"Ficlets" about CSI: LV - Give me suggestions!

This is a combination response taken from SinCityx and ilovegrissom1 here’s the sandles sequel. I hope you guys like it. (Warning, major fluff and cuteness ahead) ;)

Marriages are made in heaven, right?

Greg thought so, even though making the actual wedding arrangements was a pain in the neck. After going through different ideas, ranging from a nice, outdoor wedding, to traditional church wedding, they decided they were getting married Vegas style.
Sara made clear she didn‘t want Elvis anywhere near the reception.

He invited dear old Papa Olaf, and Nana Olaf. They didn’t approve of having the baby and then getting married, but they were glad he was doing the right thing.
"I’m marrying her because I’m in love, not because it’s the ‘right thing’," he remembered telling them.
They just smiled and nodded.

He had a hard time finding a sitter. Their little one year old toddler was a curious guy and he was hesitant to bring him to the wedding. Catherine and Lindsey were more than happy to entertain him, and they promised to meet up with them after the nuptials.
Greg had to invite his fellow CSIs. Just about everyone was out in the hall, waiting.
Even Hodges.

"Are you nervous?"
He turned around. It was his best man, Nick.
"Does it show much?" Greg was still fidgeting with his tie. He had to change it after little Olaf accidentally flushed his other one down the toilet.
"Just use this clip on. You’re having a Vegas wedding, you don’t need to be all suit and tails," Nick tossed him a black clip on tie.
"Yeah, I’ll tell Sara you said that," Greg gave him a look.
She was adamant about no cheesiness or hokey-ness in their wedding. She wanted it to be classy and normal. She wasn’t exactly a “bridezilla” but a few times she came rather close.
'Was that the organ? Already?' Fumbling with the tie, he clipped it on and turned to look at Nick.
"As ready as I’ll ever be."

It was a beautiful wedding with only one little incident where the whole CSI team simultaneously turned to look at Grissom when the priest said, “Let him speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Needless to say he ducked his head and Sara got them to turn back with a single glare.

"This is so awesome!"
"Isn’t it?" Catherine boasted.
Her gift to the newlyweds was renting a beautiful banquet hall at the Tangiers. She didn’t disclose the amount, merely saying her father pulled some strings.
Greg reached over and grabbed the little boy from Catherine. So far the lights and activity were keeping the toddler busy.
"Pass him here, it‘s time to cut the cake." Nick walked over to get the baby.
"No," Sara stood up. "I want him in the picture. He should be with us when we cut the cake."
"Alright," Nick shrugged and got his camera ready.
The two newlyweds grabbed little Olaf by his hands and held him while they cut the cake. The little boy was startled by something and began to cry.
Greg bent over to comfort him, "Aww, don’t cry," he was rewarded with a little grin, "That's my little squishy!"
This elicited a round of “awws” by the women and laughter by the men.
"Little squishy?" Sara questioned, amused.
"We watched too much Nemo when he was a baby," Greg explained.
As they cut the cake she looked over at her two favorite boys, wondering how she got so lucky.

So fluffy! I had to do it! That squishy line was destined to go to little Olaf! :D Plus I snuck in that little scene with Grissom... always wondered if they got married, how Grissom would react. ^_^

CHILI_PEPPERS you have reviewed almost all my stories and had such awesome things to say! Would you like me to write something for you? Just give me a suggestion! It's the least I can do for such an awesome person! :)
I'm having a fit, laughing too hard.
Papa Olaf, Nana Olaf, Little Olaf.
Who would ever name their kid 'olaf'? Thats the kind of name of a who'd be picked on. Lol, great job!
(nothing to do with them getting married)
Sara meets Greg's parents.
Sara ends up climbing a tree and sitting on a branch with Greg. And Sara has to say "Do you ever feel like someones watching you?"
SinCityx here’s your sandle challenge response. Hope you like it. :)

Sara was more than a little nervous. Butterflies were doing flip flops in her stomach ... Or something like that.
"You okay," Greg looked over at her. He was concerned at how tightly she was gripping the side of the seat.
"Your parents are okay with me visiting for their reunion, right?"
"Sara," he chided gently, "We’ve been dating for two years, and they already know what you look like. You’re practically family!"
"It’s one thing to see a picture of your son’s girlfriend. And talking to her on the phone twice a year. I’m meeting them face to face!" she argued. Surely he could see why she was so nervous. She had to make a good first impression. she gazed out the window and sighed.
"Don’t worry," he grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "They’ll love you. Like I love you," he smiled.
"Awww, how sweet!"
Sara and Greg turned to look at the old, gray haired woman who was sitting on the aisle seat.
"Do you mind? We were having a romantic moment here."
"You remind me of me and my husband when we were dating," the older woman said, not paying attention to what Greg said.
"Yeah... just pretend to sleep," Sara whispered, chuckling as she saw him trying to ignore the old woman’s reminiscing.

Sara and Greg got off the plane and headed for baggage claim, a little tired but still in one piece. They grabbed their luggage and walked through the metal detectors.
"I think I see her," he squinted toward the large group of people in the lobby, some waving signs.
"Yep! That’s my mom," Greg grinned and grabbed Sara’s hand.

Here goes nothing...

"Hi, I’m Sara Sidle, you must be- oof!"
She was wrapped in a bear hug. She didn’t even get a chance to properly introduce herself, but at least she felt less nervous.
"You’re Greggy’s girlfriend! Oh, you look as pretty as your pictures," the smiling, older woman said. She had a positive demeanor that managed to rub off on everyone. Even the nervous, somewhat grumpy Sara.
"How was you flight?"
"Bad food, cramped seats. Typical flight, dad," Greg smiled at the older gentleman who was beside the woman.
The two men shared a brief hug before Greg's mom ushered them all to a minivan.
"We’re going to have a ball! You’ll get to meet all of Greggy’s relatives," the woman smiled at Sara. “If they drive you nutty, just let me know," she winked at the brunette.

It had been a tiring few days, full of laughter, more hugs, awkward introductions, and screaming - and that was just from the adults.
Greg’s little cousins, nephews, and nieces seemed to adore him. He looked like he was having a blast entertaining them.
‘He’s gonna make a great dad someday,’ Sara blushed at her own thoughts.
With a sigh, she walked outside.
The rolling green pasture and the great old trees were idyllic and beautiful. Currently the young children were looking for her, in a cross between ‘hide and seek’ and ‘capture the princess’. Greg offered them his flashlight if they found Sara. ‘No one will find me out here...’

"There you are! Up a tree, huh?" Greg looked up at Sara.
"I guess you found me. So you keep the flash light," she smiled at him.
"Nope. The first kid to find you gets the flash light, and as immature as I am, I’m no kid."
Greg joined her on the branch, the leaves and other branches did much to shield her - he almost didn’t see her up there.
"What are you thinking about?" He saw that she had her ‘pondering face’. And she turned to him, "I shouldn’t have been nervous. You’re family is so nice, and I’m glad I’m part of it,” she hesitated before adding, "You looked really good with those kids. Maybe... you‘ll have your own kids to play around with," she smiled dreamily.
"Yeah well..." he looked away, a little embarrassed but pleased that she might consider a future with him.

After a few peaceful minutes of bliss and comfort, Sara turned to him. She looked dead serious.
"Do you ever feel like someone’s watching you?"
"There’s the princess!"
Sara laughed as she pointed down to the little twins.
"They were watching us. I guess they just figured out we were up here." Sara shot Greg a silly smile.
"They caught us," Greg smiled at Sara as he helped her down. He yelled to the rest of the kids, "I guess we have two winners! How about a new game? I want some time alone with the princess..."

I can handle all tough challanges. Ha! I laugh at these challanges! Well... not really, but I smiled typing them all. :)
Leave any suggestions and comments right here, and I ENCOURAGE EVERYONE WHO READS THIS THREAD to post their own challenge! I'm up for pretty much anything! ;)
That was funny! :p
Next challenge?
Sandles duh.
Sara catches Greg playing The Sims2 and when Greg leaves the room she starts to play his game and notices the two characters named Greg and Sara are married. (This is at work when she catches him).
SinCityx this is my response, and now... the sandle ficlet. :D

After everyone had gone to their respective assignments, Sara noticed Greg stayed behind.
"Greg, why are you still here?"
"Go on without me, I still have to wrap up the Jones case."
She left with an odd feeling.

When she drove back to the lab it dawned on her - they had already closed the Jones case. It was deemed a suicide.
‘Why would he lie?’ she wondered.
She got out of the car and walked back to the lab. Passing a room she thought was empty, she spotted Greg in the corner, doing something on the computer.
He stayed behind to do computer work? Oh well. At least he wasn’t goofing off.

Little did she realize she spoke to soon. After he got up and walked to the bathroom, she thought it wouldn’t hurt to take a peek.
He was playing the Sims2? At work?
Grissom will have his head, she sighed. How juvenile! And yet.....
She sat down after glancing back at the hall.
Coast was clear.
"I cannot believe he’s playing this game," she said to herself.
Upon further inspection she realized the virtual couple looked very familiar... the Sim guy had spiky brown hair and wore a funky t-shirt. The Sim girl had shoulder length, brown, wavy hair and wore an outfit that Sara swore she had in her closet...
She laughed softly as she saw the Sim wife nagging her Sim husband to take out the trash. ‘How cute,’ she thought. They even had a little Sim baby.
She stopped laughing when she checked out their names.

‘Sara and Greg?’

She was about to check some more when she heard some footsteps.
"Crap!" She tried to close the window, but ended up quitting the game. In a panic she got up and ran out. She almost ran into Greg but she quickly excused herself and made a beeline for the restroom.
"That was close..."

She was a little confused and even a little flattered.
‘Greg totally got my look down… even the outfit,’ she mused. She knew he would find out she saw the game, and figured she should avoid him.
She did a pretty good job up until the end of shift when he ran into her in the parking lot.
"Oh. Hi, Greg." she looked a little guilty.
"Hi," he gave her a funny look.
Should she mention the game? He didn’t say anything... maybe he was just being polite. After about a minute of awkward silence, she just blurted it out, "I saw your Sims game! You had my name and your name, and we were married!” After he just stared at her she added, "....Sorry I turned it off."
He grinned sheepishly, "You saw everything?"
"Are you mad at me?"
“Well... not really. I’m just wondering - why me?”
"It's always been a little fantasy of mine." He shrugged.
She was even more flattered and all her embarrassment faded.
"So... how would you feel if your fantasy became a reality?" She smiled coyly at him.

Alright, I hope you guys liked it! ;) Any comments suggestions, other things, just post it here! Don't be shy, I won't bite! :)
Awww!! Thats adorable! Cute cute!! :3!
Next Challenge because I can:
Greg and Sara are playing hide and seek at work because they just finished a case.
Greg finds her in the grils bathroom in one of the unlocked stalls, and kisses her there.

Randomness is my specialty
it's me again :D and you probably already know what my request is gonna be :lol: G/LH of course!! :D could you include:
1. LH coming to G's apartment
2. G is called in but doesn't answer his phone

thanks!! :)