Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Dance lessons for Flack...with Stella as the teacher? I agree with you feathergirl that it would be super hot...Or extremely funny...or both combined... I can picture Flack messing up the dance steps, fumbling and taking Stella down with him on the floor...and maybe end things with a kiss or even more! :lol: :lol: Okay, okay, will get my head out of the gutter already! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, no need to get your mind out of the gutter, mine needs the company ;)

All this discussion about costumes though makes me want to write a story... I just need some more direction. That and time since I need to work on a presentation for class. SIGH, dang grad school.
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Mandy, no need to get your mind out of the gutter, mine needs the company ;)

Hahaha! Don't worry, I won't abandon you...I think my mind is perpetually stuck in the gutter anyway! :lol: :devil: :lol:

All this discussion about costumes though makes me want to write a story... I just need some more direction. That and time since I need to work on a presentation for class. SIGH, dang grad school.

Yes, please write one...a Halloween fic maybe? Since Halloween is almost upon us. Tell me about it...Juggling grad school...Been there. :lol: As for me, the muse has abandoned me for now. I love to read but my brain refuses. It wants to rest for now. (Have a lot of novels in the back burner, waiting to be read). Brain prefers to just watch DVDs and TV shows. :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I would love to read a Fiesta Halloween fic. maybe of them not recognizing each other and flirting and dancing and then ... well, so much could happen then

these two are so hot that just to think of them in one sentence leads straight to the gutter :) been there, done that
Re: Flack & Stella

I will (hopefully) eventually get around to a Halloween fic... unfortunately it is now crunch time with my classes... papers, tests, presentations.

LOL good to know, ladies, that my head is not the only one in the perpetual gutter when it comes to these two.
Re: Flack & Stella

Definitely you are not the only one whose mind is in the gutter, feathergirl! :D

Carly, that premise sounds interesting. Something like a Halloween masquerade ball, huh?...Love that idea...I am picturing the scene where they eventually find out who they are actually flirting and dancing with...Swell idea. Mind back in the gutter here! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Mandy, good to know mine isn't the only one in the gutter. It enjoys the company :)

I intend to write a Halloween/masquerade fic, probably with one of the costumes suggested. I may just have to do that today or tomorrow since my classes were cancelled (fire near my campus, yikes!). So if I write one, I'll post the link for y'all.
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey guys! Haven't been here for AGES! :(

Well glad to be back and happy Fiesta shipping, guys!

Feather: Looking forward to that fic...

And now I leave you all with a link, a livejournal community for Fiesta has just been created: here .
Re: Flack & Stella

Ooooh, sweet! A Fiesta LJ community! Thanks for posting the link.

I need to get on that story, lol. Been glued to my tv all day, though, watching all the fires in California.
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks for the link kissmesweet! :D

Hey feathergirl, hope everything's alright in your little part of California. Hope the fires end soon.
Re: Flack & Stella

Kiane, I wish they would become official too! That would make quite a few people on this board very happy!!! But alas we will probably have to live viacariously through fanfiction.

Thanks for the kind wishes, Mandy. My area is okay, but a lot of the surrounding counties are burning... including where I go to school (makes me glad I commute there and decided not to live in the grad housing). YIKES!
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Kiane, I wish they would become official too! That would make quite a few people on this board very happy!!! But alas we will probably have to live viacariously through fanfiction.

Wouldn't it be nice if Flack and Stella were canon? :lol: I would be one of those people on this board who would totally be ecstatic! Will probably faint from shock and the giddiness! :lol:

Thanks for the kind wishes, Mandy. My area is okay, but a lot of the surrounding counties are burning... including where I go to school (makes me glad I commute there and decided not to live in the grad housing). YIKES!

Am I right? You go to Pepperdine, right? I almost applied there for college but decided at the last minute not to do so. Malibu looks so bad right now...looks pretty devastated...Glad to hear you're doing fine...Hope they get the fires under control soon.
Re: Flack & Stella

Wouldn't it be nice if Flack and Stella were canon? :lol: I would be one of those people on this board who would totally be ecstatic! Will probably faint from shock and the giddiness! :lol:

It would be quite amazing if they made our ship canon. I would be in heaven. They are my favorite ship on the show... they are right up there with Grissom/Sara on the original show, maybe even passing that one lol.

Am I right? You go to Pepperdine, right? I almost applied there for college but decided at the last minute not to do so. Malibu looks so bad right now...looks pretty devastated...Glad to hear you're doing fine...Hope they get the fires under control soon.

Yup, I go to Pepperdine for grad school. It's a great school, so beautiful. They opened the school back up for tomorrow and the rest of the week, so I am thinking we're good now :)
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Wouldn't it be nice if Flack and Stella were canon? :lol: I would be one of those people on this board who would totally be ecstatic! Will probably faint from shock and the giddiness! :lol:

It would be quite amazing if they made our ship canon. I would be in heaven. They are my favorite ship on the show... they are right up there with Grissom/Sara on the original show, maybe even passing that one lol.

Hahaha! I'll definitely be joining you in heaven if indeed Fiesta becomes canon! TPTB should listen to us crazy fangirls...Flack and Stella have great chemistry together! They must be blind and oblivious! :lol: :lol:

Am I right? You go to Pepperdine, right? I almost applied there for college but decided at the last minute not to do so. Malibu looks so bad right now...looks pretty devastated...Glad to hear you're doing fine...Hope they get the fires under control soon.

Yup, I go to Pepperdine for grad school. It's a great school, so beautiful. They opened the school back up for tomorrow and the rest of the week, so I am thinking we're good now :)

Glad to here Pepperdine is back in session...Malibu looks pretty bad on the news...How was it from your point of view?
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