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha! I was exaggerating with the dying of a heart attack or a stroke but I would probably end up fainting from the lack of oxygen to the brain due to the excitement and giddiness (I'm a true fainter, believe me, it's not a pretty sight, got a black eye once to prove it) :lol: :lol:

I quite agree with you Carly, that the best relationship is one borne out of a long-standing friendship rather than borne just out of lust and sex. Ditto about the sex part too, it's definitely good, a must even! :lol: :devil: :lol:

I was supposed to add some screen caps from Rain before I hit the post button...but I was preoccupied by things going on around me...My bad!

Anyway, here they are:

Stella: Oh my God! Flack looks so hot when soaked! I want to jump his bones!
Noooo! You've got to think of the kidnapped little girl! But he looks so
scrumptious enough to eat! No buts!


Flack:I can't believe I just looked Stella up and down. Can't help it,
she's soooo damn sexy...especially when wet!


Flack:Thank God, it's raining! At least she can't see my b*ner!
That would be sooo embarrassing that I'll never live it down if she knew!


Stella: Oh my....Flack is damn gorgeous in his leather jacket...
Crap! What did the Mother just say? I can't seem to concentrate
with gorgeous around. Damn!

Re: Flack & Stella

Hahaha, Mandy, I love the screen caps and captions. They are awesome!

And I agree, if they were to enter into a relationship, it would be a good one since they started out as friends. Friendship is a great start to a relationship.
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey feather, I was kind of wondering when you would show up. :)

Anyway, as for the screen caps and captions, I have nothing better to do, got too much time on my hands plus my mind has been stuck in the gutter...So what better way to while away the time than think of things Flack and Stella would think about the other but wouldn't dare saying it out loud. :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

wow. I honestly cant think of a reason i havent posted here before. I am a HUGE Fiesta shipper. wierd. Lol, love those screen caps! i do think they should be together, but sometimes being friends can be awkward. I dont think Flack and Stella have that, but it still might be awkward. what series is Rain from??
Re: Flack & Stella

Hello Cooki! Welcome to the Fiesta shipping thread! I'm glad you finally stopped by. We need more Fiesta shippers in here! :lol:

Anyway, to answer your question, Rain is the seventh episode of Season One. I agree that making the transition from friends to lovers can get pretty awkward but I think if Flack and Stella do get together, at least they know how each other ticks, what the other likes or dislikes but still with an air of mystery surrounding some aspects, maybe something relating to what Stella is really like as a girlfriend or what Flack is like as a lover. Things like that.
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, haha I am bound to show up at some point, right? LOL. I woulda dropped by sooner, but I was recovering from a retreat that I went on this weekend (which was really fun but exhausting). I appreciate the fact that you are killing time by posting photos of our favorite couple!

Welcome Cooki! Thanks for joining the party :) We always like to see new faces (well, metaphorically speaking anyway).
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi guys! I just wanted to say hello and gosh, this thread was already in the bottom of the heap...Can't let that happen.

Hey feather, I know you always try to show up and keep this thread going. ;) A retreat, eh? Last time I went on one was way back in high school a loooong time ago.

I'll try to post more screen caps and some more captions of our favorite couple, maybe later since I've got a lot of things to do just about now.

But just to whet your appetites, here is a screen cap from Snow Day:

Stella: Hey Flack, how about when we finish playing commando here we could go back to my apartment and play commando in my bed. What do you say?
Flack: Just as long as I get to be on top this time.

I know, I know...I'm evil for keeping you hanging! :lol: :devil: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I agree Mandy, can't let this thread get too far down, or it tends to get lost. That pic and your caption have just flung my mind back into the gutter by the way.... thank you :)
Re: Flack & Stella

*pops in to say hi*

I'm glad I could oblige you feather ;)...Don't worry, I'll always accompany you in the gutter...My mind almost never leaves it anyway :lol: :devil: :lol:

Promise to be back with more Flack and Stella screen caps! :)

*pops back out*
Re: Flack & Stella

hello, there

my mind likes the gutter too. its a rather comfortable and warm place. it almost never leaves :)

Stella & Don wet - the missed possibilities of that. they could give High Grant & Andie MacDowell run for their money. that would be a really nice scen - the two of them kissing in the rain *swoons*
Re: Flack & Stella

This thread was on the second page, no wonder I couldn't find it :p

Now my mind is officially back in the gutter, Carly. A wet Don sounds nice... very nice indeed. And if Stella is there to help him warm up after, that is fine by me.

So, Thanksgiving is coming up... how do you think our lovely couple would celebrate? With his family? With the team? Alone, a romantic night in? Any ideas?
Re: Flack & Stella

I don't know why I haven't come in here in so long! There's even a shiny thread.

Thanks for the pics (with amazing commentary) Mandy. I think my mind just went back to the gutter. :devil: ;)

Anyway, does anyone else think that it's funny that both Flack and Stella have no luck with relationships? Don ends up with people like Devon, and Stella ends up with people like...Frankie *shudders* I think it's just a sign that they need to end up with each other, or everyone else they date is gonna be an airhead or a crazy homocidal jerk. :lol:

But they seriously need to kiss in the rain, like carolina said. That would be so cute that I don't think my shippy little heart could handle it. :)
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