Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Yes, it totally sucks that TPTB have completely ignored this ship in favor of others...They must be blind to the great chemistry between Flack and Stella. Combustible anyone?

As for Devon, don't even get me started...I see airhead written all over her face...Shallow even! Gah! I was cringing, not to mention my ears were shutting themselves off, every time Flack said the word girlfriend..Ugh! As for Stella reacting about Devon, her facial expression was one of incredulity...like 'I can't believe Flack could date someone as shallow as this Devon chick!'...and maybe a tad bit of jealousy! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

As for Stella reacting about Devon, her facial expression was one of incredulity...like 'I can't believe Flack could date someone as shallow as this Devon chick!'...and maybe a tad bit of jealousy

Oh yes. Stella's face when Don was asking her if it was weird that Devon was so excited about the robbery. I think her natural reaction would have been to say "Damn right it's not normal for somebody to be happy their home was broken in to!" but I think she figured that Don seemed happy with Devon and she wasn't going to mess that up for him. But I agree that Stella was a bit incredulous that this was who Don was dating.

The bit when Stella is listening in to Don & Devon at the party. I loved the way she just fed the line to Don to get rid of her quickly. But she definitely looked to be a little envious of Don & Devon.
Re: Flack & Stella

I totally agree with you, Mandy, about Devon. She seems so incredibly shallow, and like your typical cliche heiress type (well, maybe not as bad as Paris, but you know the type).

Cein, I enjoyed the story you posted and can't wait to read more!
Re: Flack & Stella

A Happy Halloween to you guys! :) I'm baaaack! Been sick for the past few days(actually still sick) *cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle* plus my DSL had gone completely kaput...Just got it back three hours ago...I was going through internet withdrawals! :lol: Spent most of my time in bed watching DVDs nursing my cold and a fever! Ugh!

Great fic by the way, Cein! You've got to continue the story! Please? Loved that your story was post-You Die Only Once.

I loved that scene where Stella was feeding Flack his lines to Devon! :lol: Smooth Flack! Stella had to get you out of that jam!

feathergirl, yes definitely, Devon is so incredibly shallow...the stereotype would have been complete if she had had blonde hair...No offense to anyone blonde here. Rich, shallow heiress dating working-class homicide detective...Sounds more like it belongs in a soap. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I hope you get better soon, Mandy

I agree with you guys. Devon seems shallow and also it didnt look like Don cared that much. he seemed a little embarassed in front of Stella when she was taking his statement in her apartment.

when he talked about her it looked more like he was saying Yay, they finally got me a girl.

well, good for you, buddy, but they mixed the order and got you a wrong one
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks for the well-wishes Carly! I shouldn't even be in front of the PC, I should be in bed... :lol:

well, good for you, buddy, but they mixed the order and got you a wrong one

hahaha! Carly, you've just made my day! that was so hilarious. :lol:I can hear Flack go 'I demand a refund! Or an exchange even!' Make it someone like Stella! a perfect combination of intelligence, toughness and beauty. :D
Re: Flack & Stella

OMG Carly, that is hilarious! I just got a mental image of Flack's dialogue with TPTB, telling them that they made a mistake, and that they should pair him with his Greek goddess, not sme rich bimbo.

Mandy, at least you are feeling better for Halloween :) I hope everyone has a great one.
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks feathergirl! :) Only feeling slightly better...No worries though. I'll probably be drowning my sorrows with NyQuil and some wine later...And dipping my fingers into some loot bag full of candies. Trick or treat anyone? :lol: :lol:

That scenario you've mentioned with Flack going up to TPTB demanding that they pair him up with Stella is playing in my mind...I can imagine it so vividly. What a riot that would make! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey Fiestas! Found this board a couple days ago, and my shipper heart goes squee to find like-minded fans, as well as an origin to the 'Fiesta' name that I've seen around the fanfiction sites. 'Til Death do us Part was my call to ship (way back when). Didn't really have a tv so I've missed everything since then, but looking forwards to the other episodes y'all are talking about.

I have to admit, I enjoyed Devon's character, insomuch as she was a useful and necessary part of the plot. After all, Flack got to play Bond, Stella shone in contrast, and we got delightful scenes where a shared passion for solving crime overcame any external distractions. I also saw Stella's reactions as amused, which is so much hotter than if she gave Devon any quarter ;>
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi sniksnak, welcome to the Fiesta thread. :)I'm glad there is another Fiesta fan, there are just too few of us...

Here are some screen caps from You Only Die Once:

Stella and Flack interviewing witnesses

Is it just me or was Flack checking out Stella's backside? :lol: :devil: :lol:

Stella's reaction at Devon's comment to Flack


Re: Flack & Stella

I think her reaction was slightly uncomfortable but she was amused to a degree too but probably more by Dons discomfort then by Devon

and on the first picture they kinda look like they are shopping for a mini van and he would rather by a convertible

and on the second one he is definitely checking out - when isnt he? do we have one where she is checking him out?
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey Carly...I agree that Stella looked amused by Flack's discomfort.

Shopping for a mini-van? Wait...are there little Fiesta offsprings running around? :lol: Flack in a convertible? So hooot! :lol:

As for a screen cap where Stella checks out Flack, I will have to look for one. :lol: If I were Stella, I would definitely check Flack out! :lol: :devil: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

and on the second one he is definitely checking out - when isnt he? do we have one where she is checking him out?

Well there is the scene where Stella is establishing a timeline on the board and Flack sits up on the table and leans back in a 'come and get it' pose...I'm pretty sure Stella was checking him out then, heehee!
Re: Flack & Stella

Ceindreadh said:
and on the second one he is definitely checking out - when isnt he? do we have one where she is checking him out?

Well there is the scene where Stella is establishing a timeline on the board and Flack sits up on the table and leans back in a 'come and get it' pose...I'm pretty sure Stella was checking him out then, heehee!

Check this out:

This one could possibly pass off as Stella checking out Flack

Flirty Stella? 'Say Flack, why don't we take this to the supply closet?'

The pin Flack on the table scene...with Flack probably checking out Stella's butt :lol:
Stella: Oh my God! I just want to jump him! Noooo! Stella, control yourself! You are professional! But he looks so hooooot!
Flack:I think it's working! She is sooooo hoooot for me! Her ass is mine!

Here's one from The Deep...Could pass off as Stella scoping out Flack's goods down there! :lol: :devil: :lol:
Stella: Hot stuff!
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