Re: Flack #6 - Your Handcuffs or mine?
Now now, let's simmer down my darlings.
I am a fan, I have ovaries, I lust--I fully embrace my fangirl lust. :lol: However, I also see how it might be taken in a not-so-nice way.
As for what gets said in this thread,
hiding, you never know what will or won't be taken the wrong way. *shrug*
Hmm...let's get some Flack discussion going, shall we?
I rewatched "Til Death Do We Part" today, and I was strongly reminded of Flack's on-going obsession with food. It's definitely a cute character quirk. :lol: Crackers in the glovebox, hotdogs, cinnamon twists, wedding cake samples--you'd think he'd gain some weight as much as he eats. :lol:
I also thought about the character's changes from S1 to S2. I think in S1 he seemed kind of like the young guy with attitude, etc. But in S2 he was more polished and mature. I wonder if they decided that Flack should be older? I think it's a reasonable conclusion when watching one season versus the other that the character might be older in the later episodes. That makes me wonder if the writers altered the character for some specific reason, or if they just thought it worked better for the show...
Very interesting.