"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

This is a response to CSI_Watcher_8's challenege of a Vartann/Sara ficlet. The guidelines were strict, and it proved to be original yet tough. But in the end, the only real challenge was not making it too long! :D
Alright, hope you like this. For all the Det. Vartann/Sara fans...

Sara was chosen to accompany Detective Vartann on a stake-out involving a serial rapist. He was a little concerned for her safety, especially when she suggested she be the bait. After two tense hours, she went back to the car only to find their suspect coming out of the motel. He called back-up and ran up to the guy. It was lucky the suspect was unarmed and drunk. Sara held her breath as she followed Vartann.
"You got him?"
"I got him." He cuffed the guy and led him to a nearby cruiser.

It was a satisfying night. They caught the guy and no one else got hurt. The cops went out to celebrate, and Sara tagged along. Actually, Vartann insisted she come along.
"You guys arrested him, you go." she protested.
"No way, you were always there and you helped us nab him. You did good Sidle."

She found herself in a dark, but not overly seedy club with a bar. The officers were having their second round of beers.
"No thanks," she declined when they offered her a bottle. She was still feeling a buzz from that capture. She didn’t need alcohol.
After an hour, and a lot of self-congratulating talk, most of the cops went home. Sara and Vartann stayed behind. Neither of them drank anything, and they stayed on neutral ground - work.
"You’re a hell of a woman, Sidle," he smiled at her.
She just raised an eyebrow. "Thanks. You’re good too. We need to do more stakeouts together," she joked.
"Yeah," he leaned back looking around. Suddenly neither had nothing much to say.
"This is a nice song."
"Hmmm?" Vartann looked at her, "Do you sing?"
"No... well, in the shower if it counts," she shook her head in embarrassment.
"It’s karaoke night. Wanna give it a try?"
Sara just gaped at him, "No way. I don’t sing, especially in front of crowds. I’m not... very good."
"I have to disagree. You were humming back there in the car. If you sing half as good as you hum, you could beat these karaoke wannabes."
With a lot of coaxing and egging on, Sara reluctantly took the stage.
No one seemed to pay much attention to her as she chose a soulful ballad from the singer Billie Holiday, she directed her gaze on the only man who seemed intrigued. Dare she even think - impressed?

“I wished on the moon/ For something I never knew/ Wished on the moon/ For more than I ever knew/ A sweeter rose, a softer sky/ On April days that would not dance by/ I begged on the stars/ To throw me a beam or two/ Wished on the stars/ And asked for a dream or two/ I looked for every loveliness/ It all came true/ I wished on the moon for you..."

The few people who weren’t dead drunk or engaged in other activities applauded - though none clapped more or harder than Vartann.
With a quick bow she got off the stage and headed for the bar. If she needed a drink to calm her nerves, now was the time.
"Hey, I knew you’d be good, but wow! That was incredible." He caught up to her and grabbed her hand.
"Had anything - or anyone - in mind while you were singing?” His hand was on her cheek and she could tell he was as affected as she was.
"Yeah... I did have someone in mind... kind of."
Before she could rationalize or think of the consequences, she leaned in and kissed him. He seemed to anticipate it, leaning in and wrapping his arms around her.

No one paid attention to them which was just how they wanted it. In the dark, smoky club under the moon and stars.

I hope you lked the little Billie Holiday reference. I always thought Sara would do a good job with the soulful poetry of this siren. :)
Now I'm off to work on the new LH/Grissom ficlet, plus another challenge that someone PM'd me. ;)
hmmmm.....I'm going to have to think of another challenge for ya.......I'll have one in the morning, I'm going to think up a challenging one....hehehe :devil:
Okay, Catherinesmyidol, since you didn’t specify if it was her child or not, I’ll give Heather and Grissom some closure. J Here’s the response! Hope you like it. ;)

She got a weird look from the receptionist when she walked in. Of course, she was used to weird looks, but this time it was for a different reason.
"I’d like to see Mr. Grissom, please."
"Of course. You know where his office is," Judy replied still looking at the little pink bundle she was holding.

Knocking on his door was a little difficult, so Heather called his name out softly, hoping he would hear her. She was right, and he opened the door, looking surprised when he saw what - or specifically who - Lady Heather was holding.
"How are you, Gil?"
"I’m fine. What’s with the baby?" He didn’t beat around the bush.
"Her name is Shannon. She’s just three months old." Heather was absolutely glowing, "Isn’t she beautiful?"
"Yes..." Grissom was confused. He hadn’t seen Heather in awhile, but surely he would’ve noticed if Heather was... expecting.
"Do you know who the mother is?"
"Yes," she smiled at him, “I finally found my granddaughter."
Realization hit him as he saw the resemblance - Zoey’s daughter, the child Heather was looking for so desperately - she finally found her missing link. The link to her daughter.
He smiled sincerely, "I’m glad you found her. I’m sure this is a very important moment."
"That’s why I wanted to share it with you," Heather gave Grissom a knowing smile, and he felt a lump in his throat... feeling a bit of warmth and pride.
"Would you like to hold her?"
Now Grissom was hesitant. He didn’t know if he would be good at holding something so precious. He was not exactly good with children.
"I don’t know-"
"Come on, I’m sure you’ll look adorable holding her."
Heather handed little Shannon to the flustered entomologist. He held the soft, blanketed baby and marveled as the girl opened her eyes. She had the most brilliant green eyes he had ever seen. He was amazed at how beautiful this child looked, and how natural it felt to hold her.

"You look good holding that baby."
He smiled at Heather, and watched as Shannon opened her mouth, scrunched up her face and promptly spit up on the front of his shirt.
"Oh dear, I’m sorry," Heather took the baby as Grissom looked around for a cloth or something to wipe the mess off.
"It’s alright," he shrugged but thought it wouldn’t be good to wear the shirt while examining evidence.
"I have a change of clothes in my locker, I’ll be right back."

He came back with a new shirt on over his tank top. He hadn’t buttoned up the buttons yet - he didn’t want to keep Heather in his office too long.
"Hey. Need any help with your shirt?" She walked over to him, placing the baby in one hand as she wiped off the excess mess from his old shirt.
He watched her and smiled at how beautiful she looked.
"You make a beautiful mother."
"You wouldn’t be a bad father yourself," she smiled as she leaned in to kiss him. She would’ve deepened the kiss but Shannon cried out and she pulled away, reluctantly.
"Maybe you can get off work early." she suggested, cuddling Shannon.
"It’s a date."

There ya go, always happy to write to these challenges! Woah, I just checked this out and I have like three challenges waiting for me! :eek: Must get typing! :D
Thanks Hestia. Well since you were able to rise to the challenge I guess I didn't make it too hard. If I request one on your other thread how long would you make it? I wouldn't mind something alitle longer but I know on this thread you want to make them short and to the point. Again thanks.
Okay i've got a couple (one I tried to write myself but it didnt come out right when I did it... both are Snicker)
first one Sara and Nick have been secretly together, she's Pregnant and Just now beginning to show Write about how Everyones starting to figure everything out
The Other idea
a cross over Snicker/Danny and Lindsey one (CSI LV and CSI NY) I forget if You watch NY or not if not no worries just do the First request *bats eyes*
maan, you are popular Hestia :lol: when are you going to write all that?? :lol: okey, i've got another one for you :D guess what ship :D (T-4-2, Kessom or simply G/LH :lol: )
- Grissom ended his shift and is coming out of the lab to his Tahoe
- he sees Sofia, Sara and Lady Heather talking
- he walkes up to them, Heather kisses him and they take off by his car, Sara & Sofia shocked
- G/LH are stopped by police for driving too fast (Brass somehow is in that police car too)

i hope it's more challenging :D many thanks!
Ohh I got another one, so now you have three requests to work on.

Ship: Lady Heather/Grissom Sara/Greg
Sara still likes Grissom but catches him (doing whatever you want) with LH, so she gets really upset and Greg comforts her and she realizes "the hell with Grissom, I love Greg." Lol.
Sincityx, do you mean Sara/Greg? lol Otherwise it would be "the hell with Grissom, I love Nick."

And I'm adding to that challenge....as usual lol Sara has to randomly eat an oreo. haha, I amuse myself.
I must have been thinking of Nick... >.< I'll go fix that.
No snickers =O
I need to add to the oreo thing. She randomly eats an oreo and trys to dip it in her milk but she cant fit her hand in the glass. Like the oreo commerical :p