"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

SinCityx, must you give me odd challenges? Well, I did ask for it! :lol: Tough one... I kept wondering how I could make it believable and interesting. All my ficlets have to be somewhat believable and definitely interesting! :D
Well, here’s what I came up with, hope you like it.

"....hopscotch, jacks, hula-hoop. I think that’s it,” Catherine was saying.
Sara walked in to catch the tail end of that explanation, and she shot Catherine a look.
"What are you talking about, guys?" She addressed Warrick and Greg who were also in the room.
"We were having a discussion over our favorite childhood games. Back before X-box and game boys," Catherine looked nostalgic.
"What brought around this topic?" Sara asked, looking interested.
"ou won’t believe this, some kid killed his little brother over an X-box game," Warrick sighed, "What a world, huh?"
Sara frowned and agreed. These kinds of things were the hardest part of the job.

“Well, I’m a video game freak, give me SNES any day," Greg tried to steer back the conversation to lighter ground.
"So you just played your video games all day long?" Sara questioned.
"On the contrary, I played chess and battleship," he grinned.
Catherine and Warrick just snickered at the exasperated Sara.
"Well, If you must know,” Greg continued, "I used to be pretty good at hide and seek. No one ever found me, and I always found people, like 95% of the time."
Sara rolled her eyes.
"Do I detect a skeptic? Come on, I bet I can find you. I’ll count to twenty and you go find a place to hide."
"Greg, we should be working," Catherine reminded him, as she got up.
Warrick followed suit. "It’s a slow day, but even I have better things to do than play hide and seek in the lab."
Catherine and Warrick walked out, leaving a hesitant Sara and a smug Greg.
"We already finished our case," he tried to convince her. “And it could be like a test. A test of my mystery solving skills, and my ‘locating lost people’ skills.”
"I don‘t know..." Sara tried to discourage him but he already turned around and started counting slowly.
"One... two... three...”
She walked out quickly, not sure why she was encouraging him, but feeling a little thrill of doing something she enjoyed in her childhood.

"Have you seen Sara?"
"Maybe she’s hiding from you, Greg," Catherine teased him and turned back to the microscope.
Greg walked out and walked through the halls again.

‘She’s not in trace, she’s not in ballistics. She’s not in the break room or out in the parking lot.... She’s not even in Grissom’s office!’
He looked just about everywhere he could think of, and after 30 minutes still no trace of the brunette.
"Where else? If I were Sara where would I hide? Where would I never look?"
"Greg, move. You’re blocking the men’s room." Hodges glared at Greg and Greg stepped aside glaring back at the lab tech.
"Wait - that’s it!"
His little outburst got him some weird looks from the lab techs.

Greg rushed over to the women’s restroom, hesitating before barging in, "Sorry, I’m here because the men’s room is out of order!" He blurted out his fabricated excuse but no one seemed to be inside. 'Whew...'
He looked around, and almost left when he couldn’t find her.
He looked under each stall and at the farthest stall he could swear he saw a pair of black shoes.
He knocked on the door but it swung open - it was unlocked and Sara was kneeling sheepishly on the toilet seat.
"It took you long enough," she smiled a bit.
"You’re better at this than I thought. But I did find you eventually. So, what‘s my prize?" Greg grinned mischievously.
"Prize? You didn’t say anything about that," Sara put her feet down and made a move to leave but he blocked the way.
He leaned in and planted his lips on hers. She was taken by surprise, but quickly kissed him back wrapping her arms around his neck. He pushed her back a little and she almost stumbled back, but he grabbed her and pulled her back.
After they broke the kiss, he looked a little red faced, and she was panting lightly.
“Uhhh... guess I got carried away.” Greg rubbed his head with embarrassment.
Sara just responded with a little smile, "Well, think what you would have gotten if you found me sooner."

Alright, now I must work on Adzix’s challenge. Hope you liked my ficlet! Leave all comments, corrections, suggestions, recipes, etc. here! ;)
Aww how cute. I'd play hide and seek with Greg anyday.
I need to think of a challenge.... I'll let you work on Adzix’s I'll have one later.
Adzix I will be glad to include those things! And don’t be afraid to make it a little tougher or interesting ;) I can take it! :lol: Here you go, hope you enjoy.

It was Grissom day off and he was catching up on some light reading. He hadn’t taken a day off in a while, and he was glad he decided to take one today.

Ever since Heather came into his life, he felt less wound up, and he enjoyed the little things in life. Pretty soon he would want a few weeks off so the two could take a vacation.
He heard Italy was nice this time of year...

With a pause he stood up. He thought he heard a knock. When he walked to the door, he realized there was indeed someone knocking.
Opening the door he was glad to see her, "Heather, how are you. Won’t you come in?"
She walked inside, placing her light jacket on the hat rack as if she had done it for years. Oddly enough, this was only her second visit to his home, but he wasn’t complaining.
"How are you?"
"I’m fine," she looked around and settled down on the couch he was occupying seconds just a minute ago.
"I wanted to see you." She told him, not beating around the bush.
"I’m glad you’re here. Why didn’t you use your key?"
"I didn’t think... it would be polite." She looked uncertain.
"We’ve been dating for about a year. I gave you the key because I trust you and I want you to use it." Grissom was starting to get used to their relationship, a little surprised at how she was dealing with it at a slower pace.
"Sorry. I’m just not used to this ‘relationship’ thing," she caught his bemused smile. "I know what you’re going to say. You’d think you would have the intimacy problems and trust issues - not me."
Grissom shrugged. He let her go on, she needed to get things out in the open, and she was correct about many things.
"But I’m not used to giving in to a man... giving him my heart. It’s just going to take a little more time," she smiled at his understanding nod.
"Would you like a drink?"
"Yes, thank you."

Grissom didn’t have any tea, but he chilled some wine, just in case he would meet up with her later on. He poured to glasses and walked over to her. They were both settled down, wine in hand, basking in their own comfortable atmosphere when the phone rang.
Grissom’s cell phone.
His brow puckered and he excused himself to pick it up. It was his habit.
She looked at him, listening quietly as he spoke in a low tone. He couldn’t fool her.
"Jim it’s my day off and - What? Are you sure? Couldn’t one of the others...?” Grissom turned to Heather, his face showing disappointment.
She nodded in reassurance. "It’s your job. This is one of those things we have to deal with."
He looked at her, and seemed to mull over her words.
"I’m not going. Sara has a lot of experience with bugs. Call her up. I’ll be in tomorrow." Grissom hung up and turned off his phone.
Heather was surprised, wondering why he did something that went against everything he stood for.
"I want you to trust me. And I can’t expect you to do that if I keep putting work in front of you," he took her hand and she stared at him with shining eyes.
"We both have to work at this relationship, and I care too much to let my work get the best of me."
She smiled at him, knowing she was right in trusting her heart with this man. She grabbed the glass of wine and leaned into him, glad that things were looking brighter for both of them.

Yay! I liked how this one came out. I hope you all liked my ficlet! Don't hesitate to leave all comments, corrections, suggestions, laundry lists, math problems etc. right here. :lol:
awesome! I love the way you dig deeper into the characters so the situations are believable. Good job!

Here's another challenge; Write the story of how Dr. Albert Robbins looses his leg and introduce us to his wife, children, and siamese cats
amazing!! i love it!! you're great, really :) !! okey, from now on i'll think about something more challenging :lol:
OMG great Fic Hestia. G/LH forever. It was cute and you got into the characters which was cool. And the fact Sara had to do the job was Great. :D
Ok What about a challenge with a lesser known character?
I would like to see Sara & Det. Vartan. (if you don't remember what he looks like you can pop over the the shipper thread, there's a few photos of him and her.

Since he is a cop they should be involved in a stake-out.
Would like it to be at a club.
Sara has to sing but no drinking.
He has to touch her face.
At more point they have to kiss.
Can't mention Grissom.

Hope that's not too much of a challenge for you.
act_of_passion you gave me an adorable challenge, which I was glad to write. Even though I would have to fill in a lot of blanks with my own imagination... but it hasn’t failed me yet! ;) Hope you like it.

The autopsy had gone well, and he was able to identify COD as soon as Grissom walked in.
"So, you know what killed her?"
"It has hands, face, and is identified as ancient."
Grissom gave him a look, "A grandfather clock?"
"The abrasions on her back match a marking on that grandfather clock you told me about."
"Interesting. I didn’t find any blood on it… didn’t seem to be broken." Grissom mused.
"Well, I suppose the person who pushed the clock on the ten year old tried their best to cover their tracks."
"Thank you, Albert," Grissom looked at the doctor out of the top of his glasses. "I didn’t know you considered grandfather as 'ancient'."
"Well, that’s what my grandkids call me," he gave him a knowing smiled. He loved his grandkids to death - all six of them. Luckily his own kids had two children each.
"Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a nice night."
Grissom left the older man to his documentation.

Dr. Robbins had just finished up when David walked up to him, "Sir, Ecklie wants a copy of the your findings on the young girl who was killed by the clock,” he looked nervous and a little guilty that he bothered the doctor as he was getting ready to leave.
"I already sent him a copy."
"Yes, well, he said he wants another one."
Doc Robbins heaved a sigh and leaned on his cane, "Can you get it? It’s in my folder on the table. I have to get home and feed the kittens."
"Alright," David opened the door of the morgue and retrieve the report.
"Have a good night, David."
"Oh, yes. You too, sir." He hurried quickly to get the reports to Ecklie.
Doc Robbins smiled to himself. He remembered how it was to be eager to please when he was young.

Walking to the parking lot, he was happy to see his wife outside. Her salt and pepper hair and her kind brown eyes were a welcome change to the death he saw on a day to day basis.
"Hope you didn’t forget," she was behind the wheel, smiling sweetly at him.
"No. But we have to feed the Siamese kittens."
"Of course, Si and Am."
He chuckled at the names his grandchildren gave their last two cats. Although they wanted the kittens, only his daughter chose to adopt one, while his other two sons were worried about the responsibilities.
He was able to give the other three kittens away, except for two. His wife, bless her heart, didn’t want to part with the last two cats and after much pleading, he agreed to keep them. Now the kids visited more often and he was all the more happy for it.

After he fed the little kittens, promising to be gone for just two hours, he got changed and walked outside. It was their 20th anniversary and it would be just him and his wife.

"Remember this place? You proposed to me here."
How could he forget? The beautiful, yet quaint little café. She looked a little sad as she recalled this was where the other unforgettable thing happened...

His recollection was vivid - bright head lights from the yellow and white truck... He remembered how he was heading over to the café, to see her, and he wasn't able to swerve in time... he was thrown several feet and the doctors considered him lucky that he was alive...
Lucky. But with a permanent limp.

As he walked to the table where they sat down, he smiled at her. Her eyes were watering and he decided to give her the present before the meal.
"Happy anniversary," He pulled out a shimmering gold necklace in a velvet black box.
"It’s beautiful," she whispered.
"To twenty glorious years, and twenty more."
She smiled softly, and said, "Let’s hurry. I want to show this off to the children."
He chuckled as they shared a toast.

I hoped the story wasn't too vague. I didn't want to include any names in case they turn out to be wrong later on in CSI. Alright, leave your comments, corrections, suggestions, marshmallows, flames(strictly for the marshmallows! :rolleyes:) and such right here! :D

I gotta try CSI_Watcher_8's challenege! (Ohhh... tough one!)
six grandkids, wow! I hadn't even considered that :eek:

Way to use your imagination, Hestia; I gave you a lot of blanks to fill in. It's always nice to hear more about Doc Robbins, he's an undervalued character in my humble opinion. Keep up the good writing :D
I have a challenge for you, Hestia.
-Gil/Lady H, of course. Heather walks into the crime lab holding an infant in her arms. Gil wants to know who the baby's mother is. Grissom gets spit up on his shirt and Heather helps Gil in more ways than one. :D