Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Flack and Stella have great chemistry together! They must be blind and oblivious!

that is so true. I love the teasing but they are obviously very comfortable around each other and they could supply a small country with electricity for a year with all the sparks that are flying around them
Re: Flack & Stella

carolina said:
Flack and Stella have great chemistry together! They must be blind and oblivious!

that is so true. I love the teasing but they are obviously very comfortable around each other and they could supply a small country with electricity for a year with all the sparks that are flying around them

This thought made me so giddy with laughter. :lol: The thought that the charged atmosphere surrounding them could supply a small country with electricity for a year is priceless. Definitely love the teasing between them. :D
Re: Flack & Stella

yeah they have great lines. like in Bad Beat about poker. or her teasing in People with money. but they pull the drama well too. i cant really remember her reaction from The charge of this post but they were brilliant in All access
Re: Flack & Stella

Yup, they have great lines...Loved that quip about poker...had me laughing like crazy...Love the scene on the Brooklyn Bridge, Stella teasing Flack...As for All Access, although I hated that Stella had to go through all that trauma (she's a strong woman), my little Fiesta fluttered like crazy when I saw them kiss each other on the cheek. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Wow, certainly a lot of activity on this thread... good to see it's alive and kicking!

Mandy and Carly, I completely agree! They have such great chemistry, and their exchanges are SO cute! I was just re-watching the poker episode the other day, and I think that is one of the best exchanges between them. And the scene from All Access? So adorable!!! And when they argue? OMG, so HOT!
Re: Flack & Stella

Yeah, I'm glad this thread is alive and kicking as well...I think it pretty much went into a coma over the summer...I guess most Fiesta fans went on vacation. :lol:

feathergirl, I completely agree that they're so sizzling HOT when they argue...enough to cause spontaneous combustion. Like in the episode Til Death Do We Part. :lol: They are both passionate and stubborn and it's not a stretch that sparks fly whenever they are together. :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, that was actually the first scene that came to mind when I mentioned the arguing. I actually can't think of any verbal sparring matches between them other than that... are there any others?

Y'all know what I think? I think we should make it our goal to have a second thread by a certain date (not sure what date, though)... most of the other ships have multiple threads, so I think we should step it up and represent our ship! What do you think? Are you guys on board??? And what do you suggest that date be?
Re: Flack & Stella

I can't remember another scene where they got into an argument as heated as the one they had in Til Death Do We Part...I'm trying to jog my memory but I can't quite seem to recall any.

Yeah, most ships do have multiple threads already...It's a pity that the Flack/Stella 'ship only has one. I guess our ship is not to the liking of the average person...I guess Fiesta is a little offbeat. Anyway, count me in. I am on board. As for the date, I can't make any promises on that.
Re: Flack & Stella

we dont need to make promises just give it a try, Im on board too, btw. what about New Year. that sounds reasonable.

I dont remember the scene you are talking about, wasnt paying that much attention during first season :)

but I have a question - how do you think Flack will react when he finds out about creepy stalker guy? or does he already know?
Re: Flack & Stella

That was the episode where Flack was being teased as a scaredy cat by Aiden and chicken by Stella at the abandoned Monastery. The scene was where Stella and Flack were investigating at a kid's apartment and found evidence that said kid could be the killer and Flack was convinced that said kid was guilty and was going to the D.A. while Stella wasn't...The argument got pretty heated...But Flack apologized...trying to get through Stella through phone messages (which she didn't check). Mac was the one who eventually relayed Flack's apology and almost had his head bitten off as well in the process! :lol:

Oooooh! I remember another argument between Flack and Stella, though not as heated as the one in Til Death Do Us Part. It's from Rain...If you can recall the scene where Flack and Stella were on stake out in the car about to catch their suspect when the suspect got spooked by a lot of squad cars conducting an unannounced preparedness drill.

As for creepy stalker Drew, I'm not so sure if Flack is in the know. If anything bad happens to Stella, I'm sure Flack will be so concerned. May even get very over protective considering what she had gone through with Frankie.
Re: Flack & Stella

thanks, mandy, now I remember it. they are hot even when they argue :)

I remember the scene from Rain but not the argument

and to respond to my own question - I dont think he knows but I can imagine him going into full protective mood and maybe doing a backround check on his own or even having a chat with drew but that is probably too much
Re: Flack & Stella

De nada, Carly. :)

I can totally imagine Flack doing a background check on Drew and maybe even roughing him up a bit as a warning not to hurt Stella or he'll really get into Drew's face...if he actually knows about Mr. Creepy Stalker guy! :lol: Such good fodder for a Fiesta fic.
Re: Flack & Stella

"Rain", "Till Death Do We Part, and "Three Generations are Not Enough" converted me to Fiesta. "All Access," made me a shipper. They had the nuances and touches of a couple in love, and they are not even a couple. I love how they get each other, and there is a fondness there, among the sexuality and playful snark.
Re: Flack & Stella

You guys are welcome for the link! :D I now moderate at the community, so it's very lovely to see all you fans getting into it! ;)

Go, Fiesta!

It's really bad how underrated Fiesta are as their chemistry is so clear whenever they have a scene together. I genuinely love this ship and am just a little upset that TPTB never really looked at this ship and let other relationships (or lack thereof. XD ) overshadow Fiesta.

+ In 'You Only Die Twice', I did not like Flack's girlfriend.
Stella's hotter! :lol:
She seemed a tad jealous though. Don't you guys think? :p
Re: Flack & Stella

LOL I am glad everyone is on board for trying to get to a second thread... if we keep things up we can totally do it. I agree, setting a date may be hard, but I am game for New Year...

It WOULD be interesting to see Flack's reaction to Drew. I would love to see him doing a background check on the guy... that guy is seriously bordering on stalker status.

I agree with you Kissme, it sucks that TPTB have completely overlooked this ship. I like Danny/Lindsay and all, but I think they should give Fiesta a chance. And yeah, Devon didn't do much for me... she just seemed like a rich snob.
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