WOW this episode was spectatular, intense, riveting, intriguing and suspensful. Just re-watched to post my views, and comments on this episode. How the whole team were on the same page and so connected on catching this freak-show. One of the things I love about CSI, they want to get him as much as Ray does. And I guess if someone had been tormenting, taunting and on a killing spree for two years I'd be a little, no alot more miffed off than Ray was. I guess we could call this Cathskell, Brasskell, Nickskell, Gregskell, & Docskell, not just Raskell beings they were heavily into getting this creep captured.:thumbsup:
The opening scene with Nick and Ray seemily lost out in the sticks, a cow in the road and Nick MOOOOs:lol: Ray so full of angst, he's so good his timing so perfect. Nick "manure with a hint of decomp" Body parts that don't match up
Ray gets a call and splits leaving poor Nick abandoned~
Brass, Cath waiting, Haskell on video rambling agin about Ray "Maybe you don't like looking in the mirror Ray" [oh shut up] and Rays expressions:bolian:
Tinsdale one of Haskells brides parents [Bruce Davison] good in this role. hey haven't seen Vivian in years. Cath:
"We all want the same thing, we don't want Nate Haskell to kill your daughter"
Nick and Doc going over the body parts Doc:"You smell like a porta-potty" Thinks' the hads were cut off with an hand ax. Archie [so cute] and good always to see him. In walks Sofia and Archie congrats. her on her promotion. She still looks the same very pretty. and good to see her back.
Ray and her meet, he's so distracted by what's going on hes a bit stand-offish. She wants to call in the FEDS, he doesn't Archie finds out where he's been sending these videos. Rays right on, or is he?
Trickery:evil: He calls they can't track his call. Doc to Nick "Thank you for showering" Nick: "I didn't necessarily do it for you, but your welcome":rommie: One of the hands was that of a doctor, so Greg and him find the seedy office and once again Nick breaks a door. Blood everywhere~
Brass and Ray at the park they tell Tinsdale to answer his phone but he screws up. One of Nates gals was lurking around, he finds a little gift box And this chick Tina Vincent stars running and Ray knocks her to the ground:wtf: "Where's Nate", she just laughs again he asks and then Brass yells "Ray, hey Ray"~
Cath and she was great in this, and looked stunning and was on top of her game. Her and the girl bantering and she goes "I admire his courage because he's a victim" oh PLEASE:scream: Her attorney defends her with Ray watching through the 2-way glass. Your prison's can't hold Nate"
Ray going over the pkg. and Henry a bit timid cause' he sees how ticked off Ray is. Ray: "Where's Hodges" ? Henry: "He's moving out of his mothers house, finally, don't know who's more traumatized":vulcan: He says he'll help~
I've never seen Ray this short-tempered with his team, but for good reason. They go over to Tinsdales house Brass: [from cell phone] "That's not the deal, sounds like it was about you". They seize all his records~
Nick & Greg examning the crime scene, someone killed the doctor and the nurse.
Nick and some freaky chick she and him go round and round "Vegas is the fugitive capital of the world" Nick: "I didn't know that'" [sure he did], then she goes into vivid detail about her hubby and vibrators & it makes Nick wince [he's so cute] and very uncomfortable:cardie:
Greg finds bullet that matches in Haskell's escape. Nick think's he might have has plastic surgery Greg: "Haskell could just be another face in the crowd" NIck: "we don't know who we're looking for anymore"
Round table discussion [but the table is square] why, where and how . Ray comes up with the real deal, he's so brilliant, and has been researching his evil ways for 2 years. Brass: "So why the dog and pony show in the park? Ray: "Don't know, but it's got something to do with the pic. in the box?
Archie finds another video [he's so creepy and spooky] EWWW:klingon: So Cath goes "blackmail" Greg says he withdrew $2 mill [Tinsadale] The Ray goes on a total ballstic rampage Cath goes after him "I know what your going" Cath calms him down. She was fantastic in this scene. He does calm down and he goes "What do you want to do boss"? Cath:
"we go after Haskell together" a team effort.
Tinsdale kills himself and there's another video to Ray GEEZ
Mrs Tinsdale talls Cath some off-the-wall eerie stuff about him and Vivian.
Greg in lab, to Nick, Greg: "You sure you got all the body parts"? Nick: "I'm sure I'm not going to like what you tell me" Nothing adds up again, they g back to the farm, and find unbeliveable crap and another corpse. Haskell is the killer from hell. Sofia [she sure wasn't in it much for a return visit]
Cath finds file Ray and Super Dave, Ray wants to see hands finds lead on them. Doc: "I know your curious for answers" so Vivian killed them all and it goes back and shows Haskell with bandages on his face, Ray goes "this isn't Haskell's MO, it was Tina plus Calvin Frost an innocent bystander, helped them, the they killed him too. Cath: "He's been playing us the whole time" Brass :"The joker without the laughs":rommie: More discussion and Ray hits pay dirt "He's not in Vegas", he fits all the pieces, like a puzzle. Cath "So their traveling as a couple, less attention, plastic surgery cash and a bimbo" Brass "call LAPD"~
Then it cuts to the recital, with Gloria playing the bass fiddle with her husband watchng [he doesn't seem to be palying with a full deck], says "it is his wife" and who's sitting next to him Tina with Evil Haskell, those eyes are the devils:devil:chills down my spine.. and the
to be continued