Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

Flack and Stella in Halloween costumes, eh?

Flack as James Bond and Stella as a Bond Girl...Blame this week's episode for this one. 'Flack. Don Flack.' :lol: :lol:

How about Flack as Gomez Addams with Stella as Morticia. :lol:

Okay, can't think of anything else. How about you guys?

As for this week's episode...Man, Flack and Stella shared some wonderful scenes together that made my little Fiesta heart flutter, just take out Flack's girlfriend Devon out of the equation. :D Flack looked totally scrumptious in a tux, good enough to eat. :lol: Stella looked gorgeous as well. :D

Here's a screen cap of our favorite duo:


Here are more:
Re: Flack & Stella

Thanks for the wonderful screen caps, Mandy! Last night's episode was great. Stella's face when Flack's girlfriend said something about thinking spies are sexy was priceless.

As for Halloween costumes, that is a very good question... one I haven't really thought of. I will get back to you on that one once I am finished with my midterm.
Re: Flack & Stella

(sighs) plenty of Flack/Stella scenes tonight! Heck, Flack got to play with pretty near everybody in the lab!

I loved the scene when Stella was writing out the timeline on the board and Flack was just sitting back on the table. And I'm sure Stella was telling herself "No Stella, don't jump him there on the table, keep your mind on the job!" <g>
Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Thanks for the wonderful screen caps, Mandy! Last night's episode was great. Stella's face when Flack's girlfriend said something about thinking spies are sexy was priceless.

No biggie. You're welcome. :) That scene had me laughing...Stella being an uncomfortable witness to that conversation. :lol:

Ceindreadh said:
(sighs) plenty of Flack/Stella scenes tonight! Heck, Flack got to play with pretty near everybody in the lab!

I loved the scene when Stella was writing out the timeline on the board and Flack was just sitting back on the table. And I'm sure Stella was telling herself "No Stella, don't jump him there on the table, keep your mind on the job!" <g>

OMG...So I wasn't the only one who had her head in the gutter in that scene...I was going, 'Jump him Stella! Pin him down the table!' :lol: :devil: :lol:

Here are some screen caps from the Diving School scene from 'The Deep'



Here are some more:





Re: Flack & Stella

OMG...So I wasn't the only one who had her head in the gutter in that scene...I was going, 'Jump him Stella! Pin him down the table

Heh, the way he just hopped up there and leaned back, could it be any more of an invitation!
And then Stella telling him what to say to Devon at the party to get rid of her quickly, heehee!
Was it just my imagination or was there a trace of envy in her face when she was listening in on Flack and Devon? She certainly seemed unimpressed with her at the apartment.
Re: Flack & Stella

Here are some pictures of 'Pin down Flack on the table' scene:

Oh my...He looks so hot...Wanna jump his bones...No, Stella! Concentrate! :lol: :devil:

Ceindreadh said:
Heh, the way he just hopped up there and leaned back, could it be any more of an invitation!
And then Stella telling him what to say to Devon at the party to get rid of her quickly, heehee!
Was it just my imagination or was there a trace of envy in her face when she was listening in on Flack and Devon? She certainly seemed unimpressed with her at the apartment.

Smooth, Flack...Taking cues from Stella. :lol: I'm not sure that it was envy on Stella's part, looks more like she was uncomfortable...To me it looked like it was 'Gah' moment for Stella. 'Ewwww...I shouldn't be hearing this!'

I agree with you that she seemed unimpressed with Devon at her apartment. I would be too seeing that she was sort of flaky and shallow. Jealous much? :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

they looked so hot in this episode *swoons*

and I totally agree with you on the jumping part :) such a waste of a perfect opportunity

and when they were at the banket they looked like they belonged - thanks for the pics BTW

both my shops simply shoen in this epi. I want more

and stella was totally unconfortable around Devon - jelousy always works in stories :)
Re: Flack & Stella

So I finally had a couple minutes to ponder the Halloween costume question posed by Carolina. And I came up with something that isn't super original but I think it's cute. Keeping with the whole Stella being Greek theme, Stella could be Aphrodite, and Flack could be Ares. What do ya think?
Re: Flack & Stella

they would be wearing a toga - both. that idea I like

just coming to mind - Flack could pull a Zorro quite well ans Stella would look great in some red Spanish-y number

BTW, you can call me Carly
Re: Flack & Stella

Flack as Zorro but please no rinky-dink mustache. :lol: :lol: Stella would look great in a Flamenco dress.

The Zorro theme gave me the idea that Flack could dress up as Westley as the Dread Pirate Roberts and Stella as Buttercup from The Princess Bride, one of my favorite fantasy movies of all time. :)

Stella would look great in a flowing Grecian gown if she ever dresses up as Aphrodite.

Since I love Pride and Prejudice, how about Flack dresses up as Mr. Darcy and Stella as Elizabeth Bennet? Flack in tight breeches. Rrrr! :lol: :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Ceindreadh, haha yeah, Flack in Xena-verse Ares mode would be dang sexy... but Aphrodite bugged me on that show, Stella's a little too smart to be the Xena-verse Aphrodite.

Ohh, Carly, I agree... Flack as Zorro might be pretty HOT.

Mandy, the costumes you said sound great! I wouldn't mind seeing Flack as the Dread Pirate Roberts (GREAT movie). And even though Pride and Prejudice is not one of my favorites, Flack as Darcy sounds might appealing.
Re: Flack & Stella

I think they would look hot and stunning in pretty much everything.

I like the Princess Bride idea, I love the movie too. they could pull the P&P stuff pretty well too.

another thing to think about :) we now that Stella can dance. do you think Flack can? could they pull a Tango or at list some rumba or maybe waltz?
Re: Flack & Stella

I agree with you Carly that they would be hot and stunning in pretty much everything.

Yes, Stella can dance. As for Flack, me thinks he's got two left feet and dances like a white boy! :lol: Or I might be wrong since the guy definitely knows his hockey! :lol: What do you guys think?
Re: Flack & Stella

I am with Mandy on this one, he doesn't seem like he's the best dancer. But Stella could always teach him ;) That would be super hot.
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