Flack/Stella - Greek Women Like Their Men Younger

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Re: Flack & Stella

feathergirl926 said:
Okay ya'll this thread needs some livening up! Sooo... hmm what's a good topic... OK I have one, what song do you feel reflects these two best? Come on all you Fiesta people, I know you're out there!

I don't know if there's one song that actually fits them per se...but what's funny is that you actually asked this question...since I have in my iPod a playlist entitled Fiesta, consisting of love songs which remind me of them...very eclectic, actually...

There's You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) by Josh Groban...Far Away by Nickelback...Everything by Lifehouse...Crazy Love by Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music...My absolute favorite is Crazy Love...I can actually picture Flack singing it!! :lol:

Okay, I'm rambling now...gotta stop... :)
Re: Flack & Stella

Hi fellow Fiesta lovers!! I just created a C2 called ¡Ven a la Fiesta! at fanfiction.net. It is dedicated to Don Flack, Jr. and Stella Bonasera stories.

If you have written any Fiesta stories or some CSI:NY stories with Fiesta elements in them and had published it at fanfiction.net, please send me a PM here or at fanfiction.net so that I would be able to add your stories to the archive. Gracias!! :D

Anyway, here's a link to the archive:


¡Viva Fiesta! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

Fiesta was our chosen name when we were deciding. It described the exoticness of Flack/Stella. I can't deny Fiesta draws a sensual chemistry in their scenes. They'd be hot!
Re: Flack & Stella

Hello guys! This thread has been quiet lately...So I'm just going to give it CPR...Hahaha! :lol: :lol:

I've got questions for you guys:

1. What is/are your favorite Fiesta moment/s from Season Three?

2. What do you wish for Fiesta in Season Four?

To answer my own questions:

1. I loved that scene on the Brooklyn Bridge in 'People With Money' with Stella welcoming Flack back...I also enjoyed their banter in the break room in 'Murder Sings The Blues.'

2. I would love to see flirting between Flack and Stella! I would love for more witty banter between them. I also hope that they get to work cases with each other a lot! :D :D
Re: Flack & Stella

Hey ya'll, maybe you guys can help me. I remember reading a Fiesta fic a few months back. It involved Stella's former friend/rival who embarassed Stella in front of Mac a few years back. And the girl's friend wants to steal Danny from Lindsay? And Lindsay and Stella go dress shopping to find dresses for a ball. Something like that... and now I can't remember where I read it! Anyone know what fic I am talking about or am I crazy?
Re: Flack & Stella

My favorite Fiesta moments were in "Rain". In "Rain" I got wet looking Flack and Stella. "Till Death Do Us Apart", and "Three Generations Are Enough." Another one is when Flack and Stella butted heads over the procedure of a case. This was in season one. Forgot the name of that episode.
I want more Fiesta scenes. They naturally bring sexy and sassy on the screen without having to force it. They'd make a hot match.
Re: Flack & Stella

1. What is/are your favorite Fiesta moment/s from Season Three?

probably the ones from Past Imperfect

2. What do you wish for Fiesta in Season Four?

closeness. I wish that they would work together a lot and I would really like to see them together out of work. even if it was with the rest of the team.
Re: Flack & Stella

I loved their scene in the diving school. the teasing was so sweet. Im glad they put in some fiesta in both episodes and I hope they continue with it.
Re: Flack & Stella

I finally got around to watching All Access, and I just loved the Flack/Stella interaction. I don't think I've ever seen Flack be so gentle in an interview. And then the hug and kiss at the end when Stella tells him he's a good friend (sighs happily).
Now why they couldn't have hooked these two up instead of other pairings, I don't know.
Re: Flack & Stella

Yes, I loved the scene in the diving school...Made my little Fiesta heart flutter! :lol: :lol:

Ceindreadh said:
I finally got around to watching All Access, and I just loved the Flack/Stella interaction. I don't think I've ever seen Flack be so gentle in an interview. And then the hug and kiss at the end when Stella tells him he's a good friend (sighs happily).
Now why they couldn't have hooked these two up instead of other pairings, I don't know.

Flack was so sweet, gentle and very understanding...although I hated it that Stella had to go through all of that.

That is so true...the writers should hook these two up...that would be so great! :lol:
Re: Flack & Stella

I agree, he was so sweet in that scene in the hospital. And I also agree with Carolina, the scene at the diving school was too cute. Unfortunately TPTB seem intent on hooking them up with other people, SIGH. Kerr Smith's character, although cute, is a tad strange.
Re: Flack & Stella

so he is a new love interest for Stella? Im staying away from the spoilers so I have no idea

and although I like Kerr Smith the character is creepy

and when they have no problem with hooking her up with a younger man, why not Flack?
Re: Flack & Stella

Yes, Drew Bedford comes across as a really creepy, stalker type. Although I like Kerr Smith as an actor (liked him in the defunct E-Ring), his character makes my skin crawl.

Is it too much to ask to have them hook Stella up with Flack? :lol: :lol: Oh well...until then, fanfiction will do. :lol: :lol:
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